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Madeleine Mccann Missing Girl

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On another board that I go to the knvies are already out for them. Trust me, this one is tame in comparison. (And no, it's not the Morton board :P)

Likewise. To be honest, on that board the knives have been out since the global media tour happened. They got a pasting then, so this is seen as some kind of vindication.

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I agree. that does make it surprising.

There was the semi-recent case though of the woman who murdered her boyfriend, and did the whole tearful plea for someone to come forward, grieving partner thing. Then it was discovered she had murdered him and hid the evidence at the hospital he was taken to. Can't remember her name now.

Tracey Andrews wasn't it? I haven't googled it, just that's the name I think I recall. It's hardly the same though, she was a Grade A nutter and it didn't require any collusion. For the McCann's to have "done it" loads of collusion would be required and not just from the two of them. It's ridiculous that no-one in the group would have cracked by now if it were the case.

I think you'll find that all references to finding blood in the boot came from the McCann camp. doubt we'd even be having this debate if the aunts, uncles, grandparents and friends hadn't decided to cash in in what appears to be a desperate final pay-cheque for them.

Possibly. I haven't paid much attention to who said what. I don't think it's relevant anyway. The point was people on this thread have referred to blood and so far as I've read it wasn't blood.

Excuse my ignorance anyway but can a days or weeks old body "bleed" anyway? :unsure:

That's one statistic of many.

I would never dream of saying the McCann's did it because parent-child murders are common.

But others have. You can make statistics say anything you want anyway depending on how you specify it. What is the ratio of parental involvement in crimes against children in Portugal / mainland Europe whilst on holiday from the UK?

Edited by Skyline Drifter
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Excuse my ignorance anyway but can a days or weeks old body "bleed" anyway? :unsure:

The mention of blood came from one of the McCann's side. According to a few reports it's bodily fluids that were discovered in the boot. All sorts of assumptions and theories can be made from that including that they are able to tell they came from a decaying corpse, which is a horrific thought indeed.

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But others have. You can make statistics say anything you want anyway depending on how you specify it. What is the ratio of parental involvement in crimes against children in Portugal / mainland Europe whilst on holiday from the UK?

I know, and I agree with what you're saying.

I have no idea of those particular stats :P

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I would never dream of saying the McCann's did it because parent-child murders are common.
But others have.
I know, and I agree with what you're saying.

Has anyone actually said that they think the parents did it just because of statistics?

If they did I missed it. Who was it*?

*I hope it wasn't me.

Edited by Ziggy
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The mention of blood came from one of the McCann's side. According to a few reports it's bodily fluids that were discovered in the boot.

According to todays Observer, a 'senior source close to the investigation' is claiming that there was no blood found in the car and that the DNA sample could have come from any item that Madeleine had been in contact with.

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Okay, here goes ( a quick post before my tea). Assuming she's dead, most murders are commited by people the victim knows - friends, family etc. So, I think we can discount her toddler playmates, which leaves her parents and their mysterious 'friends', who we have heard little from.

In a murder investigation, those close to the victim are suspected. The parents fit the bill, what with their superficial grief and enjoyment of the perks.

This is a totally predictable turn of events IMO. Why the parents weren't immediately made formal suspects I don't know. After all isn't it the case that in the majority of these incidents close family turn out to be the offenders?
Hmm, statistically the most likely killer in murder cases is a friend or close family member, I believe.

It wasn't her, she's just covering up Gerry's work. <_<

Has anyone actually said that they think the parents did it just because of statistics?

If they did I missed it. Who was it*?

*I hope it wasn't me.

Well there's three to be going on with, though I'm still not sure whether xbl was just being a deliberate arse at the time or being serious. The other two may contend that they were merely highlighting it after they started being pointed at by the media rather than saying it directly themselves.

I couldn't be arsed searching the whole thread though.

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Well there's three to be going on with, though I'm still not sure whether xbl was just being a deliberate arse at the time or being serious. The other two may contend that they were merely highlighting it after they started being pointed at by the media rather than saying it directly themselves.

I couldn't be arsed searching the whole thread though.

Statistically speaking, they ought to be suspects, but can't be convicted on statistics obviously.

My view is they've done it accidentally and have tried to cover it up. , ie she fell and banged her head while they were gone, died and they've hidden the body to stop conviction for neglect.

For some reason i find that most plausible, and I hope its the case rather than Gerry being a callous murderer.

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To be honest, I have no idea whether the parents are responsible for killing Madeleine, if indeed she is dead.

However, I do think that if she is dead, they are, in part, responsible for it, by neglecting her and her siblings. They have still not accepted responsibility for that, and neither have their pals who were irresponsibly doing the same thing. They should definitely be prosecuted at the end of this sorry affair, at least for child neglect.

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There's definitely something about the whole case that doesn't add up - I certainly find it difficult to imagine a child kidnapper / murderer walking down the street and thinking : "Hmm, sure wish I had a child to abduct. I know, I'll look in that flat there! There's bound to be kids in there on their own!"

Also seems a bit strange that there were another two kids in there, and only one was taken. That said, as has already been said, it's a bit difficult to imagine the parents whipping up such a media frenzy if they were trying to cover over the fact that they'd done it - possible, but still unlikely. Also, they'd have to have found one fucker of a good place to hide the body in a foreign country.

Hard to say, really - definitely wouldn't go jumping to conclusions about it.

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Well there's three to be going on with, though I'm still not sure whether xbl was just being a deliberate arse at the time or being serious. The other two may contend that they were merely highlighting it after they started being pointed at by the media rather than saying it directly themselves.

I couldn't be arsed searching the whole thread though.

Thanks, I wouldn't have blamed you if you didn't look at all. This threads been going for miles.

I was gonna respond but it would only make me look like a pedantic b*****d especially in light of some of the nonsense that has been posted.

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To be honest, I have no idea whether the parents are responsible for killing Madeleine, if indeed she is dead.

However, I do think that if she is dead, they are, in part, responsible for it, by neglecting her and her siblings. They have still not accepted responsibility for that, and neither have their pals who were irresponsibly doing the same thing. They should definitely be prosecuted at the end of this sorry affair, at least for child neglect.

What exactly do they have to do in your eyes to "accept responsibility" for neglect. I'm not going to hoy through the hundreds of thousands of online comments on this story now but I distinctly recall an interview where Gerry conceded they'd been wrong to leave Madelaine alone as they did and it was a mistake they'd have to live with for the rest of their lives. Is that not accepting responsibility?

These people have been through enough. Not a single thing will be achieved by a neglect prosecution now if we presume for the moment that they are innocent of anything else.

Also seems a bit strange that there were another two kids in there, and only one was taken.

I don't see how that's strange at all. Presuming we're talking about one individual and not a gorup of people then I don't see how he could realistically have coped with the removal of two or three infants at once. It would vastly increase the difficulty of it. I would imagine also that the twins were quite possibly younger than he wanted for his nefarious purposes.

All pre-supposing of course that it was a paedophile that did it.

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I don't see how that's strange at all. Presuming we're talking about one individual and not a gorup of people then I don't see how he could realistically have coped with the removal of two or three infants at once. It would vastly increase the difficulty of it. I would imagine also that the twins were quite possibly younger than he wanted for his nefarious purposes.

All pre-supposing of course that it was a paedophile that did it.

Fair point. Hadn't really thought that one through, to be fair.

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I feel 100% sympathy for the McCann family today.

Not only are they dealing with the trauma of returning home from Portugal without their little girl, or having to do so with a thousand camera lenses in their face, or even facing the ridiculous notion of being charged for a murder they couldn't possibly have committed - they are also now surely accepting that their little girl is dead.

That on it's own is punishment enough IMO for what was a case of "neglect" that thousands have done before them.

If anything good comes out of this sorry affair it will be that everyone will be far more protective of their children.

I actually wonder how they are still functioning at all at the moment.

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Do you? :o

Someone should tell that Nat Fraser then. :rolleyes:

BBC Clicky

And as for the blood, nobody's said they've found blood have they? They've said they found something which might be her DNA or very similar. Not an astonishing find in a car used by her parents. I'm no scientist but I know DNA is inherited. :rolleyes:

Is DNA between siblings not also similar?

The only place I've heard it reported as being blood is on this thread. All of the newspaper reports reported "possible bodily fluids" of Madelines.

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or even facing the ridiculous notion of being charged for a murder they couldn't possibly have committed

People who claim there is no way they could have been invloved in the accidental or otherwise killing of their daughter are just as bad as those making assumptions about the McCann's guilt.

There is absolutely no point in speculating or making statements one way or the other as we know nothing about the case in relation to what the police do.

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Must have been easier to take one of the twins, if they just wanted to snatch a 4 year old it would have been easier to grab a unguarded kid off the street.

Instead of spying and working out the McCanns meal/bevvy up routine then breaking into the apartment and sloping off into the night.

The McCanns aren't telling the whole truth.

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Not only are they dealing with the trauma of returning home from Portugal without their little girl,

Why didn't they come back into the country quietly - with a "No comment " to the waiting press. Why take the opportunity to have another media audience if all they want to do is get back to normality for the sale of the twins?

I'm just baffled by their behaviour. Its typical of behaviour displayed in the past by the thrill-seeking guilty.

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Why didn't they come back into the country quietly - with a "No comment " to the waiting press. Why take the opportunity to have another media audience if all they want to do is get back to normality for the sale of the twins?

I'm just baffled by their behaviour. Its typical of behaviour displayed in the past by the thrill-seeking guilty.


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