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Madeleine Mccann Missing Girl

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You must have a bloody big garden then!

It is also quite different than being in the garden when the kids are asleep. For a start, you are on the premises and are able to monitor things much more effectively, including entry to your house! Sitting with your pals having dinner at different premises while you have left your toddlers a five minute walk away is neglect.

It`s a big garden and a big house. You wouldn`t like me <_<

There have been times when I have been out the front garden and came in the front door and forgot to lock it, then I`d go through the house to the back and have dinner outside when the kids are asleep and I wouldn`t be able to tell you if someone had been round the front.

The McCanns were no further from their kids than I am from mine sitting in the garden. I have also been pished with friends while the kids were asleep. The McCanns were wrong to leave the kids like that and they will have to live with that. Whether that warrants wasting taxpayers money on an investigation of their fitness to be parents and getting a bunch of bearded left wing social workers involved is another story altogether.

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I see social services have apparently said, after spending an hour with the McCann's over tea and biscuits, that the twins are perfectly safe and no further action will be taken.

Social Services have always been useless at dealing with the middle classes, and here's the proof. Regardless of whether the McCann's were involved in Madeleine's disappearance / demise, they have still acknowledged they left three very small children alone. This is a clear case of neglect as defined by Section 12 of the Children and Young Person's Act 1937. I would have imagined any risk assessment should have focussed on the McCann's attitude to their behaviour, rather than some woolly discussion about "child care techniques".

At the very least, I would have thought their actions not only merit an appearance at the local Sheriff Court but also an invitation to a Child Protection Case Conference. I'm quite sure that would be the course of action for a single parent from Possil who leaves her weans home alone. Double standards :angry:

Aparently they only got involved at the McCann's request :rolleyes:

We've all been in the garden when the kids have been in bed but the McCanns were in a foreign country on a family holiday. It's a totally different scenario.

We always took the kids with us when we went out to dinner on our holidays. They would fall asleep in their buggy if they felt the need but at least they were beside us. I don't know anyone who would leave their kids in a strange place to go for a meal. The kids would probably be terrified if they woke up and no-one responded to their cries.

I'm pretty sure that if a couple in any large city locked their kids in a flat and went 50 yards across the road to the pub for a meal and drinks they would be charged with child negelct if found out.

It's been reported that the person who joined the table late said she didn't see anyone come or go to check on the apartments in the time she was there. Gerry's statement to the press said they checked on the apartments, not the kids. Others at the table also said they were told not to enter the kid's room in case they woke them up which means that G & K were the only ones to see Maddy between 6.30pm and 10.30pm.

For the conspiricy theorists - There's also the stuff going about on the internet about the Fatima cult. Haven't read too much about it yet but there's a religious shrine nearby where 3 kids were visited by the Virgin Mary. There's also similar shrines in Belgium and Holland where sightings of Maddy were reported. Gerry apparently visited these two places soon after.

IVF is frowned apon by the Catholic Church and the Fatimu cult preach something about a personal sacrifice to make up for your sins. A personal pilgramage funded by public donation is part of that too. As the McCanns had 3 kids by IVF it's thought that they agreed to give one up as their personal sacrifice and they had the pilgrimage to see the Pope funded by other people.

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Aparently they only got involved at the McCann's request :rolleyes:

We've all been in the garden when the kids have been in bed but the McCanns were in a foreign country on a family holiday. It's a totally different scenario.

We always took the kids with us when we went out to dinner on our holidays. They would fall asleep in their buggy if they felt the need but at least they were beside us. I don't know anyone who would leave their kids in a strange place to go for a meal. The kids would probably be terrified if they woke up and no-one responded to their cries.

I'm pretty sure that if a couple in any large city locked their kids in a flat and went 50 yards across the road to the pub for a meal and drinks they would be charged with child negelct if found out.

It's been reported that the person who joined the table late said she didn't see anyone come or go to check on the apartments in the time she was there. Gerry's statement to the press said they checked on the apartments, not the kids. Others at the table also said they were told not to enter the kid's room in case they woke them up which means that G & K were the only ones to see Maddy between 6.30pm and 10.30pm.

For the conspiricy theorists - There's also the stuff going about on the internet about the Fatima cult. Haven't read too much about it yet but there's a religious shrine nearby where 3 kids were visited by the Virgin Mary. There's also similar shrines in Belgium and Holland where sightings of Maddy were reported. Gerry apparently visited these two places soon after.

IVF is frowned apon by the Catholic Church and the Fatimu cult preach something about a personal sacrifice to make up for your sins. A personal pilgramage funded by public donation is part of that too. As the McCanns had 3 kids by IVF it's thought that they agreed to give one up as their personal sacrifice and they had the pilgrimage to see the Pope funded by other people.

No it isn`t. They were in a resort that encourages you to take children. It has a childminding service if you want to use it. Lots of these resorts are around nowadays.

When my son was born we took him to a hotel which offered a similar service to the one at the McCanns resort. We went to dinner while he was asleep in another building and decided to check on him from time to time. Theres no difference to what we did really and what the McCanns did. You are still trusting strangers not to be dodgy.

And like I already explained to you I have left my front door unlocked by mistake several times. If someone had been watching then they could have been in and ransacked the house ar taken one of the kids and I wouldn`t have had a clue until I checked on them.

And yes, you are quite right. You really should have the kids beside you at all times on holiday. After whats happened to the McCanns I don`t think anyone will be leaving their kids under any circumstances.

Apart from one or two drugged up schemies who are exactly like the McCanns in every way. :rolleyes:

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Man - "I've had an affair and been cheating on my wife"

Joan - "Burn in hell you worthless peice of shit"

Woman - "I've had an affair and been cheating on my husband"

Joan - "Ach, don't we all dear - hope you enjoyed it"


No psychology degree needed here. The nervous laugh when he says the word 'sedatives' coupled with the fiddling with the ear and looking away from the interviewer.

Gerry McCann is not a good liar.

I cringed watching that. As you say, awful liar.

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So tell me then HB - what do you find attractive in Kate McCann?

She has a seriously ugly mouth. But I await to be enlightened by you.

She is definitely a MILF.

Has a Jenny Agutter quality to her for me. I've always found her foxy. Nice mix of poshness and fitness. Lovely.

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Guest Ron Burgundy

I'm not sure i'd consider two visual checks in four hours reasonable......if you left your children with a nursery and three kids were locked in a room asleep whilst the staff sat in a cafe across the road watching the front door getting pissed I think most parents would assume action would be taken to prosecute the staff, at least to ensure they never worked with children again.

I think it's entirely reasonable that social services follow their remit and are seen to implement the guidelines for child protection, of course at times it will be spurious or go wrong but in the main they do have childrens best interests at heart and work in situations where there is often no good solution.

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Guest Fast_Action
She is definitely a MILF.

Has a Jenny Agutter quality to her for me. I've always found her foxy. Nice mix of poshness and fitness. Lovely.

What the heck is a MILF?

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Guest Captain Saintsible

The bit I find hard to believe about leaving the kids asleep in the room while they went out - is the fact that a 4 year old would go to bed at 7.30pm while on holiday and fall asleep.

My own daughter is 3 and is pretty laid back and easy to handle (unlike my hyperactive son)...... butthere ain't no way she'd have gone to bed at 7.30pm on holiday!!

Its THAT bit of it all which should cause the most concern about them as parents........

Edited by Captain Saintsible
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Guest Fast_Action
The bit I find hard to believe about leaving the kids asleep in the room while they went out - is the fact that a 4 year old would go to bed at 7.30pm while on holiday and fall asleep.

My own daughter is 3 and is pretty laid back and easy to handle (unlike my hyperactive son)...... butthere ain't no way she'd have gone to bed at 7.30pm on holiday!!

Its THAT bit of it all which should cause the most concern about them as parents........

I had not thought about that.

Where you have a lot going on in a resort, and friends about, it is stretching the imagination a bit to assume that a four year old will say good night at 7.30pm and duly fall asleep.

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