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Madeleine Mccann Missing Girl

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There's some easily accessible quotes and statements about one of the Tapas 9 who made a couple people feel uncomfortable around their daughter. The same individual's behaviour in the following days after the disappearance were noted as unusual in police records.

Probably shite.

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I watched a very small snippet. I'm trying to avoid feeding the media circus and I think I'm incredibly unlikely to volunteer useful information or crack the case from the clues we have to hand. On the other hand, I believe in challenging some of the bizarre reaction to the story. I'm not sure if that is hypocritical or not.

On the other point, I would say that 'even IF' the quote was in her book, which I don't accept at the moment, it has to have entered their head that she may have been abducted in order to be raped. Unfortunately, we're unlikely to get to the bottom of it because no-one would ever in their right mind own up to owning that book.

To be fair, if your bairn had been abducted, your imagination would be away wi' the goalie - as disturbing as that statement by Mrs McCann is, I'm not sure that anything can be read into it - you'd be out of your mind, imagining all sorts.

Edited by paranoid android
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I'm an open minded person - but are you telling me that the McCann's were not only involved in this but also managed to convince their friends to lie on their behalf ?

That Jane tanner woman also pointed the finger at Robert Murat.

Whether the mcann's put them up to it or not she was lying.

Edited by T_S_A_R
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To be fair, if your bairn had been abducted, your imagination would be away wi' the goalie - as disturbing as that statement by Mrs M is, I'm not sure that anything can be read into it - you'd be out of your mind, imagining all sorts.

It's not a genuine extract though is it ?

*goes back to check :unsure2: *

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I'm fairly certain she said something along the lines of "weeks, months ... years !" (I may be wrong though !)

She absolutely did. I'm beginning to wonder how many people actually watched the programme properly and listened to what was being said.

To be fair, if your bairn had been abducted, your imagination would be away wi' the goalie - as disturbing as that statement by Mrs M is, I'm not sure that anything can be read into it - you'd be out of your mind, imagining all sorts.

I had to read this post twice. I was wondering what I'd said!

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I think the pertinent question is, who abducted the boy in the efits lower jaw?


Did he go into Maccies and have about 14 Big Macs during the course of the kidnapping?

On the right:


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It was a freakish occurrence that could happen to anyone who doesn't stare at his or her children for 24 hours a day. But very, very unlikely.  Children have been abducted from bedrooms and back gardens while parents have been in the house. I'm assuming most of the posters having a go at the McCanns are not parents. I pity the children of those who are. 

The one thing I dont understand is why book a Mark Warner holiday where Childcare is part of the package and then not use it. Its their big selling point and something they will always regret
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To be fair, if your bairn had been abducted, your imagination would be away wi' the goalie - as disturbing as that statement by Mrs McCann is, I'm not sure that anything can be read into it - you'd be out of your mind, imagining all sorts.

That's if she even made the statement. A scan where the word 'genitals' is highlighted in a different colour from the rest of a highlighted section, with a border around it, is unconvincing tbh, especially given the differing quote I managed to dig up with a quick search.

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That's if she even made the statement. A scan where the word 'genitals' is highlighted in a different colour from the rest of a highlighted section, with a border around it, is unconvincing tbh, especially given the differing quote I managed to dig up with a quick search.


I don't know what would be the worse - her saying it in the first place, or people twisting it to make it look as though she said it.

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I'm not a parent (gasps from the audience) but it seems some people are using this to try to promote themselves to parent of the year.

People saying 'I wouldn't have done that' 'can't believe they did that' I'm pretty sure every parent does something that is hardly in the how to parent manual.

It is virtually impossible to watch a child 24/7 and probably very unhealthy to try.

I also find it quite ironic they appealed to David Cameron to let British detectives comb through the evidence after his little moment of forgetfulness with his kid.

How's about some of you smug parents quit the bullshit that you are so great and maybe say something constructive and less tedious.

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If you google another line in the extract, "I remember this walk well.", you get on a convincing Google Ebook version, which has the "genitals" quote. Given the context, massive worry and grief in the public eye, I don't find the quote disturbing or surprising. The editor should have taken it out though.

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