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Madeleine Mccann Missing Girl

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A couple of things that stand out as strange to me:

Why did they take the kids on holiday in the first place if they were so intent on getting pissed without them?

Why did Kate refuse to answer 47 of 48 questions?

Also,I don't have kids but if I was them I would have killed myself long.ago, couldn't live with being in some way responsible for my child's death.

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A couple of things that stand out as strange to me:

Why did they take the kids on holiday in the first place if they were so intent on getting pissed without them?

Why did Kate refuse to answer 47 of 48 questions?

Also,I don't have kids but if I was them I would have killed myself long.ago, couldn't live with being in some way responsible for my child's death.

They have handled £millions since her disappearance, a lot to live for!

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Kate and Gerry McCann have admitted they made a mistake leaving their daughter alone on the night of her disappearance.

But the angry couple deny that leaks from their police statements show they failed to keep a proper watch on Madeleine.

The documents reveal that Madeleine and younger brother Sean woke up crying the night before the four-year-olds disappearance but her parents did not hear her as they were dining at a nearby restaurant.

First 3 sentences from the article you posted.

Fair play, they did admit a mistake (in the Daily Mail, you can see why I missed it!).

They had been out the night before, and had come home to crying weans. Definitely a cracking idea to go out again the next night!

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The idea that the McCann's had a hand in her disappearance isn't exactly a conspiracy theory. I believe that at the time it was the Portuguese polices theory about what happened to her - think the police chief had to quit over it.

If I remember, didn't the media here try to make them out to be rubbish foreign police not up to the job and that they had bungled the whole case? It doesn't make it true and if the police genuinely thought that it was a possibility then surely it probably was a possibility.

One thing, they certainly seem to have some friends in high places, one to have got so much media resources in the first place but secondly to have kept it in the public eye for so long. Every so often a new lead, sighting, suspect comes up and then it goes away again, either unproven or disproved altogether.

As someone said before, I suspect this latest one has more to do with justifying the amount of police still in Portugal investigating the case. I seriously doubt there is rally anything new to be learnt out there that isn't known already, especially after all this time.

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No one on here, including myself really knows what happened, but some of the derogatory comments aimed at the McCanns, is in my opinion, disgusting and in many cases unfair.

They are guilty of gross stupidity, no question, as we're the other members of the tapas party who were fortunate not to suffer a similar fate, however they don't deserve this life long punishment. No one does.

Yes they made a mistake, leaving their kids alone, but there isn't a parent out there who hasn't made a mistake when it comes to their children. To say they haven't been brought to task about that, is a moot point, I think the guilt they will feel about it for the rest of their lives,will be punishment enough.

As a parent of a young child , i can only imagine the pain they have went through and are going through every day of their lives. However some people appear to criticise them for the ongoing media campaign; surely if it was your child you'd want round the clock 24/7 365 coverage until your child was found? Just find that particular criticism unfair.

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My Mrs said yesterday, nobody deserves this to happen

I told her to shut her puss. Any parent that leaves there child unattended while they play sexual hide and seek in a tapas bar deserves exactly this to happen.

If my house ggets burgled and it turns out I left my door unlocked them I'm responsible. If I go to my local and leave my kids in a house and They get napped, it's my fault.

Something reeks in all of this. The mccanns know the truth and I believe they are desperately covering up what happened. Why so much love and media attention? Hundreds of people go missing each year. In fact a relative if mine went missing from his Naval vessel in Dubai, yet there is f**k all outcry and crimewatch reenactment. Is it because the McCanns have money and others dont have a pot to piss in?

The should be charged with neglect and have their other kids taken into care. Horrendous human beings the pair of them. Remember what happened to Charlie Mulgrew when he went to pay for his fuel, he was the worst parent alive but poor old Kate and Gerry only went to get pissed and have some tapas (which is bowfin by the way) and they need our money and help, f**k OFF.

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No one on here, including myself really knows what happened, but some of the derogatory comments aimed at the McCanns, is in my opinion, disgusting and in many cases unfair.

They are guilty of gross stupidity, no question, as we're the other members of the tapas party who were fortunate not to suffer a similar fate, however they don't deserve this life long punishment. No one does.

Yes they made a mistake, leaving their kids alone, but there isn't a parent out there who hasn't made a mistake when it comes to their children. To say they haven't been brought to task about that, is a moot point, I think the guilt they will feel about it for the rest of their lives,will be punishment enough.

As a parent of a young child , i can only imagine the pain they have went through and are going through every day of their lives. However some people appear to criticise them for the ongoing media campaign; surely if it was your child you'd want round the clock 24/7 365 coverage until your child was found? Just find that particular criticism unfair.

The amount of people who are coming out with shite like this is incredible.

I consider myself to be a good parent. This doesn't, as Welshbairn nightmarishly said, involve staring at your child 24 hours a day. What it does mean however, is not leaving them alone. Not for 30 seconds, never mind to go and get pished and eat pasta with chums several hundred yards away.

If I wanted to go on holiday and get hammered, I'd leave the kids with the grandparents. More likely, I would take the kids on holiday and just stay in the apartment after their bedtime. To suggest anything else is OK is ludicrous.

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Two words for all the police and media spending fortunes looking for her.


The Ben Needham case has remained in the public eye for many many years - I'm sure I watched something about it only just last year, further police enquiries etc.

Edited by Ned Nederlander
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No one on here, including myself really knows what happened, but some of the derogatory comments aimed at the McCanns, is in my opinion, disgusting and in many cases unfair.

They are guilty of gross stupidity, no question, as we're the other members of the tapas party who were fortunate not to suffer a similar fate, however they don't deserve this life long punishment. No one does.

Yes they made a mistake, leaving their kids alone, but there isn't a parent out there who hasn't made a mistake when it comes to their children. To say they haven't been brought to task about that, is a moot point, I think the guilt they will feel about it for the rest of their lives,will be punishment enough.

As a parent of a young child , i can only imagine the pain they have went through and are going through every day of their lives. However some people appear to criticise them for the ongoing media campaign; surely if it was your child you'd want round the clock 24/7 365 coverage until your child was found? Just find that particular criticism unfair.

It's not a mistake. They didn't accidentally leave their kids alone. They purposely went out to have a good time with their mates leaving 3 children not even of school age alone in a strange apartment. Even the day after one of them asked "where were you last night when we were crying"? That's not a mistake, it's neglect.

And I'll say again, this is not a life long punishment. They are not living with a punishment, they are living with the consequences of their own actions.

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So over the last few pages we've seen the following suggestions:

  • The McCanns should be sterilised.
  • The McCanns should have their remaining children removed from them.
  • The McCanns should be returned to Portgual and imprisoned for an indeterminate period of time in order that they be taught a lesson.
  • A 'hope' that the McCanns be found guilty of murdering their infant child
  • A 'hope at the very least' that they be charged with culp hom (or Portuguese equivalent)
  • The McCanns absolutely deserved to have their infant child abducted.

All round brilliant performance from P&B's Pitchfork Loyal it has to be said.

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I am a parent and I agree with you 100%. A lot of sad b*****ds see in all this a cynical opportunity to promote themselves as parents with mock outrage at supposed poor parenting by the McCanns. Nasty, nasty people.

Utter, utter shite. Should my wife not go into the garden to hang out the washing while our baby is asleep? Not have a conversation with a neighbour out at the front of our house while the baby is asleep?

Not leave your child alone for 30 seconds? What a load of shite! :D

Nasty nasty people. Yes, how dare we criticise a couple who left their 3 tiny children on their own, the night after they cried about being left, to go to a restaurant several hundred yards away and drink wine and have a nice meal.

Yes, it's my belief that a child shouldn't be left alone, and there's a world of difference between hanging out the washing and fucking off for an evening meal.

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