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Madeleine Mccann Missing Girl

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Have the Met discounted the sniffer dogs, the refusal to answer questions and body language etc.?

Pretty sure the dogs didn't do it even if they didn't answer any questions and behaved strangely.

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Talking about "respect" on an internet forum? That's the sort of daft talk wee boys come out with, along with "respect" for bands, footballers or some other piece of life trivia. Time you grew up, you're a wee bit long in the tooth for that sort of talk.

I mentioned Celtic in reference to the point I made earlier, about certain chumps knee jerk deciding the McCanns were innocent of any wrong doing whatsoever merely because of Gerry's past employment - that neanderthal tribalism amongst all too many Celtic & Rangers fans that is the bane of Scotland.

That you & TheWolf alone have alone been spitting the dummy over the past 48 hours to a disturbing extent at anyone suggesting the McCanns are far from plaster saints in this whole affair only serves to illustrate the point all too well. That's all.

There has been some total bollocks posted on P&B in the past, but this is my all time favourite.

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I've a question that I've either missed something or about to ask something incredibly stupid.

Why is their not 1 single camera in the hotel, surrounding streets or the tapas bar?

I understand we Brits are mad keen on our CCTV and not everywhere is the same, but you'd at least expect 1

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Is anyone else's Facebook clogged up with status about her and how they would never leave their kids alone in that situation bla bla fucking bla

Absolute idiots so they are, I'm close to deleting FB and doing all my social networking on here incognito

Hence why I have never had any interest in Facebook. It's full of utter, utter zoomers.

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Hence why I have never had any interest in Facebook. It's full of utter, utter zoomers.

You do realise how Facebook works? It's not like you join and you get allocated 100 random "friends" from across the country to get you started.

The only reason people have zoomers on Facebook is because they made friends with zoomers (or friends of zoomers). And even if you are obliged to be friends with a zoomer in the family, you can choose to ignore everything the zoomer says or does.

Thankfully my news-feed, whilst it contains a few cringeworthy comments, is a McCann and Rangers-free-zone.

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You have no idea mate - its all women that are about 30 odd saying stuff like "When i was on holiday i hired a baby sitter AND had my eye on the flat door when i decided to have a drink, and i only stayed out about 25 minutes. and i only drunk water, and i don't actually have a child i have a teddy bear, and i wasn't on holiday i was at home" Sort of moronic responses.

Then there people saying the Macanns killed her and disposed of her body - saying "I think they drugged her then she had an OD and they hid her body" and leave it at that as if they have any insight into what actually happened that night and just assumed they had drugs on hand as they are doctors. Its just fucking horrific, people really are absolute c***s and Facebook just outs people as to the lowlife idiots that they really are - these are people who i actually would have respected if ididnt have to read their pish.

Sounds just like most of the posts on this thread really.

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It's Thursday and our formerly vociferous national media have neither tracked down nor explained the discovery of the 9:15 man nor been over to Ireland to interview the people they are promoting as being the last to see Madeleine alive via the new efits.

Is this down to leveson or something else?

Edited by T_S_A_R
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I'm still astonished at the "you're pals with the McCanns" and the "you only stick up for Gerry McCann cos of the Cellic" stuff I've seen on here.

It's the worst, most moronic stuff I've ever seen posted on the Internet and that is saying something.

Truly mindboggling that any grown adult can think in such a way. And tragic.

To be fair, only one person actually seems to be serious about that

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The stuff i have seen with regards to them is the worst pish i have read - so many people say that they thin the Macanns are in on it - then when you ask for an explanation they say its because they get a strange feeling off the pair of them. So basically people accusing a couple of killing their daughter and dumping her body somewhere that the police can't find a trace of her in 6 years of looking based on the fact that they are a bit strange. Its simply baffling!!

There were 9 people at the tapas bar who were there with the macanns - kate went to check on them then came out screaming within minutes so for them to have been in on it they would have needed to discover her then come up with a plan to hide her and manage to bury her somewhere within a 2 minute walk of the hotel room and not leave a trace of evidence behind!! Its simply impossible that they could have killed her and done this but people just won't fucking back down on it on the grounds they have a bad gut feeling about the pair!

People are suspicious because of their crap parenting skills, the 40 minute search of the apartment, the phone call to sky news and the tennis game the next day. Add to that the inconsistencies in the tapas mob's statements including fingering murat and Kate's refusal to answer the questions.

Beyond that there is also the dog evidence and the DNA trace from the boot of the car both of which are still considered inconclusive rather than settled. There are people in jail in Scotland such as Nat Fraser, Luke Mitchell and David gilroy who have been convicted of murder on less evidence than there is against the mcann's.

These theories won't go away because the media will not address them. When you have something as absurd as a global manhunt for an efit which is an Irishman's impression of Gerry McCann given after seeing him on TV four months after the disapearance then people are going to assume there is more to this case then the media and police are letting on.

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This is a very long and winding article, best skim read, and some of their points are merely interpretations of how a person should act and based on little more than suggestion, but there's some very interesting stuff in there that I had absolutely no idea about. Particularly the stuff about the police dogs and the McCann's early claims proving to be utter horseshit.

Edited by Paco
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The police in Portugal fucked it up from word go sadly - the british police don't have much they can go on 6 years on. The e fits seem pretty futile 6 and a half years later - just can't see anything coming from this

More myths being repeated.

Any evidence to back up this statement?

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