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Madeleine Mccann Missing Girl

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Yeah but for them to kill her (or find her dead and cover it up) and then lie to everyone about it for years and raise millions for the case when they already knew she was dead would just be one too many atrocities to understand this cruel earth and i would jump off a bridge and end it all.

It's not unheard of, usually it involved parents concealing a death to keep claiming child support money

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I wasn't aware that the babysitting/creche facilities at the resort were FREE. So they weren't even saving a few bob by leaving the kids unattended - repeatedly, apparently, with ample evidence of the upset this could cause to the children. Their own children, ferchrissake.

Any time me and Mrs WRK have gone on holiday with the Rosettes, that's what we've done - gone on holiday with our kids. It's supposed to be a time to get some quality family time, and for us all to have a good time. Not dump the kids with strangers or leave them unattended while we go out on the lash. We have done the "buggy next to the table" thing on countless occasions, and let the kids come out to eat with us - it's their holiday as well, after all. On the odd occasion we've wanted to stay up a bit later, we've either sat with friends on our balcony/patio and had a couple of wines while all the kids (ours and theirs) sleep in our apartment, or let our kids have a "sleepover" at their little mates' place while the adults are there. It's really not difficult.

For those who are trying to decide when it's OK to leave kids alone, the answer is NEVER. Any other answer labels you as someone who has either never had kids, or should never have them.

This is just ridiculous. Children should never be left on their own? I used to cycle around a mile and a half to school when I was 8 and know plenty of other kids who would have walked or done similar.

Are all their parents neglectful?

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These people who keep repeating that children should never be left alone are demonstrably morons.It's utter nonsense.

There is a difference though between a kid walking to school where they know where they are going or going out to play when they know when to be back and where they can go and sneaking out when they are asleep.

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The very thought that my child woke up crying for an hour wondering where I was.... Yes an hour... Would put me of going out and leaving them again. if I had been stupid enough to do it in the first place.

That's possibly the only singlemost sensible thing I've ever seen you say. Congratulations, sir.

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You wouldn't get me on that bridge if you paid me! :lol:

:D Without wanting to go too far off topic, it's as safe as houses these days. I remember in the pre-H+S days, it used to be a proper rope bridge... a few planks of wood tied to a frayed rope. It looked like something out of Indiana Jones. Nowadays, it's all steel bolts and real rope.

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Interesting article by Jackie Bird today in the Sunday Mail about the McCann's. By the looks of it she either thinks that Gerry McCann done it and Kate is covering for him or more probably one of those at the Tapas bar is involved and their other half is covering for them and that when their relationship breaks down the truth will out.

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