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The bus I get back to Kirky at 10:30 terminates at Kilsyth Kev if you fancy getting that back with me so we can pump each other up the back. Wasn't pleased when I got on it the last time and said "Hillhead mate" and my reply was "we only go to the main street in Kirky." Fucking bams.

I've also not phoned up SPT yet about leaving my football bag on one of their Subways last weekend, so it'll be a carrier bag for me this evening.

Well prepared as per so I am.

Edited by Carol Beer
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Quite happy with that. Felt personally that's one of the better game's I've had, although I need to work on keeping my balance a bit more methinks.

Great run-out too, although I was fucking blowing out my arse after about 15 minutes, needed a wee stint in goal and an injection of lucozade sport to get my second wind.

Still no idea how that ball ended up in the netting over the pitch, was nice of the other lads to lend us the spare though.

Btw, Fudge, any update on the knee injury situation?

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I played well for the first part of it. Then when we changed teams it had nothing to do with my team being slightly weaker but I just started to play awful and make stupid mistakes. <_<

Was a decent workout though and it's good to be back.

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Btw, Fudge, any update on the knee injury situation?

The knee itself was ok. There wasn't any pain or major discomfort but it has an effect mentally. I was scared to accelerate, make tackles or rattle shots because I was still a bit nervous it might give way. That will just come with playing more games.

McGowan - I won't discuss the factors driving landscape evolution with a catholic.

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That was a decent enough game, once the teams were tweaked anyway.

Scott was decent for shooting and DiGiac was a good addition too.

It's clear though that we missed the graft and guile of IT and the trickery and moaning about conspiracies of McGowan.

My fitness needs work, but hopefully that will improve in the next couple of weeks.

I'm in for next week.

Hope Fudge's knee gets better soon.

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