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16 miles in the bag today, felt great but could feel a massive whitey on the cards right at the end. Two bottles of wine yesterday probably didn't help :blink:

Reasonably pleased with fitness levels at the moment, hopefully can start to dial up the distance and improve the times as Stirling Marathon gets a bit closer.

Going to go for Glencoe Marathon on the trails in September, for something different and a bit of a challenge. 

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Horrible feeling my new shoes might be too small for me and this time it's too late to return them. Did 5 miles on Monday and 10 on Tuesday and my feet were a bit sore on the sides afterwards but nothing too bad. Same with track on Thursday. Did a long run on Friday, bit sore yesterday but again not too bad. Went for a walk this morning (it was meant to be icy, it was not) in my normal trainers and now I have a pain in my shin similar to what I had in my ankle a few weeks ago due to the new shoes.

Really can't be bothered with the effort and expense of finding new trainers, especially as it seems impossible to find ones that fit. I got Brooks Ghost 8s in size 10 - previously I had Ghost 9s in 9.5 and they were fine, so no idea what is going on here! I must have wide feet (maybe the running has caused that), which'll make it even harder to find shoes.

Not fair :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had been building up my distance towards attempting a 10k on Sunday. Came within seconds of my first sub-50 minute  at 50:10 there. My achilles is back to flaring up something awful which is also fucking me off to no end.

I've been wearing compression socks around my ankles and calf muscles as it is, but I'll need to invest in new trainers to cushion the impact better or get someone to look at my technique, as I've been quite careful in building myself up gently until now.

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On 2/20/2018 at 10:19, the jambo-rocker said:

I had been building up my distance towards attempting a 10k on Sunday. Came within seconds of my first sub-50 minute  at 50:10 there. My achilles is back to flaring up something awful which is also fucking me off to no end.

I've been wearing compression socks around my ankles and calf muscles as it is, but I'll need to invest in new trainers to cushion the impact better or get someone to look at my technique, as I've been quite careful in building myself up gently until now.

Have you upped your distance or increased the number of runs you do?


It could be tendinitis (something I suffer from in my achilles) does it hurt like hell when you pinch it?

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8 minutes ago, diamonds2002 said:

Have you upped your distance or increased the number of runs you do?


It could be tendinitis (something I suffer from in my achilles) does it hurt like hell when you pinch it?

I had  been upping my distance. A modest 1-2k a week.

I wouldn't say hurt like hell but I certainly notice it when I do. Icing it and doing exercises every day has definitely kept the pain down a good amount this time around.

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Heel drops are a great exercise for achilles troubles. I've been battling it for 6 months! Another thing that helped me is to ice it soon after a run then apply heat an hour later. I've went through a lot of deep heat!

Anyone doing the national XC on Saturday? After swearing to never do it again... I'm sticking to that, and not doing it. Going to go watch though.

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36 minutes ago, tigerton said:

Heel drops are a great exercise for achilles troubles. I've been battling it for 6 months! Another thing that helped me is to ice it soon after a run then apply heat an hour later. I've went through a lot of deep heat!

Anyone doing the national XC on Saturday? After swearing to never do it again... I'm sticking to that, and not doing it. Going to go watch though.

Nicola Hood from Dumfries Running Club is doing it, she finished sixth (I think) last year. Being in the same running club as her is the only thing we have in common - bursting a gut on track sessions only for her to breeze past as she works on her own programme can be demoralising  at times :lol:

Think I've finally got my shoes sussed as someone suggested taking the insoles out. Much better fit but now getting blisters, even though my socks are meant to be anti-blister ones. Any tips? Have seen the suggestion of putting Vaseline on the problem spots or wearing an extra pair of socks.

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Not posted for a couple of months, but it doesn't mean I haven't been running.

Ended 2017 with a new record for miles run in a year and PBs at marathon, 10 mile and 10k (more than once!)

But last weekend was a new one for me. After 138 goes, I finished first at parkrun (in Dunfermline) - great fun!

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On 22/02/2018 at 19:48, tigerton said:

Anyone doing the national XC on Saturday? After swearing to never do it again... I'm sticking to that, and not doing it. Going to go watch though.

Absolutely no chance!  The mud bath last year was something else - I've generally quite enjoyed the cross country running the last couple of years but I've missed the whole season this time round.

I'm headed for Perth instead; parkrun followed by McDiarmid Park.  Actually, starting to have second thoughts about my life choices...

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Best advice I had when upping my distance was not to worry about distance or pace, focus on being on your feet for an increasing period of time. If you're aiming to do a marathon, get your legs ready for being on your feet for at least 3 hours. Really helped me prepare for my first marathons last year.

Speaking of which, just signed up for Glencoe Marathon in September. Looks hard as f**k but should be a good experience hopefully.

A nice easy half in the crisp sunshine yesterday, then couldn't get a train back from Falkirk for ages. Hanging about in damp clothes for an hour at minus 2 wasn't the best way to recover.

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5 hours ago, eddiemunster said:

Speaking of which, just signed up for Glencoe Marathon in September. Looks hard as f**k but should be a good experience hopefully.

I know a few folk who done that last year.  Looked absolutely brutal,  1000m+ elevation and shite weather.  A couple of them have only just got back into proper running training in the past couple of months after nearly breaking themselves.

That said, I don't think they had really done the training required to be properly prepared for it.

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6 hours ago, ark loyal said:

I know a few folk who done that last year.  Looked absolutely brutal,  1000m+ elevation and shite weather.  A couple of them have only just got back into proper running training in the past couple of months after nearly breaking themselves.

That said, I don't think they had really done the training required to be properly prepared for it.

Cheers, I was already shiteing it :lol:

I'll be training properly for it and don't intend any heroics, march up the hilly sections and steady pace on the flats and downhills. Hopefully my old legs hold up, I'll just have turned 40 a couple of days before it.

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After a week of no running due to the weather I dragged myself out for 10 horrible miles yesterday. Muscles were absolutely aching from all the slipping and skipping through patches of deep snow.

That's me off the bevy until Stirling, need to sharpen up as nowhere near the level I should be at for this time of year.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Alloa half marathon was cancelled today.  Really disappointing for those of us that have trained for this date, but with snow lying on the course I don't think it could have gone ahead.

Apparently one person came up from Plymouth specially for this event - ouch!

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Was also supposed to be running Alloa this morning. Think they did make the right call as disappointing as it was. Sounds like they're going to rearrange it so I hope they pick a sensible date that avoids the other big Scottish races.

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Sorry to hear about the cancellation,  but given the conditions it was probably the right call.

The wrong call was 17 hilly miles around Motherwell and Hamilton in the freezing wind and snow today.  My legs are in absolute tatters.  There's nothing Merry about running up Merry St to Carfin. b*****d of a hill at 10 miles.

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