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Went out on Saturday morning for the first time in several months. Managed 6km in just over half an hour, which I was happy enough with given I've done so little for so long. Hoping that the worst of the summer is now over and the temperature will drop enough that I can do a bit more. Felt I could probably have added another few km to what I done but by the time I had decided that I was well on my route back home so left it as it was. Took until yesterday for my legs to stop aching mind you so maybe as well I did come in when I did!

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18 hours ago, morrison said:

Was it one of the first episodes? Better recently, though I find the volume lower than most other pods. Others:

Parkrun adventurers
Free Weekly Timed
Bad Boy Running
...some Yank one I appear to have deleted! MarathonTraining Academy it was.

I dip in and out of some of them.

Ah, cheers! Was going to say on Strava I was planning through & plain forgot. Didn't see you! At least you'd a better afternoon than me...

Cheers, I'll check some of them out.

Aye, I enjoyed my afternoon, especially in hospitality. Although County looked a good outfit. Nice to see us with a manager that can graft out a tactical win in tough games like that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I'm doing the not often touted "Couch to half marathon in 4 weeks" regime. 

I was in the Falkirk area Saturday morn, so decided to do their Parkrun ... (I'd already dinghied the Plean one after looking at their elevation: https://jegmar.com/stats-hq/fastest-races/parkrun/)

Thought Falkirk would be pretty easy. But no. The first big hill gubbed me. Enjoyed the downhill stretch. But then there's another uphill bit which is long and steep... and then when you get to the top and go round a bend, bang ... another big hill. That was me walking. 

Having done hillier courses like Tollcross, Ruchazie and Drumchapel, I'm guessing knowing the course makes a big difference. 

I think I'll do Strathy next week anyway :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just done the Hamilton 10k, finished in 52'28, quite happy with that as was fairly comfortable throughout and had a really strong finish. Bit of a delay at the start which wasn't very well communicated but thought for its first year was a decent event, hopefully bring it back next year.

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Dreading this half marathon next week. Did a 12.5 and 15k the last two Sundays in an attempt to get myself up to that level. Both were the longest distances I'd ever run at that point. Fucked my toe playing fives though so don't think I'll be running again until the race. Just gonna need to go for it and hope for the best [emoji23]

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Well the Great Scottish Run training started in earnest last night (I like to make all my training as last minute as possible so it's up-to-date). I managed 12k in a rather slow time but amazingly - despite a few niggling injuries (back, toe, blister etc), I feel fine today.

It nearly didn't happen at all. I've got a rather large blister on my foot (not sure how since I haven't run in weeks) and the shitey Tesco cushioned plasters I'd bought didn't even stay on long enough for me to get my socks on. 

So I sat on my chair cursing my luck / the plasters and thought to myself, I might as well open my GSR running pack and see if anyone wants to use my chip. And out the envelope pops a fecking Compeed plaster (with a money-off voucher to buy more).

I wasn't sure whether it was good or bad luck, but I decided to take it as a sign that I should get off my fat arse and do a run.

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Do you not trot parkruns sub 20m? If so - you'll be fine! A bit sore, but the crowds and adrenaline will keep you going. 

I'm being a bit over dramatic but I just generally don't enjoy running once it goes beyond 10k tbh. Coupled with a niggling injury, it won't be my most enjoyable two hour ever [emoji23]


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1.41 in the half marathon today. Was aiming for 1.45 so really pleased with that time. Managed to not stop or walk once which is a rarity for me usually so pleasantly surprised i went 6k longer than I've ever run before without stopping.

Got a horrible blister on the sole of my left foot and my groin is goosed. Tomorrow is gonna be a sore day. Think all my classes will be watching DVDs [emoji23]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Took part in my first Ultra Marathon at the weekend in Dunoon. 34 miles round Loch Eck, with about 4,000ft of climb. Having never ran more than a half marathon in a race... Managed to get round in one piece in 5 hours 35. In all honesty, the physical side of it wasn't too bad. More mentally draining, especially when my body didn't want to take on any fuel! Big lessons in that side of the tactics. Not that I'm jumping at the bit to sign up for another one soon! Looking forward to getting back to parkruns and some XC

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After being a lazy unfit c**t for numerous years I've had a bit of a funny turn and I'm on the couch to 5k plan. Just using the free app and music on my phone to get me through. So far I've got one run left of week 3 which is 3 mins of running. Apart from my shins hurting I seem to be getting through it ok mostly running on roads and parks due to my job I work weird shifts so have been out running at 3am in the pissing rain I'm waiting to get lifted for looking dodgy as f**k.

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Right it's fucking freezing and I'm not going to be able to brave shorts for much longer and I hate running in trackies.

Has anyone got experience of these legging type trousers with shorts on top or is it just a step too far.

Edited by pub car king
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Right it's fucking freezing and I'm not going to be able to brave shorts for much longer and I hate running in trackies.
Has anyone got experience of these legging type trousers with shorts on top or is it just a step too far.
Yeah. It's fine as long as you warm up before you do your run. Normally for me it's leggings, shorts, skin tight top, football top and a hoodie with gloves and a hat when it gets really cold. Which it already is.
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