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18 hours ago, morrison said:

Re: marathon training, I'd say 20 is ideal for a first marathon. A lot of it is psychological & you could get away with going to 18. Depends on your goals/experience to that point.

Cardinal, you're mental doing your longest run the week before! Generally 2-3 weeks out is where the longer stuff stops & taper fun starts.

I use SIS gels, 6 per marathon. The other ones need water to wash them down, these ones don't. They're a bit sickly by the 5th/6th but they've served me well. Definitely to be tested in training to see what your stomach thinks of them first!

I know! But the problem is that I don't start training until 2-3 weeks before the event. Not that I'm starting from scratch, but I generally only do 5ks / parkruns. So when I'm doing a half-marathon, I generally start doing longer runs a couple of weeks before. Of course, it's never enough which means I get a shite day and I'm crippled for the next few days, but I never learn. 

Doing the Inverness HM on Sunday. So far, I've done an 8km and an 11km (and I only did that cos I had to run to the parkrun and back cos my car is goosed). 

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Hit 20 miles this morning in 2 hours 55 minutes. Quite pleased with that with 11 weeks to go to marathon but f**k me my legs are killing me now.

Having to go into work now too [emoji17]
Nice one.

Did the same myself. Usually do it on a Sunday - it's an amazing feeling not having it looming over you on a Saturday night!
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Got up with the sparrow's fart to get the bus to Inverness to do the half marathon. The tiredness, lack of training and wintery weather aren't the problem. Biggest concern is the zit that appeared on my barse overnight. I could already feel it walking to the bus stop, so f**k knows what it'll be like after 13.1 miles. I could apply a plaster but that will fall off in about 3 picoseconds. This could get messy. 

Suggestions welcome. Please don't ask for pics of the danger area. 

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Got up with the sparrow's fart to get the bus to Inverness to do the half marathon. The tiredness, lack of training and wintery weather aren't the problem. Biggest concern is the zit that appeared on my barse overnight. I could already feel it walking to the bus stop, so f**k knows what it'll be like after 13.1 miles. I could apply a plaster but that will fall off in about 3 picoseconds. This could get messy. 
Suggestions welcome. Please don't ask for pics of the danger area. 

Good luck. Hope it go’s well
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9 hours ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

Got up with the sparrow's fart to get the bus to Inverness to do the half marathon. The tiredness, lack of training and wintery weather aren't the problem. Biggest concern is the zit that appeared on my barse overnight. I could already feel it walking to the bus stop, so f**k knows what it'll be like after 13.1 miles. I could apply a plaster but that will fall off in about 3 picoseconds. This could get messy. 

Suggestions welcome. Please don't ask for pics of the danger area. 

How did it go? Freezing cold windy rain this afternoon when I arrived back on the train about 3pm, think I'd rather have been watching Columbo repeats from the sofa. 

Edited by welshbairn
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Pics please

Just kidding. Ive ran Inverness twice and I love the route.

Had to make do with a slow 6k this morning. Was windy as f**k and I wanted to get it out the way so didn't warm up fully. But always feels good to get a run out the way for the day.

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I ran today it was either Baltic gale force wind where wheelie bins and shop signs were strewn across my path and when that died down for a couple of minutes it was scorching hot sunshine.  Fucking miserable experience sacked it off after 25 minutes.

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Ran 11 miles in that this morning and it wasn't fun. Rain wasn't too bad in the first half but it was horrendous in the second, then the sleet came on. On the plus side, my legs are so cold I couldn't feel the pain in my knee that has been giving me problems (had to stop for a week and am currently running with it taped up). Managed to sneak under eight-minute mile pace for the last couple of runs so looks like I might be getting some semblance of speed back.

Well done to anyone who ran today - especially in a race!

Pleasantly surprised to discover London is still seven weeks away - thought it was six.

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Guest bernardblack

Bad run yesterday. Went out and got caught in the rain and snow. Also badly planned the route too.

First bad one of the training and hopefully just a one off

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It's remarkable that going for a run these days involves as much preparation and packing as going on a 2 week holiday. Thought I'd remembered everything until I was about 10 miles in with the sleet bouncing off my eyeballs when I remembered my nips. Too late to do anything about it but now it feels like someone took a cheese grater to them. 

Anyway, I know you're only reading about this to find out how my barse fared ... very good, is the answer. Gambled and used my last compeed plaster to cover it up and it never troubled me. I got a pretty good time (1hr 48m) considering the lack of training, so I would heartily recommended applying a plaster to your ABC before every long race. 

As Stellaboz says, it is a lovely route. A few hills but nothing that would require Sherpas. The finish was a bit odd as you go past the start line and on quite a bit and then you're going down a muddy path. Wasn't quite sure why, but suddenly you're on a spongy track in an athletics stadium with a big crowd cheering you on, which helped me bounce my way to a sprint finish - much to the amusement of the onlookers. 

Best part of the run, though, was spotting my ex-girlfriend (who is a much better runner than me) at the 7 mile mark, tapping her on the shoulder to make sure she knew it was me, doing my best impression of the jockey in the Harry Enfield sketch, offering her my hat cos she was cold, then putting the foot down and leaving her in my wake.

Edited by Cardinal Richelieu
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I've been suffering with glute pain for the last six months and my patience is starting to wear thin. It came during a ten mile run (I had done three 8 mile goes with no issues) as I built myself up towards my half marathon last year. I've taken time out on two occasions, kept my runs shorter and sweet, tried physio, even acupuncture and I'm still getting nowhere.


Has anyone else had any experience with this type of pain?

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21 minutes ago, mathematics said:

I don't think I have ever warmed up before a run. What do you lot do for a warm-up?

Well if it's a parkrun, usually run about a 1km just to get my body used to running. A few leg stretches but nothing major. It sounds counter-intuitive, but you definitely get a better time if you're worked up a bit of a sweat before embarking on the run proper. 

For my run on Sunday, the sleet was coming in sideways and since I was already running 13 miles, I forewent a warm-up and just took the first 5km reasonably easily. I definitely noticed the benefit when I wasn't gasping for breath or dog-tired near the end. 

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Well if it's a parkrun, usually run about a 1km just to get my body used to running. A few leg stretches but nothing major. It sounds counter-intuitive, but you definitely get a better time if you're worked up a bit of a sweat before embarking on the run proper. 
For my run on Sunday, the sleet was coming in sideways and since I was already running 13 miles, I forewent a warm-up and just took the first 5km reasonably easily. I definitely noticed the benefit when I wasn't gasping for breath or dog-tired near the end. 
I posted about this recently. I now warm up for a run on Mrs Bs exercise bike. Makes a big difference to get the legs and lungs going first IMO
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