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P&b Running Club

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Some interesting points raised off the back of the London Marathon this year. Basically, slow-runners / walkers were getting lambasted by clean-up crews, who were removing toilets, signs etc, and even having a go at participants for their slow pace. 

A number of participants have now been given another shot. 


It goes without saying that Marathon staff heckling the slower runners is shameful, but on the other hand, most other races - such as the Great Scottish Run - has a "bus" that moves at basically walking speed. If you can't keep ahead of that then you're likely "scooped up" .. or at least advised that you're on your own. 

What should the cut off be? The article talks about folk who took more than 9 hours to finish the marathon, which is slower than a normal walking pace. Should there be a cut-off / maximum time you can take - considering the number of people who want to participate (not me btw). Or should it be open to everyone - regardless of how long it takes them? A chap back in 2002 took 5 days to complete it, though I'm guessing everyone else had long since packed up and went home btw he got over the line in his 110lb diving suit. 

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Yeah, the issue here is more that they advertised a cut off time, organised a pacing group for said time, and then still dismantled the course around them despite them being 'on track'. You're either inclusive and mean it, or you make it clear what the criteria is and anyone who can't do it gets hooked. Can't be arsed with this 'you can finish at your own risk but won't get a medal' nonsense. Clear them off the streets, they're a risk and you're responsible for them.

Anyway. Up in Orkney this weekend - Kirkwall parkrun yesterday & St Magnus marathon today, from Kirkwall to Birsay. Bloody wind! Finished in 3:37 and 9th place. Pretty pleased with that.

Nothing in the diary for he rest of the year, and in no hurry to change it!

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Yeah, don't think a six or seven hour time limit is unreasonable. It's a running event, not a walking one. The problem is they want to claim to be inclusive and show everyone can do it, which is why folk who are barely quicker than walking pace are allowed to take part.

That said, if you're going to have a pacer for a certain time then you need to let them and folk running with them through before you start shutting things off. 

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Did the Stonehaven half today. Was very well organised, a small race, maybe only 350 runners. As @Scorge said the first 6/7 miles were uphill with some killer climbs, but the second half was glorious. I ran the last 10k in 50mins, which I would struggle with just as a normal 10k. Final time was around 1h 54 which was the fastest I have run since I was 25 (15 years ago). 

My last half was in Jakarta and was 2h 12 - it just showed how much the heat and humidity can affect you - also that hilly courses are not necessarily slower than flat courses. Another major difference was having a watch that gave me split times for each km - made it so much easier to plan the run.

It was properly different to running in Asia where I find myself overtaking loads of people later on in the race. This had some serious runners involved, one thing I noticed was how many crazily fit older people were running (and beating me by a long way), was a real eye-opener for how much improvement is still possible.

Most pleasing thing though was that after 15/16km I didn't feel at all out of breath and very comfortable - a good omen as training continues for my first marathon on 30th November.

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Yeah, the hill was smashing. It's even more fun as it's a farm track rather than road - and the roads had loose chippings on them. When I finally got to the top of the hill my legs felt very wobbly for a bit when I got back on the road.

I did pretty well on the hill though. I ran (slowly) up most of it and another guy from the club ran up it all. A lot of the folk ahead of us were effectively standing still and it was cool passing folk who would normally be miles ahead of me. I reckon only five folk passed me on the way down (I finished 24th out of 140ish) and I definitely passed more than that on the way up.

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Back on it lads.

Running habits fell of a cliff after daughter 2 came along September 17.

Hauled my arse off the couch last week and feeling good getting back at it.

Was doing 25 min 5ks when I fell of the wagon and now looking to get to 10k respectable level.

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I'm after a decent watch for tracking runs, anyone know if this one is decent? Or any other recommendations? Nike/Strava seem to just f**k up on my phone and not track properly.

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I'm after a decent watch for tracking runs, anyone know if this one is decent? Or any other recommendations? Nike/Strava seem to just f**k up on my phone and not track properly.
I got the Garmin Vivofit Music - very impressed so far. It is on Amazon Prime sale today if you are quick.
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On 17/06/2019 at 13:44, Ross. said:

Started a bit again, limiting myself to 5k as I don't want to risk another few years of constant niggly injuries, as well as aches or pains. Probably best avoiding this thread as I will only end up too tempted to see how far I can go again and be fucking about with half marathon plans before I know it. Managed to go under 25 minutes on my 5k route(Actually 4.87k according to Strava) for the first time in about 4 years, which was nice. Still miles off the 22/22:30 range that I was doing with ease when at my peak*.

*More Conic Hill than Matterhorn.

24:30 on that route on Wednesday night. Only time I have been out since that post. Nothing injury related, just too fucking hot. Slight dip at the start of this week but was still 27c when I went out. Expected to heat up a bit more again for the next week so f**k knows when I will get back outside for a run again.

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