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P&b Running Club

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Girlfriend and her dad did the marathon yesterday (she came in just uner 5 hrs and her dad did it in 3 hrs 30). I got hit by a few manky old t-shirts while waiting at the start line!

Good atmosphere around the start and finish lines. Think I might have to give it a go next year!

I'm in a bit of pain, hip's fine but my legs are killing me!

Given my hip frustrations I was looking to beat my previous of 4:56. Looks like I came in about 4:15 which I'm utter overjoyed with. I forgot to stop my Nike+ so I'll need to wait till the results are in the Edinburgh News on Tuesday. Taking 40 odd minutes off my previous is great.

My head stated to go down at 14 miles when I could see the course stretch out for miles ahead but that little spur before the House was really well supported and that got me round to about mile 23. At here I started to physically struggle and decided to walk/run as I wilted in the heat. I tried to run it out in 2003 and my time really dropped through the floor so walking for 30 second spurts with the lucozade really helped me maintain my running pace when I did run. Little grumbles about that weird plastic platform we had to run along at the racecourse and it was all a bit mad trying to get out at the end but it really was a great day. I was spent at the finish, though I was going to topple over when they put that monster medal round my neck :rolleyes:

I wore an old T-shirt at the start to keep warm and chucked it before was started. It hit a boy who was on his Dad's shoulders aquare in the face :lol:

Great times lads, really well done despite the shits and the late heat. A year of 10K's a head of me I feel, maybe try to get my PB down to 45 mins from 50 B)

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I'm in a bit of pain, hip's fine but my legs are killing me!

Given my hip frustrations I was looking to beat my previous of 4:56. Looks like I came in about 4:15 which I'm utter overjoyed with. I forgot to stop my Nike+ so I'll need to wait till the results are in the Edinburgh News on Tuesday. Taking 40 odd minutes off my previous is great.

My head stated to go down at 14 miles when I could see the course stretch out for miles ahead but that little spur before the House was really well supported and that got me round to about mile 23. At here I started to physically struggle and decided to walk/run as I wilted in the heat. I tried to run it out in 2003 and my time really dropped through the floor so walking for 30 second spurts with the lucozade really helped me maintain my running pace when I did run. Little grumbles about that weird plastic platform we had to run along at the racecourse and it was all a bit mad trying to get out at the end but it really was a great day. I was spent at the finish, though I was going to topple over when they put that monster medal round my neck :rolleyes:

I wore an old T-shirt at the start to keep warm and chucked it before was started. It hit a boy who was on his Dad's shoulders aquare in the face :lol:

Great times lads, really well done despite the shits and the late heat. A year of 10K's a head of me I feel, maybe try to get my PB down to 45 mins from 50 B)

Fantastic time Thunder my boy, you'll be over the moon at that, well done. Think i felt the same as you in the last 3 miles odd, felt on the verge of passing out and it's a bit of a blur when i think about it now, just mind putting the foot down the last stretch along the racecourse.

So thats 3 PB's in for the PnB Running Club, cant be bad!!

p.s. My pus feels right like it got the sun yesterday!!

Edited by Watty
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These were my splits from Edinburgh:

1. 6.45

2. 6.46

3. 6.46

4. 6.45

5. 6.55

6. 6.58

7. 7.09

8. 7.05

9. 6.51

10. 6.57

11. 7.29 - stopped for a pee

12. 7.05

13. 7.09

14. 7.21

15. 7.08

16. 7.21

17. 7.10

18. 7.22

19. 7.01

20. 6.56

21. 7.59 - stopped for a poo behind a bush

22. 7.21 - stopped for an unproductive poo behind a bush

23. 7.28

24. 7.56

25. 9.29 - walked for 0.2 miles

26. 8.57

last bit - 3.13 (pace 8.09)...... then headed straight for the loo!

Overall time - 3:13:18

Average pace - 7.20

Miles 14 & 16 were where I struggled against the urge for a poo. Mile 18 was the bit that included that track section at Gorsforth House (I think).

As you can see, my bowel disorders were the start of my downfall. I had actually begun to pick the pace back up in miles 19 & 20 once we had the wind behind our backs. However, I really struggled in the last few miles and I think that would have happened anyway due to my lack of quality long runs after March.

Maybe I shouldn't have gone for that Chinese on Saturday night......... :lol:

Edited by Captain_Sensible
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I'm in a bit of pain, hip's fine but my legs are killing me!

Given my hip frustrations I was looking to beat my previous of 4:56. Looks like I came in about 4:15 which I'm utter overjoyed with. I forgot to stop my Nike+ so I'll need to wait till the results are in the Edinburgh News on Tuesday. Taking 40 odd minutes off my previous is great.

My head stated to go down at 14 miles when I could see the course stretch out for miles ahead but that little spur before the House was really well supported and that got me round to about mile 23. At here I started to physically struggle and decided to walk/run as I wilted in the heat. I tried to run it out in 2003 and my time really dropped through the floor so walking for 30 second spurts with the lucozade really helped me maintain my running pace when I did run. Little grumbles about that weird plastic platform we had to run along at the racecourse and it was all a bit mad trying to get out at the end but it really was a great day. I was spent at the finish, though I was going to topple over when they put that monster medal round my neck :rolleyes:

I wore an old T-shirt at the start to keep warm and chucked it before was started. It hit a boy who was on his Dad's shoulders aquare in the face :lol:

Great times lads, really well done despite the shits and the late heat. A year of 10K's a head of me I feel, maybe try to get my PB down to 45 mins from 50 B)

Well done monkey boy! That's a huge chunk off your PB. B)

The heat was probably even worse for you as you were out for an hour longer than me. My shoulders were a bit sunburnt yesterday - hope you weren't wearing a vest like me otherwise your shoulders must be lobster colour!

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There is a girl in the group I train with (I say girl... but she's actually 37!).

Her previous PB was 3.20.... and she came home yesterday in 3.09!! That's only 7 mins behind the first Scots woman home who won the £500! I spoke to her after the race and told her that she should aim for sub 3 hours next year. Sub 3 hours would actually qualify her for the Championship at the London Marathin and get to us ethe elite runners facilities!

She actually finished 26th in the Resolution Asset Management Women's 10k at Bellahouston last Sunday out of 12,000 runners in a time of 38.59!

I clocked her down the road behind me around mile 16 and she gave me a wave. That helped me fight against the need to go behind a bush! It would have been just too embarrasing! :lol:

I pulled away from her for a while and couldn't see her when the urge finally took over me - and jumped back out just after she had passed me.... phew! :lol:

When I spoke to her afterwards she was still under the impression that she'd finished behind me as she didn't remember overtaking me.......

I'll also be interested to see my mate Brian's splits after coming in in 2.58. I was with him for the first 6 miles but he started to pull away after that. I saw him again up that strange side road section which must have been mile 18... or 16?? He was heading back down the road as I headed up it.

I beat Brian at the Troon 10k earlier this month and I've also got a quicker half marathon time than him this year - so I know that sub 3 hours must be possible if he can do it!

It's given me even greater determination to get back into training!

Edited by Captain_Sensible
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Good work all the marathon runners. Give it a couple of years and maybe I'll join you!

Just back in from a short run there. 4K in something between 22 and 24 minutes, which for me is a slight improvement in speed. I'm not exactly sure on the time because I've lost my stopwatch and am simply looking at a clock without a hand pointer before I go out and when I get in, which isn't particularly accurate.

Tonight was also the first time I've managed to run that kind of distance without having to stop at all. I am seeing a definite improvement in my fitness with even the small amount of running I am doing. One of my routes takes me past my gym, so I sometimes stop there for some weights and to weigh myself - and have lost half a stone in the last 2 weeks, taking me below a certain weight I haven't been below since I was 17. And its all down to this thread ;)

Who would have though P&B could help anyone!

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Well done monkey boy! That's a huge chunk off your PB. B)

The heat was probably even worse for you as you were out for an hour longer than me. My shoulders were a bit sunburnt yesterday - hope you weren't wearing a vest like me otherwise your shoulders must be lobster colour!

Cheers, congrats on your time as well! Next time I'll go sub 4hrs.

Thankfully I had a t-shirt on so it's just my face that took the sun.

Good work all the marathon runners. Give it a couple of years and maybe I'll join you!

Just back in from a short run there. 4K in something between 22 and 24 minutes, which for me is a slight improvement in speed. I'm not exactly sure on the time because I've lost my stopwatch and am simply looking at a clock without a hand pointer before I go out and when I get in, which isn't particularly accurate.

Tonight was also the first time I've managed to run that kind of distance without having to stop at all. I am seeing a definite improvement in my fitness with even the small amount of running I am doing. One of my routes takes me past my gym, so I sometimes stop there for some weights and to weigh myself - and have lost half a stone in the last 2 weeks, taking me below a certain weight I haven't been below since I was 17. And its all down to this thread ;)

Who would have though P&B could help anyone!

That's good to hear! I ran my 1st marathon 6 months after starting running so don't restrict yourself to any 2 year period. If you feel ready to up your running then go for it, regardless of your experience :)

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I'm thinking about a 10k later in the year. Back when I started I never dreamed I could do a 5k, but here i am a couple of months later doing 5ks two or three times a week in little over half an hour!

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Good work all the marathon runners. Give it a couple of years and maybe I'll join you!

Just back in from a short run there. 4K in something between 22 and 24 minutes, which for me is a slight improvement in speed. I'm not exactly sure on the time because I've lost my stopwatch and am simply looking at a clock without a hand pointer before I go out and when I get in, which isn't particularly accurate.

Tonight was also the first time I've managed to run that kind of distance without having to stop at all. I am seeing a definite improvement in my fitness with even the small amount of running I am doing. One of my routes takes me past my gym, so I sometimes stop there for some weights and to weigh myself - and have lost half a stone in the last 2 weeks, taking me below a certain weight I haven't been below since I was 17. And its all down to this thread ;)

Who would have though P&B could help anyone!

Keep it going mate.

As I've mentioned before - I only started out getting fit just over 3 years ago. My first run last only a mile and I had to take 2 walk breaks and when I got home my wife thought I was dying from an asthma attack. I was over 13 and a half stone, smoked 20 tabs a day, never ate any fruit or veg and had a Mars Bar for my breafast with 5 sugars in my tea.

Since then I've lost 3 stones, can run a 10k in under 38 mins, a half marathon in under 1hr 25 and am disappointed with a 3.15 marathon!

If I can do it - and I'm in my late 30s - anyone can do it!

Keep it going. B)

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Well I can now call myself a marathon runner!!!

I had originally aimed for a sub 3:45 time but as my training didn't go to plan I was realistically looking at about 4:15. I was absolutely delighted to cross the line in 3:54:27 according to my watch.

I had planned to set off at 8:30 pace and just see how long I could keep that up for. As It turned out I only got close to that on mile three. Most of my splits were around the 8:45 pace for the first half and closer to 9:00 for the second half. I also walked through all the water stations to make sure that I got enough fluid on board. In the two half marathons i've done I ran through them and ended up only taking a few sips before tossing the bottle. This time I emptied every one, which come the end I was glad of.

I don't know why but when I got onto that matting just before the finish I started to get really emotional and when I crossed the line I burst into tears. Maybe it was the enormity of what i'd just managed to do catching up with me?

I'm really surprised at how un-sore my legs are today. I really expected them to be a lot worse than they are just now. That is just making me think that should have gone faster now!!!

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Well I can now call myself a marathon runner!!!

I had originally aimed for a sub 3:45 time but as my training didn't go to plan I was realistically looking at about 4:15. I was absolutely delighted to cross the line in 3:54:27 according to my watch.

I had planned to set off at 8:30 pace and just see how long I could keep that up for. As It turned out I only got close to that on mile three. Most of my splits were around the 8:45 pace for the first half and closer to 9:00 for the second half. I also walked through all the water stations to make sure that I got enough fluid on board. In the two half marathons i've done I ran through them and ended up only taking a few sips before tossing the bottle. This time I emptied every one, which come the end I was glad of.

I don't know why but when I got onto that matting just before the finish I started to get really emotional and when I crossed the line I burst into tears. Maybe it was the enormity of what i'd just managed to do catching up with me?

I'm really surprised at how un-sore my legs are today. I really expected them to be a lot worse than they are just now. That is just making me think that should have gone faster now!!!

That's a great time for a first marathon and the next one will be even better ;)

I know what you mean regarding your emotions catching up on you. I was the same in 2003 (but only just managed to keep it together).

I make that 4 P&B PB's out of 4 :P

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Don't know if anyone will remember, but waaaaay back at the conception time of this thread I was stressing to Thundermonkey that I had to do a 7.5 mile run in May, had done no exercise for years and never done a long run in my life.

Well, D-Day arrived yesterday at 1pm and after having not managed any proper training since the beginning of April, I clocked a time of 1:06:32. I was aiming in my head to do it in under 1 hour 15 since I was nursing a mild hangover, so to beat it by over 8 minutes was fantastic.

Going to keep up this running malarkey, as it gives me something to talk about with the Mrs' dad.

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Don't know if anyone will remember, but waaaaay back at the conception time of this thread I was stressing to Thundermonkey that I had to do a 7.5 mile run in May, had done no exercise for years and never done a long run in my life.

Well, D-Day arrived yesterday at 1pm and after having not managed any proper training since the beginning of April, I clocked a time of 1:06:32. I was aiming in my head to do it in under 1 hour 15 since I was nursing a mild hangover, so to beat it by over 8 minutes was fantastic.

Going to keep up this running malarkey, as it gives me something to talk about with the Mrs' dad.

That's bang on what I'd be looking to do 7.5 miles in (give or take a minute). No reason why, if you can get the mileage up, you couldn't contemplate a marathon in 5 or 6 months ;)

Superb stuff, I'm glad I started this thread as reading about you other guys has helped keep me motivated and focused. I'm genuinely glad to see everyone set themselves targets and acheive (and sometimes surpass) them!

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I'm in a bit of pain, hip's fine but my legs are killing me!

Given my hip frustrations I was looking to beat my previous of 4:56. Looks like I came in about 4:15 which I'm utter overjoyed with. I forgot to stop my Nike+ so I'll need to wait till the results are in the Edinburgh News on Tuesday. Taking 40 odd minutes off my previous is great.


Top work TM, wee K Boo will be proud of her Daddy!

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Thundermonkey - you may be a ble to help me with this.

I received the whole Nike + IPod gubbins for my birthday on thursday past but I dont have nike plus trainers. What is the best type of clip to get to attach it to my shoes (there seems to be more than one type on the market)? Thanks

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Thundermonkey - you may be a ble to help me with this.

I received the whole Nike + IPod gubbins for my birthday on thursday past but I dont have nike plus trainers. What is the best type of clip to get to attach it to my shoes (there seems to be more than one type on the market)? Thanks

I have read that the plastic pods (£4/5)you get are prone to breaking, falling off or popping open, thus losing your transmitter. You can get a pouch (£12/13) that attaches to your laces and the transmitter is placed in a zipped compartment that seems to fair much better. You can get both on Amazon.

I have posted a link to a company that has produced an multi layered insole that you mould yourself. I think you remove the existing insole, heat the new insole up, insert the transmitter compartment into the insole and place in the shoe. It then moulds to the contours of your foot and once it has set you can place the transmitter in and place the top layer of insole on the top to keep the transmitter in place. This seems to be the best as the transmitter works better if it's striking the ground rather than dangling off your foot.

I have no idea of the price (you may be better off trying running shops for soem Nike trainers as they always seem to have sales on at any given time) but I'll fish out the post for you.

EDIT: Pouches

I think Watty's your man IIRC.

EDIT 2: Insoles

Look like everyone's Garmin watches measured the Edinburgh Marathon out at 26.48 miles! I need to recalibrate my iPod as I recorded 25.80 miles!!! This means I was running further than I thought during my training.

Edited by Thundermonkey
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