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You need an iPod nano (eaither kind)

The Nike+ sports kit (a transmitter to place in your shoe and a receiver to plug into the nano)

You find a route you know to be one mile/km long to calibrate the device (by running the mile and also walking the mile, although it is pretty damn accuratly pre-calibrated already).

You can set the iPod to record your performance over a set distance, time or calories burned. At various points you will get updates via your headphones (ie "3 miles complete" or "200m to go"). You can press the middle button at anytime to get an update on your performance. Alternatively you can go on a free run where you get no updates but it still records all your data etc. As well as creating specific playlists to help with your training (if you like to listen to music as you run) you can set a Powersong. This is the track that you know gives you that extra boost. If you feel you need it you press and hold the centre button and it will start.

If you manage a milstone (fastest mile, longest run etc) Lance Armstrong or Paula Radcliffe congratualte you :rolleyes:

You record your data when you synch your iPod with iTunes. The run data is sent to your own page at Nike+. Your run is plotted out on a distance vs time graph and is broken down with indicators at every mile/km. It also plots if you used your powersong and you can see if you ran any faster. It's here that you can join and create challanges. For example, I joined the BUPA Edinburgh Great Run challenge and won a place in the race by finishing in the top 25 runners with the most miles.

You can set yourself challenges as well ie Run 50 times on 2 months, run 10 times under x pace in a month etc It's up to you. When you win challenges you get little medals, trophies and race bibs (virtual of course) to view on your page.

Now that I've typed that all out I feel right in the mood to get back into my running.

It does sound pretty awesome. So I'd need to get an iPod Nano and the Nike Plus kit? What prices are we talking about for those?

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One more question TM (or indeed anyone)... does it matter what Generation of Nano you use? As I would just look to buy an older, second-hand one from eBay rather than spunk a hundred quid on a new one.

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One more question TM (or indeed anyone)... does it matter what Generation of Nano you use? As I would just look to buy an older, second-hand one from eBay rather than spunk a hundred quid on a new one.

It works on all nanos. I'll be picking up an cheap old one from eBay when I have the funds.

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Looks like im going to get the Nike+ shoe. Went to the Nike shop and they told me they dont sell the attachment seperatly :( so only way I am able to get it is if i purchase the shoe which looked decent so will have to save up and do that.

Edited by Bluenose5
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Looks like im going to get the Nike+ shoe. Went to the Nike shop and they told me they dont sell the attachment seperatly :( so only way I am able to get it is if i purchase the shoe which looked decent so will have to save up and do that.

Can't you buy it online? You can get it from the Nike Shop on their website, in the UK anyway.

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On further research I have established that the running shop on Graham's Road in Falkirk does the sport kit for £20 so I will nip up at lunchtime. Just need to wait on my new old Nano coming and that's me cooking with gas.

Did 10.2km last night in 57 minutes.

Incidentally, how hilly are the routes that people go? For those that know the Falkirk area, my 10km runs are from the bottom of Laurieston along to the far side of Polmont, back through the Gilston Park area then up past Polmont station, along through Brightons and then down through Redding back to Laurieston.

Thinking I might go 5km along the canal then back so I'm doing the 10km on more or less a flat, to see how my time compares. Still, nothing like running up hills for building stamina and leg muscles!

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you can also now get a nike+ sports band which does alot of the stuff for you but forgoes the ipod (and therefore the music) - looks like a wrist watch and might be a cheaper option if you already have an ipod.


I just purchased that!

I've fancied getting nike+ for a while but as I already have an Ipod(not a nano) I never really got round to it. This beast looks good though and will help me get back into shape and hopefully after I get to a reasonable level of fitness again I might look to getting back playing soccer.

Since I left school a couple of years ago i've basically done no excercise. From doing PE everyday and playing football regularly i've done nothing for the past two years and the heaviest and most unfit I have ver been. Time to get a grip though I feel.

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you can also now get a nike+ sports band which does alot of the stuff for you but forgoes the ipod (and therefore the music) - looks like a wrist watch and might be a cheaper option if you already have an ipod.


It looks good but I like getting the updates through my headphones. Perhaps I should see if any shops stock them to see if I can have a good look at them.

On further research I have established that the running shop on Graham's Road in Falkirk does the sport kit for £20 so I will nip up at lunchtime. Just need to wait on my new old Nano coming and that's me cooking with gas.

Did 10.2km last night in 57 minutes.

Incidentally, how hilly are the routes that people go? For those that know the Falkirk area, my 10km runs are from the bottom of Laurieston along to the far side of Polmont, back through the Gilston Park area then up past Polmont station, along through Brightons and then down through Redding back to Laurieston.

Thinking I might go 5km along the canal then back so I'm doing the 10km on more or less a flat, to see how my time compares. Still, nothing like running up hills for building stamina and leg muscles!

I included the Wallacestone Brae in my marathon training once a week and knocked about 38 mins off my PB. The hills are great speed training. I combined that with plenty of canal running though.

Your route can be called undulating at best :lol: Looks like you go past the end of my street.

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I have dug up some info on the Sportsband and it ain't good reading folks.

They are majorly prone to condensation that screws up the display. We are talking a matter of weeks before it packs in. Talking of the display, it ain't got no backlight. This is a problem if you run when it isn't 100% daylight as the display is black with grey numbers and letters.

Some major re-thinking needed at Nike I feel. Looks like a rush job to slice off a bit of Apple's share of the Nike+ profit.

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Anyone else who uses Nike+ can add me (Gazcobain). I'm still getting to grips with the website so I don't know if or how you add friends or anything like that.

I think I'm going to go with the sewing the transmitter into the tongue of my trainer. Should get to start using it over the weekend.

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Official Time was 45mins 23secs for the 10k (45mins 45secs from the starting gun).

Next target is to get sub 45mins.

Application is off for the 10k in Cumbernauld on 14th September

Welld one Diamonds. That's an excellent time. :)

I ran 46 and a half mins on my first 10k three years ago...... and you know what times I can do now. If that's your opening shot then you can get where I'm at if you train for it. :)

Was it the Strathclyde Park 10k by the way? One of my training mates at work finished 11th in that race. I think his time was 36:56. Almost a minute outside his PB which he set at Clydebank earlier this year - but still a great effort.

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Ran home from work this evening 8.5 miles and I'm chuffin knackered.

Wasnt a very good time (1hr:26mins - pretty poor) but I wasnt trying for speed. Only the second time Ive done it and unlike last time I didnt have to stop. Was also quite hot.

Very pleased. 8.5 not bad after a day at work. :)

Good stuff.

My house in Paisley is 8.7 miles from my work in the centre of Glasgow and I run to and from all the time (sometimes park at a train station nearer to work and run from there if I want to take it easier.

I used to do it in 1:15 when I started but now usually do it in around 1:08. If I decide to speed it up a bit I'll do it in an hour...... quicker than public transport!

My route takes me past the main entrance at Ibrox where I always make a point of emptying an excess phlegm from my mouth :D

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Good stuff.

My house in Paisley is 8.7 miles from my work in the centre of Glasgow and I run to and from all the time (sometimes park at a train station nearer to work and run from there if I want to take it easier.

I used to do it in 1:15 when I started but now usually do it in around 1:08. If I decide to speed it up a bit I'll do it in an hour...... quicker than public transport!

My route takes me past the main entrance at Ibrox where I always make a point of emptying an excess phlegm from my mouth :D

Funnily enough I run right past the front entrance of Ibrox as well :o

Very close to the start of my run, so no flegm built up. The route also takes me past the front of Celtic Park as well. In the interests of fairness I dont gog on them either.

Went for a run at lunchtime today (I work in a number of locations - was in Stirling today) - just a 3 miler but I could still feel Mondays long run. I was really blowing oot my arse today on what really should have been a doddle. Will do it again tomorrow.

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Welld one Diamonds. That's an excellent time. :)

I ran 46 and a half mins on my first 10k three years ago...... and you know what times I can do now. If that's your opening shot then you can get where I'm at if you train for it. :)

Was it the Strathclyde Park 10k by the way? One of my training mates at work finished 11th in that race. I think his time was 36:56. Almost a minute outside his PB which he set at Clydebank earlier this year - but still a great effort.

Yeah it was the strathclyde park 10k - course is relatively flat expect for a 2k or so incline bang in the middle. I was 121st which isnt bad out of the 801 that took part.

The worst thing is the park is a 6k run so to make it up to the 10k you have to repeat the first 2k and then double back on yourself. This means that you see the frontrunners heading towards the finish when you still have another 10-15mins to go (and they all look this they are taking it easy whereas I am blowing bubbles!)

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I finally made it out for my first run after the marathon.

It was hellish going. I had 20 mins before my tea so managed 2 miles in just over 16 mins. It's amazing how much you lose when you don't run for a while. I can't say I would have ran it any faster than that in May but I know it wouldn't have been in the mess I was afterwards.

I may still be sweating..... :unsure:

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I finally made it out for my first run after the marathon.

It was hellish going. I had 20 mins before my tea so managed 2 miles in just over 16 mins. It's amazing how much you lose when you don't run for a while. I can't say I would have ran it any faster than that in May but I know it wouldn't have been in the mess I was afterwards.

I may still be sweating..... :unsure:

Good stuff though :)

I'm planning on doing a 16k route over the weekend (possibly even tonight). Instead of going from Brightons to Redding and then home, as I do on my normal 10k route, I'm going to go up to Shieldhill from the Borstal and then down through Glen Village and Hallglen.

Gonna be blowing out my a*se heading up to Shieldhill likes :lol:

Will be happy if I do it in under 2 hours. On Sunday I'm going to tank it along the canal for as far as I can.

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