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P&b Running Club

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Staerted to do sets of 400m sprints and then mixing it up with 200m sprints. Finding that a hell of a lot more challenging than the endless running for distance. I really wasn't enjoying that very much. I have worked this into part of my weekly routine now and its great. I actually feel a lot better after starting to do this sort of running.

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How accurate does the Nike + thingy claim to be? I supposedly ran 5k last night (in 23m23s, fact fans) but on checking with mapmyrun.com it was only 4.7, which is quite a way out.

The 1k I used to calibrate it always comes up as just a few metres out so I thought it would be pretty spot on, but the route I used is flat, dunno whether that makes any difference.

I prefer going in the evenings, just after my work. I'm not a morning person at all.

Mine is out the other way - I ran a 10K but the nike+ was out by about 400-500m. Dont mind I as use it as an indication and if I am running further than I think all the better.

Apparently it works alot better with the proper nike+ trainers (with the sensor in the heel) as opposed to the pouch.

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Staerted to do sets of 400m sprints and then mixing it up with 200m sprints. Finding that a hell of a lot more challenging than the endless running for distance. I really wasn't enjoying that very much. I have worked this into part of my weekly routine now and its great. I actually feel a lot better after starting to do this sort of running.

I have found a big difference in my speed and endurance by introducing intervals and tempo runs (but i sweat buckets and it hurts like hell)

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I've also been introducing a few interval sessions into my running over the past couple of weeks. Started off sprinting for one lamppost, jogging for three, now progressed up to sprinting for two and jogging for two. I'll do this for maybe a fifth of my total running distance.

Went out last night for a 10.5km. Howling wind and rain came on at about the 6km mark. Astonishingly I still managed to complete it in 49 minutes 59 seconds for the 10.5km - and that's my fastest yet :D

Edited by Gaz
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I've also been introducing a few interval sessions into my running over the past couple of weeks. Started off sprinting for one lamppost, jogging for three, now progressed up to sprinting for two and jogging for two. I'll do this for maybe a fifth of my total running distance.

Went out last night for a 10.5km. Howling wind and rain came on at about the 6km mark. Astonishingly I still managed to complete it in 49 minutes 59 seconds for the 10.5km - and that's my fastest yet :D

thats a pretty decent time for a training run. The Weather conditions often act as an incentive to run abit quicker

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I'm back in training after a few months off during the summer, my nike plus battery is dead so i'm goin out with no ipod or no nike plus, not even a stopwatch, its so liberating, like freestyle running lol been out 7 or 8 times over last few weeks, now starting to look at spring time mara's i cud partake in, Barcelona on 1 March sounds appealing!!

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Have decided to target a 2:50 marathon in the early part of next year.

This will entail some pretty tough training and a lot of miles. Managed to put in an 18 mile run on the last 3 Sundays and plan to go for 19 tomorrow. Have managed to do them all in a negative split with the last mile the fastest. Last week's last mile was completed in 5:53.

Also been doing a few midweek marathon pace tempo runs. Completed a 12 miler on Thursday morning before work in just over 1:22 - and that included going over the big hill in Kelvingrove Park in the last mile.

Weather looks good for tomorrow. Really looking forward to it.

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Just did my first sub 4-minute kilometre (3:58), it felt like I was sprinting all the way- fair play to those who can run 10k in under 40 minutes, I don't think there's any way I could keep up that pace for that long.

Pleased at how I'm coming along after a month, tonight was actually a bit of a disappointment in that I had a brutal hangover all day, wasn't on pace at at all for my 7km run, had to stop at 5km as I thought I was going to spew. Walked for a bit then did that 1km to get home.

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I have found a big difference in my speed and endurance by introducing intervals and tempo runs (but i sweat buckets and it hurts like hell)

Yeah I have been doing them specifically to help me when I play squash. I was finding long distance stuff was a waste of my time. I needed to target sprints and do sets of those with as little rest and recovery time as possible. I have been booking the squash court just to do in court sprinting as well. My endurance is massive now and my recovery times are as good as they have ever been. Been combining that with a bit of weight training. Probably fitter now that I have ever been, even though I'm a bit of an old b*****d.

Running doesn't have to be all about running distances. Not everyone is built for that sort of stuff anyway. I am, but I hate it :lol: I just find it incredibly tedious. I'd rather get on a bike and see a bit of the world than drag my bones for a long run. Squash keeps my heart as fit as it can be anyway.

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Me and my bro are gonna train for, and do, either a 10k, or just go for it and do a half marathon in the latter part of next year.

I'm gonna need to go and get some shoes, do you running nuts think i should get them fitted and pay that bit extra, or just go for size 10 Asics?


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Me and my bro are gonna train for, and do, either a 10k, or just go for it and do a half marathon in the latter part of next year.

I'm gonna need to go and get some shoes, do you running nuts think i should get them fitted and pay that bit extra, or just go for size 10 Asics?


Go to a running shop.

They'll measure you and often have last season's trainers at a reduced price.

You need good trainers.

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For all Nike+ users, I've set up a challenge running until the end of the year to encourage everyone to get and keep fit over the festive period :)

If anyone would like in then please send me a PM with your Nike+ username. It's going to run from tomorrow until the 31st December, so we have eight weeks.

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For the past few months I've been waiting to see the orthopedic surgeons at the Glasgow Royal as my knee is jiggered, I've not been able to run since and I'm really missing it.

I've been trying to swim a lot which has been good (front crawl only, breast stroke hurts my leg on the inward kick :lol:) but crikey it gets boring quickly without my Ipod. The Nike+ sensor is currently propping up a corner of my laptop as the desk is warped :lol:

5 word summary: Knee fucked. Missing going running.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looking to get into running now that its getting into winter and alot of my football games will start getting called of. The thing is though I havn't got a clue where you would start in the whole grand scheme of things(what do you buy etc)

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Looking to get into running now that its getting into winter and alot of my football games will start getting called of. The thing is though I havn't got a clue where you would start in the whole grand scheme of things(what do you buy etc)

Shoes, a decent pair of shorts or 3/4 lengths and begin to run...thats how i did it anyway! :ph34r:

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