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Now that my calf ligaments have pretty much healed, I'm looking to get back into (or into properly for starters), running again.

Does anyone have any idea where I can get a step counter/distance checker type thing for running? Preferably somewhere in Glasgow city centre?


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I am at a crossroads. I did the Isle of Skye half marathon 3 weeks ago and the MHFS 10k 2 weeks ago, with times of 1:39:45 & 42:33. Fairly happy with these as I'm only running once or twice a week between playing 5s and lifting weights (proper weights, squatting 3 times a week), and the half marathon in particular came far too early for me in terms of my training; I did it to join a mate who had entered. It was also pretty hilly and seasoned runners have told me I can take 4 or 5 minutes off my time for a true reflection of my half marathon capabilities.

Thing is I have set 2009 targets for both lifting and running. I want to do a sub 40 10k & a sub 90 half marathon. I had planned to be aiming to break 90 mins at the Glasgow half marathon in September, and sub 40 10k at the end of August but I think I will need to drop the lifting completely between now and then to do it. That will mean though that it will be a huge setback to my lifting goals for the year, which I reckon I will meet if I keep it up.

The risk is that by stopping lifting and sacrificing those goals to concentrate on running, I also fail to meet my running targets. Do the more experienced on this thread think it is possible to knock over 2.5 minutes off my 10k time and a whopping 10 minutes off my Half Marathon time in under 2 months?

Have the squats helped with your running times at all? I was doing a lot of these to strengthen my legs for squash and my sprint times were a lot better(court sprints).

I found that when I changed to pissing around with a kettlebell and only a 16kilo one at that, that in general my performance fitness wise is quite a lot better. I'm much faster, I am much more durable on the court, and I am rarely maxed out with my heartrate.

Would kettlebell traininghelp with runners? I'm certain it would. Or are you lifting weights for other reasons?

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Now that my calf ligaments have pretty much healed, I'm looking to get back into (or into properly for starters), running again.

Does anyone have any idea where I can get a step counter/distance checker type thing for running? Preferably somewhere in Glasgow city centre?


Not 100% sure, have you tried Run 4 It on Bothwell Street?

I've only run about 15 miles this week, need to really step up if I'm going to a decent time in the Glasgow Half Marathon in September.

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I've to do a mile and a half run later today and looking do to it in 9 minutes dead. But have no idea what kind of pace I'd need to go for that.

Anyone any idea?

Using the wonderful power of arithmetic, I'd say you'd be looking at a six-minutes-per-mile pace ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
I've had two weeks off as I have hurt my groin and or hip. It looks like its hit my 1/2 marathon on the head in September. I feel fat and unfit

The Glasgow one?

I just received a free place in it which is great.

I does only give me 6 weeks to prepare though having not been out for ages.

Is it a PB type route or will it be fairly undulating in parts given it's in Glasgow?

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The Glasgow one?

I just received a free place in it which is great.

I does only give me 6 weeks to prepare though having not been out for ages.

Is it a PB type route or will it be fairly undulating in parts given it's in Glasgow?

That was the plan - unfortunately after 3 and 1/2 weeks off and a trip to the physio have put an end to that plan. I am targetting a 10K later in the year.

I think the course is pretty flat after the kingston bridge (up to that point it is all up hill) but I have never run the course so am not too sure

Edited by diamonds2002
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That was the plan - unfortunately after 3 and 1/2 weeks off and a trip to the physio have put an end to that plan. I am targetting a 10K later in the year.

I think the course is pretty flat after the kingston bridge (up to that point it is all up hill) but I have never run the course so am not too sure

That's just at the start of the route.

Good luck with your rehab.

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  • 3 weeks later...
The Glasgow one?

I just received a free place in it which is great.

I does only give me 6 weeks to prepare though having not been out for ages.

Is it a PB type route or will it be fairly undulating in parts given it's in Glasgow?

I achieved 3 PBs in the Glasgow HM.

Mind you I only ever ran 6 HMs and got PBs in all of them!

Ran Glasgow HM last year in 1.22 and just missed out on a top 100 placing. They changed the route last year because of the work on the Kingston Bridge but I think its back to the original route which means a slightly easier start.

Put it this way, the climb up the Kingston Bridge is the biggest "hill" and its near the start. My first 4 miles last year were my fastest, did them all at sub 6 min pace. Mind you, maybe if I'd paced myself slightly better I'd have broken 1.20.

Other than the start, its pretty much flat all the way round.

Good luck.

I'm beginning to see some progress in my knee injury and hopefull that I can start my new cycling career soon. My wife is running the Paisley 10k next month and its making me a bit jealous. She's been running at 1 hour pace so hopefully she can get round in under the 60 mins.

My son is doing the 3k. Last year he finished 3rd in the Primary School category so considering he was only in Primary 5 I have high hopes that me may win that category this year. He's been out training with my wife but she is too slow for him so he has to run ahead and double back to her. :lol:

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Looking forward to the Glasgow half marathon despite my preperations being disrupted with a bizarre injury that involved me dropping a plate on my foot.

Hoping to do 1 hour 40 minutes or thereabouts but wouldn't be surprised to clock in nearer the 2 hour mark.

Anyone else running?

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I'm running it as well.

Got a slight pain in my heel, which I hope doesn't hinder me too much.

Done the Glasgow Half Marathon 3 times. 1.37 in 1999, 2.05 in 2006 and 2.10 in 2007. So I'm hoping for a sub 2 hours time.

Training so far indicates a sub 2 hour time, but it is all about the pace you set in the first few miles and it is sometimes hard to judge.

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I was going to do the Glasgow Half but as it's only a couple of weeks before the Great North Run I've decided just to run the 10K. Looking forward to it though. Current 10K's personal best is 44:31. Would be delighted to beat that but due to a few injuries I've had over the past couple of months I'd be happy with something under 47 or 48 minutes.

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Have the squats helped with your running times at all? I was doing a lot of these to strengthen my legs for squash and my sprint times were a lot better(court sprints).

I found that when I changed to pissing around with a kettlebell and only a 16kilo one at that, that in general my performance fitness wise is quite a lot better. I'm much faster, I am much more durable on the court, and I am rarely maxed out with my heartrate.

Would kettlebell traininghelp with runners? I'm certain it would. Or are you lifting weights for other reasons?

Sorry for the late reply, been a while since I was on this thread!

Technically no, my times have not improved but the extra strength in my legs has improved my running performance, as I'm only slightly behind my best pace having done a lot less actual running, if that makes any sense. I have no doubt that If I were to do the same amount of running now as I did when I set my half marathon pb I would smash it as a result of being a whole lot stronger.

I have moved to new weights routine, so still doing full body 3x per week but mixing up set & rep schemes a bit more and doing bigger sets therefore lighter weights with shorter rest periods using more dynamic exercises, much like I'm sure kettlebell training is. This has allowed me to run without such heavy legs all the time and push my times and distances up a bit, so there is still an outside chance of 90 mins on the 6th September but realistically I'll fall just short. I've no doubt you're right, if you were to choose a type of resistance training to aid running in season kettlebell training is better than squatting to your 3 & 5 rep max 3 times a week. Think the heavier lifting should be done in the winter when your not competing.

I want to get big and strong as well as running good times which aren't realistically going to happen at the same time, I should really prioritise one for a period of time, I just can't seem to decide which one to do when.

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I was going to do the Glasgow Half but as it's only a couple of weeks before the Great North Run I've decided just to run the 10K. Looking forward to it though. Current 10K's personal best is 44:31. Would be delighted to beat that but due to a few injuries I've had over the past couple of months I'd be happy with something under 47 or 48 minutes.

I'm ploughing ahead with the half marathon, although I'm nowhere near ready. I took a dull one to the back of my ankle playing hockey a few weeks back and it takes few gentle miles before it eases off. I'm not going to gun for a PB either as I'm off on holiday the following day and don't want to hobble for two weeks.

The route takes me past all my old haunts - I'm treating it like a gentle trip down memory lane rather than a full on race. Should be fun.

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Does anyone do timed sprints?

I've been doing a bit of this as a training thing and I find it miles better than just running for miles and miles.

I'm fitter now than I have been at any stage in my life. I have been using the bleep test as a kind of circuit test as well as doing hill sprints.

It's much shorter than distance stuff obviously, but it seems to be really good for strength and for fat burning. I am in really good nick now. I quite enjoy the short sprint interval stuff more than I ever did plodding away for miles.

Anyone else try this? Or is this thread purely about running distance?

Lets see your bleep test scores and your ages. The bleep test is a good way to gauge your progress I think.

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Does anyone do timed sprints?

I've been doing a bit of this as a training thing and I find it miles better than just running for miles and miles.

I'm fitter now than I have been at any stage in my life. I have been using the bleep test as a kind of circuit test as well as doing hill sprints.

It's much shorter than distance stuff obviously, but it seems to be really good for strength and for fat burning. I am in really good nick now. I quite enjoy the short sprint interval stuff more than I ever did plodding away for miles.

Anyone else try this? Or is this thread purely about running distance?

Lets see your bleep test scores and your ages. The bleep test is a good way to gauge your progress I think.

I done the beep test about 6 months ago and got to level 12 or 13

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My running kinda tailed off for a variety of reasons after I did my Half Marathon in May, so I'd planned to start regular running from this week onwards.

I was lying in bed last night and just couldn't sleep. By the time 1am arrived, I decided I needed to do something active to tire me out, I threw on my running gear and when for a jog. Did 3 miles in 30min at an easy pace, came home and crashed out. Weird thing is that I used to go running before a nightshift sometimes and never felt tired.

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