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Laid Back Maverick

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About Laid Back Maverick

  • Birthday 26/09/1982

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  • Interests
    Football, rugby, running, mountaineering, scuba diving
  • My Team
    Raith Rovers

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  1. I thought he was still a member, despite donating to Labour and previously promoting Alba. He's an irreverence. It's the type of journalism I'd expect from local newspapers who print letters from councillors as if it's objective news.
  2. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cevwdy7llrlo *Jim Sillars klaxon*
  3. They're just catering for the fanzone experience
  4. A fanzone is just a tent with a telly and overpriced pints. There are plenty of pubs in Edinburgh including the Pear Tree and Three Sisters if you want the outdoor experience.
  5. Richard Baker - ex-MSP and husband of Claire Baker. (Melanie Ward being parachuted into Kirkcaldy this time). John Beare - local councillor and bag carrier for current MP. Famously got a cafe in Markinch closed down because it was under his flat. Claimed to be a “lay-person” to the planning appeals despite being a chair of a planning committee. Debbie McCallum - Jill Reilly - Ian Sinclair Smith -
  6. It’s an equidistant boundary between Scotland and rUK. It curves that way because the Scottish coast has a indenting v-shape westwards. It looks worse on a Mercator map projection. Equidistant boundaries are the starting point for international maritime borders, with alternatives agreed by negotiation. The 1987 boundary is still in effect for defining whether offshore installations fall under Scots law for civil jurisdiction.
  7. River City vibes for sure
  8. I had a wee laugh about the geography. A whole city to explore, but the castle appears in so many shots just in case you don't know it's Edinburgh. (Wonder how he affords that flat on a DS salary...) And that's definitely not Methil, I think it's Rutherglen?
  9. Got a ticket. It was a bit hopeless trying it on my phone, so I switched to the computer.
  10. The times are crap, but I'd rather get up early and drive to Dingwall, than get back from Dingwall after midnight mid-week.
  11. No, but I also can't understand the mentality of employing stewards to stand around in PPE and watch them burn out. They even moan at players for removing them from the field.
  12. You’d have thought Labour would have learned their lesson after the last time they parachuted Melanie Ward into Fife https://www.fifetoday.co.uk/news/politics/election-2024-new-kirkcaldy-candidate-melanie-ward-comes-full-circle-with-labour-4626748
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