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P&b Running Club

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When I go for a run I tend to go as soon as I get out of bed and run for around half an hour. But tomorrow I am probably going to go out for between 45-85 minutes. Is it okay running on an empty stomach for that long or am I better eating something waiting an hour or so then going?

Usually I just have a glass of orange or a drink of water then head out.

Didn't see this last night. If I'm going out for a long-ish run first thing in the morning, I'll get up half an hour before and have maybe a banana and a small slice of toast and a glass of fruit juice. Nothing too heavy. Then when I get back in I'll have a proper breakfast.

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But not right before exercise, an expert will tell us why but I always suffer from stomach cramps if I eat anything more than a banana within a couple of hours prior to running.

Well, yes, I thought he knew that though as he said he would eat about an hour before going out. If I'm running in the morning, I tend to have some weetabix or something about an hour before.

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I have struggled with what to eat and when before sport and stuff. I find certain things just lie swilling around if I time it all wrong. If I am about to do intensive exercise I try and get the peanut butter down an hour or so before it. And even then its not ideal all of the time. I do eat sweets and bananas and stuff during exercise but I sometimes feel a bit gassy. I'd like a solution to this problem.

I took some sudafed one time as its basically amphetamine. It made my heartrate run way too high though.

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I have started running a bit. I went for a run yesterday but got really sore shins three quarters of the way through and had to walk for a wee bit. Is this shin splints or am I running wrong? I think I need to get on my toes a bit more...

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I have started running a bit. I went for a run yesterday but got really sore shins three quarters of the way through and had to walk for a wee bit. Is this shin splints or am I running wrong? I think I need to get on my toes a bit more...

It will go away in time. I've had shin splints before when I played cricket. It's fooking agony.

I spent an hour doing court sprints last night. Ten lengths of the court as fast as possible then backhand/forehand drills. Then the sprints then the drills for a whole hour.

I got home and couldn't get any sleep. I was buzzing for hours after it.

Edited by Reynard
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Went out last night for usual 5K with the Jog Scotland group. Got back in about 8pm, had my dinner and was shattered so went upstairs the back of 10.

Couldn't sleep, legs were twitching and aching a bit. Finally dozed off about

3am ish :(

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I'm just in from a light 3km jog. I didn't think I'd manage it, but set my iPod to go for 3km distance and ended up doing 3.25km and could easily have gone further. I find the hills a bit of a killer though and there's no avoiding them here - I suppose I'll get better at them the more I go out? I think I'll set the iPod for a 5km run next time I'm out and see how that goes.

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Is this an app for the iphone I take it?

It's Nike+

You have a chip in your shoe and then attach another to your ipod and off you go. I love it!

Managed 3.95k tonight, 3x running 7 mins and then walking 2. edging towards the magical 5k!

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How fast are folk doing 5k? I am sitting at 26minutes, wouldn't say I was pushing it totally mind.

22 minutes and 36 seconds is my fastest 5K. I've never done one in a race setting though with other people, I reckon I could shave a couple of minutes off it.

I haven't been fucked with running this year. Last year I had a bad year for injuries and this year I was supposed to be doing the Grangemouth 10K (got a bad cold and two tests the week before it, training went to pot) and I was meant to be doing Edinburgh tomorrow (got the 'flu two weeks ago, training went to pot again).

I really need to get back out to it. I might start a P&B Nike+ Challenge for the eight weeks starting on Monday - that would take us nicely up to the summer holidays and give everyone an excuse to get fit before then. Who would be up for it?

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Can you get it for the bog standard nano? It sounds brilliant.

Yeah it doesn't have to be a new Nano. I have an old second generation thing that I use and it works perfectly well on that.

It really is brilliant.

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I have just entered my first 10k race. :D Have done a few 5k races in the past, but feel like I need more of a challenge/goal for improving my fitness. So, I need to double my distance by 5th of September for the Moray 10k road race.

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London Marathon Ballot

Ballot for the London Marathon 2011 now open. I'm in, just have to wait until October to see if I'm one of the lucky 35,000.

Any other P&B runners up for it?

Cheers for that - I have sent in my details. Never done a marathon if I get in - it will motivate me

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