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Sounds hideous, Neefie! :lol:

I've clocked up 17km this weekend - some of the most vile weather conditions I've ever run in. Yesterday was horrid! Still, pleased with the miles I've done. :)

Good stuff Reina.

I've been woeful this week ... 4.1 miles on Tuesday morning and 2.8 miles on Thursday lunchtime. Was hoping to get out yesterday but couldn't and been dead busy today. However once my tea settles i'm going to go to the gym and see how long i can put up with the spirit crushing boredom of the treadmill.

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I have a place in the Great Scottish Run in September :D

Free entry through my work as well :D:D

It will be my first time running it. Anyone got any stories?

There is a hill in Pollock park that nearly made me cry when I saw it looming ahead of me. It wasn't that bad in the end.

The support from the people in the street is fantastic it is the only large scale event that I have done so no real comparison but some locals even set up there own water stands and a few folk out with trays of oranges.

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Nice one.

I'm in training the now for the Grangemouth 10K at the end of March - going well so far. Hopefully by the time the race comes I'll be in good enough shape to have a crack at beating my PB.

Just signed up for this aswell. Looks like an easy course. Having only ever ran one 10k race before (middlesboro 54mins IIR) Im not going to be breaking any records.

Ran a 10k tonight on the treadmill in 52 mins so all going well I hope I can do sub 50 min 10k when it comes around.

Edited by young_bairn
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I'm 5 weeks into my 16 week training program for the Edinburgh 1/2 marathon. The most I've ran is 10k (54 mins) but I think that, as long as I don't get any injuries etc, I should be in reasonable shape by the end of May.

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Another 8.5km out of the way this evening. Did it in 40:22 with an average pace of 4:44.

My times are going well but I need to up the distance - I'm barely out more than twice a week these days as I'm playing four or five games of football a week. Going to cut down on the football for a few weeks so I can get out running four times a week. Under three weeks until the race!

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Did the Nairn 10k today and beat my best time by about 3 mins. So am rather pleased. 59 mins-ish. Delighted to get my 10k time to under an hour :D

Well Done Debbie - that's what I love about running. You are always running against yourself and it is a great feeling when you hit a new PB or run that bit further!

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I was all geared up for another 4 miles as I up my sporadic training. Look at the snow!

I went out at 8am this morning for a 9km run. Made it 4.28km before my Nike+ stopped working - no idea what my pace was, but I know that I hit the 4km mark at 19:06, so roughly 4:46m/km.

Turned back as I couldn't be arsed running without the Nike+ thing and the snow was making my face and hands freezing cold.

No doubt that's the training hit on the head for another few days, and only two weeks until Grangemouth. I'd been hoping to beat 44:31 at it but realistically that probably isn't going to happen.

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I did 7.22 miles this morning with some of the girls from the Jog Scotland group. We did a lovely route up into the hills (hell going up, bliss coming back down!) and the views were amazing. You could see right over the Moray Firth to the mountains on the other side - covered in snow. Just stunning. It was nice and early too, so lots of wildlife on the go - it's always lovely to see deer on a run. So yeah, a great run. It's only 10 weeks or so until the half marathon now, so it's time to start upping the mileage. I have another race next week (Inverurie) and possibly another the week after in Elgin (both 10k races) but then it's time to get serious... Eek!

Must update my blog, too...

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My training has been going well I think. Only did one 10k on the treadmill in the last 3 weeks but doing at least 5 k at a good pace everyday.

19days on a treadmill is starting to hurt though. Can't wait to get home and run on some different surfaces. Got a good 10k route mapped on walk jog run for when I am home Wednesday.

2 weeks today until grangemouth. I will do a sub 50min :unsure:

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Garioch 10k today - official time was 57:49! My first official sub 1 hour 10k - and that was on a very hilly course. Delighted! :D :D :D

I know it's not great compared to some of your times, but it was a huge achievement for me. :)

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Garioch 10k today - official time was 57:49! My first official sub 1 hour 10k - and that was on a very hilly course. Delighted! :D :D :D

I know it's not great compared to some of your times, but it was a huge achievement for me. :)

Well done. It sounds like your training is going great. 9 weeks to go!

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Thanks Ziggy - it is going well, but I do need to up the mileage. I have another 10k next week so after that it's time to get serious...

I see a 34 year old man died at the race yesterday. Link. Horrible. I saw him fall - he was maybe only 100m or so ahead of me - and just assumed he'd tripped and hurt himself. That was at about 9.5km. There was a doctor with him (another runner) as I ran past him. No point in stopping, I figured, as he was getting treatment. Sad to hear he died. Only 34. Scary stuff :(

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