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Started running after months of putting it off as I wanted to get fitter for 7s and the treadmill at the gym bores me something awful. I manage about 3 miles (completed within 20-25 minutes) but at the end my heels hurt like f**k. I'm guessing buying proper running shoes rather than the trainers I'm using at the moment would help solve this? No other forms of exercise make my heels hurt like this.

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Started running after months of putting it off as I wanted to get fitter for 7s and the treadmill at the gym bores me something awful. I manage about 3 miles (completed within 20-25 minutes) but at the end my heels hurt like f**k. I'm guessing buying proper running shoes rather than the trainers I'm using at the moment would help solve this? No other forms of exercise make my heels hurt like this.

You might need to alter your running style slightly as you might be coming down too hard on your heels or try off road running as that will reduce the impact on your heels.

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My last 10K before Grangemouth last night. Did a fairly hilly, circular course from Falkirk out to Camelon, then down to Bainsford and back up home to Falkirk.

Delighted with the time - 10K in 46:53. Even better than that, when I map the same route I did on MapMyRun it shows as 10.38K - so it looks like I've done an extra few hundred metres!

That's it for my long runs for the week. Will do two or three shorter ones and then have a relaxing few days before Sunday. Looking forward to it now.

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My last 10K before Grangemouth last night. Did a fairly hilly, circular course from Falkirk out to Camelon, then down to Bainsford and back up home to Falkirk.

Delighted with the time - 10K in 46:53. Even better than that, when I map the same route I did on MapMyRun it shows as 10.38K - so it looks like I've done an extra few hundred metres!

That's it for my long runs for the week. Will do two or three shorter ones and then have a relaxing few days before Sunday. Looking forward to it now.

Good luck. Last 10k for me today before Grangemouth. Up glen brae round lauriston and tfs then home.

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I was out twice yesterday (long story) but put in 8 miles. It was a scorcher in the morning though - 5.7 miles round Grangemouth and up to Polmont. The Old Kirk Entry was a beast.

Topped it up to the 8 miles a few hours later heading back from Polmont to Grangemouth.

That's me broke the camel's back now though in terms of motivation. I even headed out to the Nike store out at Sterling Mills for new running shoes. All I need now is to get my sponsorship link out to folk and I'll just be focused on getting my distance up then time down :)

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Does anyone do anything 'beyond' running - I'm thinking duathlons, triathlons etc? I was reading about sprint triathlons earlier and I quite fancy it. No idea how I'd find out if any were happening up here?

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Does anyone do anything 'beyond' running - I'm thinking duathlons, triathlons etc? I was reading about sprint triathlons earlier and I quite fancy it. No idea how I'd find out if any were happening up here?

Have you tried this site


seems to have a list of events. Although it might be useful to see if there is a local club as they might have club events.

The things that put me off the triathlon is the swimming and the fact I don't own a bike :P

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Edinburgh Marathon - 8 weeks away

My mileage this week - 14 and a bit.

I think this may well kill me :lol:

Having said that, i felt absolutely fine after doing 5 miles at stupid o clock this morning. My only issues seem to be a little bit of pain. I generally don't feel massively fucked during or after a run, just a bit sore. I'm going to try and get my single run distance up to 13-15 miles over the next few weeks and pray that adrenaline takes care of the rest.

On the plus side, my fitness is definitely improving (even if the weight isn't going down as much as i'd like)

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Brilliant running guys :D

I shaved another minute off my PB today at the Elgin 10k. Chuffed!

Completed my first 10k today in the round the houses, also my longest run without walking by a considerable distance!

Official chip time was 55:57, chuffed with that, thought I might have broke 55 but happy just to finish!!

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Well done to everyone!

Got my chip time from yesterday - 35:30 so delighted with that! (I'm a 34 year old fat bottomed wifey with a soft spot for home baking so not quite at the level of you 10k speed merchants!)

Had a few problems with Nike+ last week -it reckoned I was running a minute slower per km than I had thought so chuffed to prove it wrong - roll on the 8th May!

Edit: times apparently a minute out so my new time is 34:30! woo and hoo!

Edited by Baggio
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I've not long started this running nonsense to try and lose a little weight and help my general fitness overall its suprisingly satisfying though, worked out a 5 km run round my area and been doing it between 3 and 5 times a week managed to run/jog the whole way without any walking the last time out so my aim is now to do that every time then i might up the distance, thought i'd have given up by now but its a good feeling when you get out with the ipod on as you plod along.

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