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One tip I heard was to give up caffine till before the race. Then before you start drink a red bull. then have another about the 19-20 mile mark. the caffine rush is supposed to be a good help.


I will look further into this one.


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Runners World have covered the music / no music debate a few times over the past year. Apparently there have been loads of complaints to race organisers about people who get cut up by people with earphones in, or get boxed in behind someone doing a much slower pace (because they are listening to music and don't hear that a much faster runner is right up their heels).

I can see both sides to the argument, but I'd still prefer my music.

Edited by Gaz
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Runners World have covered the music / no music debate a few times over the past year. Apparently there have been loads of complaints to race organisers about people who get cut up by people with earphones in, or get boxed in behind someone doing a much slower pace (because they are listening to music and don't hear that a much faster runner is right up their heels).

I can see both sides to the argument, but I'd still prefer my music.

I can see their point but to me that's easily fixed if entrants are honest about their finishing times and stick to their allocated starting pens (for bigger races I concede).

Also, having ran in a fair few events, surely any question of being boxed in is down to course design. I've been stuck in bottlenecks before but it's due to poorly thought out routes more than MP3 players.

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I feel slightly inadequate with all this marathon talk but I'll share with the group. Regular viewers will remember that I had been struggling with a knee problem for the best part of a year but I started running again in early February this year. I run a 5km course round my neighbourhood every Monday but I've started to try doing it at least twice a week.

On Monday I did 5km in 32:20, last night I blew that out the water and finished in 30:20! I'm absolutely delighted with that, the next target is obviously to get below 30mins and the next biggie will be 25mins.

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Sub 30 5k will come quickly mate.

Iv no more races planned till September. Anybody know of any 10ks in the central belt in the near future?

So now I have nothing to train for I'm doing a 5k run every week day (sub 25mins at least) and weights. Once i hopefully drop another half stone I should see my running times improve. Currently 12st 9lbs which is light compared with the new year. Just over a stone gone :)

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I feel slightly inadequate with all this marathon talk but I'll share with the group. Regular viewers will remember that I had been struggling with a knee problem for the best part of a year but I started running again in early February this year. I run a 5km course round my neighbourhood every Monday but I've started to try doing it at least twice a week.

On Monday I did 5km in 32:20, last night I blew that out the water and finished in 30:20! I'm absolutely delighted with that, the next target is obviously to get below 30mins and the next biggie will be 25mins.

It's a great feeling when you smash a personal target.

I'm pretty certain that most regular posters in the thread have similar stories. I know that when I was last training properly I was around the 10 minute mile level. Last night I hammered 4 miles with a pace of 7:54 per mile which I was well chuffed about.

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young_bairn - I can give you a free entry to the Edinburgh 10k if you're interested? It's on the 21st of May - part of the Edinburgh Marathon Festival. I won a competition which gave me free entry to all the races at the event and the 10k is still available if you want it?

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I'm planning on doing the loch ness or moray marathon this year jsut need to get some balls and sign up.

Young bairn - this jog scotland website has a fairly user friendly events list - I am sure you will be able to find something there.

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Diamonds, you'll love the Moray Marathon - great course and you get a fine cup of tea afterwards in the town hall. ;) It's the 30th anniversary this year. I'll be there, but am swithering between the half or the 10k - going to make a decision after I've done the Edinburgh half...

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Diamonds, you'll love the Moray Marathon - great course and you get a fine cup of tea afterwards in the town hall. ;) It's the 30th anniversary this year. I'll be there, but am swithering between the half or the 10k - going to make a decision after I've done the Edinburgh half...

I have just signed up for the Loch Ness Marathon (gulp!) Maybe next year for Moray

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Although a bit late, my training has really improved lately. I've been continuing with short runs during the week, but really punishing myself in the gym with 20-30 minute HIIT programmes on the treadmill and throwing in the occasional 1-2 mile hill run; and trying to manage a longer run on the weekends.

It seems to be paying off, 10.40 miles this morning, my longest run by about 4 miles.

Pleasing aspects:

My recovery is pretty quick

I didn't really hit anything approaching a wall until about 9 miles

Managing to keep a pretty disciplined pace on level-ish ground

Annoying Aspects:

I'm not good at controlling pace on downhills

My fucking Nike Plus starts dicking about on the pace setting after an hour. It was flashing between 5 minute miles and 9s, resulting in a display of 11.2miles. However i measured the distance and got the actual 10.4. Hopefully re-calibrating it will help.

Worrying Aspects:

My left knee was nipping like f**k after about 8 miles (it's been bothering me on and off for 2 weeks), but pain sort of came and went after that. Hmmmmm.

Overall, chuffed with that.

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Good run, bud, I did a similar run this morning - 10.5 miles. Didn't enjoy it really - been away for a couple of days (bit pissed at the wedding of the year on Thursday), lots of driving, not a lot of sleep last night because the boy thought 1am was a genius time to have a party in his cot... - so not my best run. Definitely my longest though! 2.6 miles to go and 5 weeks to do it in. Think I'm on it :)

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Good run, bud, I did a similar run this morning - 10.5 miles. Didn't enjoy it really - been away for a couple of days (bit pissed at the wedding of the year on Thursday), lots of driving, not a lot of sleep last night because the boy thought 1am was a genius time to have a party in his cot... - so not my best run. Definitely my longest though! 2.6 miles to go and 5 weeks to do it in. Think I'm on it :)

Excellent work. You're absolutely on it :D

I'm still behind where i should be according to the training schedules, but i reckon another 4 weeks of hill runs and HIIT, with a 2 mile a week increase on the long Saturday runs should get me to a comfortable-ish 18 miles. I'll rely on adrenaline for the other 8 :ph34r:

I managed to not drink last night, but only 5 hours sleep. Running first thing in the morning is the way forward though, quiet country roads, early morning sunshine. Superb. (apart from a 2 mile long stretch of uphill at the end. That sucked)

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