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I went out running tonight for the first time in ages.

Did better than I thought I would although I had to walk a few times.

Are sprinting bursts recommended when going out for a long run? I was doing 50mtr sprints and was quite happy with how quick I am for the fitness level I'm at but my shins were giving me a bit of bother after sprinting.

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Depends on what you're training for Andy - if you want to get faster, then sprinting intervals are useful. Shin soreness could be your trainers. I can't recommend getting your gait analysed enough. Run4it are great (well the one in Inverness is great anyway).

I did 11.1 miles on Saturday and am planning 12 miles this Sat. Bricking it a bit now to be honest. That will be my last long run before the half marathon...

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Depends on what you're training for Andy - if you want to get faster, then sprinting intervals are useful. Shin soreness could be your trainers. I can't recommend getting your gait analysed enough. Run4it are great (well the one in Inverness is great anyway).

I did 11.1 miles on Saturday and am planning 12 miles this Sat. Bricking it a bit now to be honest. That will be my last long run before the half marathon...

I'm playing in the Raith fundraiser at Stark's Park on May 8th. I appreciate that I'm not going to be superfit in that amount of time but I'd hope that I can last the 45 minutes without any bother. Paul Smith told me last night that I'm playing in the middle of the park and my natural instinct is to defend but I also like going forward too. I'd like to have the stamina to do box to box.

All the best with your half marathon! I'd love to be in a position to even contemplate that.

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I went out running tonight for the first time in ages.

Did better than I thought I would although I had to walk a few times.

Are sprinting bursts recommended when going out for a long run? I was doing 50mtr sprints and was quite happy with how quick I am for the fitness level I'm at but my shins were giving me a bit of bother after sprinting.

I recommend at least one speedwork session a week. If you want to run faster you have to train faster. Again it depends what distances/fitness level you want are aiming for. I am racing 3000m, 5K, 10K and half Marathons. (i also have the 400M hurdles for the track season, but that's just for fun). Normally a speed session will either be 8-12 x 400M efforts or 3-5 x 1 mile efforts, for a pyramd session of 1-2-3-2-1 min efforts.

This week I ran 8mins 53 secs for the 2000M Steeplechase. Which is over 1 minute quicker than I was doing last season. I was hoping that I was going to get close to 14mins for the 3000M steeplechase, but I'm hoping to smash 14 mins next week (1st league track meeting)

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I recommend at least one speedwork session a week. If you want to run faster you have to train faster. Again it depends what distances/fitness level you want are aiming for. I am racing 3000m, 5K, 10K and half Marathons. (i also have the 400M hurdles for the track season, but that's just for fun). Normally a speed session will either be 8-12 x 400M efforts or 3-5 x 1 mile efforts, for a pyramd session of 1-2-3-2-1 min efforts.

This week I ran 8mins 53 secs for the 2000M Steeplechase. Which is over 1 minute quicker than I was doing last season. I was hoping that I was going to get close to 14mins for the 3000M steeplechase, but I'm hoping to smash 14 mins next week (1st league track meeting)

I think that stamina is at the root of my problems.

If I could run consistantly without stopping then I reckon the fitness would sort itself out and I'd become faster by default.

I used to be quite quick when I was fit but I'm carrying any extra stone or two since those heady days!

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Reading back over your posts the extra stone or two would be causing your shins to hurt. When you run you put 6 times your body wieght on one limb. So any little tear or stress fracture hurts like hell. The only way is to lose wieght. It's a viscous cricle. The cruical parts will be warming up 10-15 mins before running. Stretching out the limbs and getting the heart rate up. Then you will need to stretch off afterwards. I recomend stretching everyday, even if you are not running that day.

If you are doing a long run you should set off at a pace that you can manage to do that distance in (you should be able to say a sentance comfortly). About 60-70% of the way increase your pace (able to say only a few words) till about 90% of the way then drop down to your orginal pace. Eventually you will find your starting pace will be the same as the increased pace.

You can also do a sorter distance and time it. Have a good recovery, then do the same distance and try to beat the time set. Even by a second each time.

Hope this helps you and good luck

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Well, despite being pissed as a fart yesterday, I still managed 11.4 miles this morning. I was supposed to be doing 12 miles but I went the wrong way. I tell you what though, it was a bloody struggle. Shows how much of a difference rest/food etc makes to my preparation.

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you're going to have no problems with your half!

1 week till my 10k, 8.8k this morning so fairly confident i'll make it round next week. It was a good training run for race day, this week i'm probably only going to do a short run on wednesday and go swimming a couple of times.

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you're going to have no problems with your half!

1 week till my 10k, 8.8k this morning so fairly confident i'll make it round next week. It was a good training run for race day, this week i'm probably only going to do a short run on wednesday and go swimming a couple of times.

sounds proper sensible. All the best.

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First run tonight after 2 weeks off thanks to Runner's Knee. Managed 2.5 miles fairly comfortably before any sign of discomfort, decided to leave it that though. Will see if there's any reaction tomorrow morning and try for 4 miles tomorrow, then 6 on Saturday, and so on. Only 3 weeks (in fact slightly under) to the Edinburgh Marathon, rather shitting it at the moment. This couldn't have come at a worse time.

However, I just need to balance being careful with it, with getting in the best possible shape i can in 3 weeks. Hmmmm.

Also, can't believe the difference 2 weeks out makes. It was like i'd forgotten how to fucking run :lol:

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First run tonight after 2 weeks off thanks to Runner's Knee. Managed 2.5 miles fairly comfortably before any sign of discomfort, decided to leave it that though. Will see if there's any reaction tomorrow morning and try for 4 miles tomorrow, then 6 on Saturday, and so on. Only 3 weeks (in fact slightly under) to the Edinburgh Marathon, rather shitting it at the moment. This couldn't have come at a worse time.

However, I just need to balance being careful with it, with getting in the best possible shape i can in 3 weeks. Hmmmm.

Also, can't believe the difference 2 weeks out makes. It was like i'd forgotten how to fucking run :lol:

I managed only two miles out of an eight mile run when I was tapering shortly before the marathon in 2008. I wouldn't worry about it at this stage as long as your training up to this point has been spot on. Just take it easy over the next week.

I'm a last minute entry to the relay and I'm off work sick at the moment. Slightly worried at this point. Any suggestions for our team name?

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Nice one. Was it wet?

handily, the rain stopped just as the race started but it came on with a vengeance just after I'd finished. Perfect timing for me but not for the poor folk still out there!

i was 6535 out of 10114! :D:lol:

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handily, the rain stopped just as the race started but it came on with a vengeance just after I'd finished. Perfect timing for me but not for the poor folk still out there!

i was 6535 out of 10114! :D:lol:

I love running in the rain (as long as it's not windy). Well done! :D

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