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Just applied for next years London Marathon - 3rd time lucky?

I've applied as well. But part of me thinks I should have waited to see how painful Edinburgh (my 1st marathon) is going to be first.

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How about 9th time lucky?

I want to do this one, New York and Barcelona. I cannot face the overpriced slog round East Lothian again.

To be fair I was delighted with my rejection letter in Ocotber up until the day of the race this year.

What about a good for age result - I reckon I could get round in 3 hours 10 :whistle


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Done 2 x 2.5 miles to and from work on Saturday - 15 mins there and 17mins back. Done the 2.5 miles back today as the car is in the garage.

Ran 11 miles on Sunday in 1 hour 29 mins. At least I know I have the miles in my legs for Edinbrough.

Anyone got any tips on recovering from post-race cramp? I've taken in lots of fluids but my thighs still hurt like a b*****d.


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How about 9th time lucky?

I want to do this one, New York and Barcelona. I cannot face the overpriced slog round East Lothian again.

I swore i'd never do another one again, mainly due to fucking my knee badly after Edinburgh, a poorly adhered to training schedule (no doubt the cause of the fucked knee) and the fact that last year's run through a series of villages along the Forth Edinburgh Marathon was so shite.

London is a different kettle of fish. I've entered the ballot and would gladly sacrific 6 months of social life to train properly for it.

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The reviews of last years Edinburgh Marathon put me right off. Apparently it was a nightmare getting back to Edinburgh after the race was finished. f**k that carry on after 26miles. The only one other than London iv thought about is the loch ness marathon. My long slow runs are at 14 miles just now so I'm thinking that September isn't too close to jump into marathon training?

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The reviews of last years Edinburgh Marathon put me right off. Apparently it was a nightmare getting back to Edinburgh after the race was finished. f**k that carry on after 26miles. The only one other than London iv thought about is the loch ness marathon. My long slow runs are at 14 miles just now so I'm thinking that September isn't too close to jump into marathon training?

It was truly fucking shite. The finishing area was a disorganised load of bollocks shoved down a side street and the traffic was fucking terrible getting out of there. Never again.

Edited by jupe1407
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The reviews of last years Edinburgh Marathon put me right off. Apparently it was a nightmare getting back to Edinburgh after the race was finished. f**k that carry on after 26miles. The only one other than London iv thought about is the loch ness marathon. My long slow runs are at 14 miles just now so I'm thinking that September isn't too close to jump into marathon training?

I can thoroughly recommend the Loch Ness marathon - great organisation and location. There is a 45-50min bus ride to the start but the finish is right in the city centre not far from the showers and there is a great wee "festival village" where you can get some food afterwards (included in the face fee)

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I can thoroughly recommend the Loch Ness marathon - great organisation and location. There is a 45-50min bus ride to the start but the finish is right in the city centre not far from the showers and there is a great wee "festival village" where you can get some food afterwards (included in the face fee)

Mmm. Sounds good. Still not sold though. If I go through with it will I say goodbye to my social life and not be able to walk for a week after it. I also go on holiday in August so that's a week limited training.

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That was the hilliest run I've ever done. For those not aware, callander is basically a long, flat settlement surrounded by hills. I was hoping it'd be ten k round the town rather than the hills. In any case, was very pleased with 51.50ish, although both ankle's and my left knee are now undoubtedly fucked.

Thanks for the advice on sair legs - will take on board.

Anyway my time was given as 52:22 which I was surprised at. Even more so when it said that two women had finished in front of me (including a woman my dad knows who actually finished after me) when I spent the last half km chasing down some older bloke.

When I queried this, apparently I've been given a 1 minute time penalty for stepping off a narrow pavement for ten seconds to overtake some people. Now, I don't know who gave Hitler a stopwatch and a clipboard, but doesn't that seem a bit on the harsh side? :huh:

I'm counting it as 51:22 anyway, which is only 1:02 slower than a pan flat 10k I did at Bishopbriggs 6 weeks ago so I'm happy with that.

Edited by dave258
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Thanks for the advice on sair legs - will take on board.

Anyway my time was given as 52:22 which I was surprised at. Even more so when it said that two women had finished in front of me (including a woman my dad knows who actually finished after me) when I spent the last half km chasing down some older bloke.

When I queried this, apparently I've been given a 1 minute time penalty for stepping off a narrow pavement for ten seconds to overtake some people. Now, I don't know who gave Hitler a stopwatch and a clipboard, but doesn't that seem a bit on the harsh side? :huh:

I'm counting it as 51:22 anyway, which is only 1:02 slower than a pan flat 10k I did at Bishopbriggs 6 weeks ago so I'm happy with that.

10 secs off the pavement? Heinous crime. better watch out, you might get banned from the British Olympic team too.

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Only managed 3k last night before my knee was louping. Hmm. Going to wait until the weekend before I try again.

Entered the men's 10k at Bellehouston park in June if anyone else is doing that one as well.

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Finally decided to get my arse in gear and start preparing for the Glasgow half marathon, by going out and aiming for the distance, regardless of time.

Managed 13.44 miles, which is the furthest I've ever run in my nelly puff, though from 11 onwards it was a real struggle. Half Marathon times at 1:59, which I'm chuffed with considering I'd've taken anything under 2 hours, I'm an old git, I'm at the arse end of a cold (the green, slimy mucus stage), and most tellingly, I'm crap at distance running!

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