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Are you trying to increase your pace and distance at the same time? Maybe you should make your next long run a bit slower just to get the confidence that you have done 13 miles.

Nope - I'm just trying to go to 13 miles. I built up to a couple of 13 milers in Feb/Mar, then deliberately scaled back my running for a few months in deference to hitting the gym and bulk up a little. Since start of July I've been gradually building back up for the HM, but I've also got an extra 9 kg to carry round with me. While I'd be a very delighted 46 y.o. with anything under 2 hours, I'm mainly just wanting to get round. I thought I was doing as you say, running slower to try to increase the distance, but I just seem to have a running pace that my body naturally slips into. My per mile average yesterday was pretty much the same as I do on a 5 or 6 mile run, and that was with a monumentally slow 11th mile.

Are you taking fluids with you or something to eat/sports drink?

Nope, do you think I should?

Thanks for the interest from both of you, I don't really have any running experience, just took it up for something to do after 30 years in basketball, which is a totally different dynamic physically, so I'm a real uneducated amateur.

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Whereabouts in Glasgow? I know Achilles Heel in the west end have a physio

Anywhere at all, I'm happy to drive to somewhere if it comes recommended. Doesn't even necessarily have to be in Glasgow, I was more looking for any recommendations from people who have been before.

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Nope - I'm just trying to go to 13 miles. I built up to a couple of 13 milers in Feb/Mar, then deliberately scaled back my running for a few months in deference to hitting the gym and bulk up a little. Since start of July I've been gradually building back up for the HM, but I've also got an extra 9 kg to carry round with me. While I'd be a very delighted 46 y.o. with anything under 2 hours, I'm mainly just wanting to get round. I thought I was doing as you say, running slower to try to increase the distance, but I just seem to have a running pace that my body naturally slips into. My per mile average yesterday was pretty much the same as I do on a 5 or 6 mile run, and that was with a monumentally slow 11th mile.

Nope, do you think I should?

Thanks for the interest from both of you, I don't really have any running experience, just took it up for something to do after 30 years in basketball, which is a totally different dynamic physically, so I'm a real uneducated amateur.

Definately start taking some water on board - chances are you are just a bit dehydrated or body is starting to use the stuff it doesnt want to use. I dont like the sports drinks so usually do long runs with a wee pack of jelly babies and eat 3 or 4 every 4 miles or 25 minutes (whichever is longer). The sugar gives you a quick fix.

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Anywhere at all, I'm happy to drive to somewhere if it comes recommended. Doesn't even necessarily have to be in Glasgow, I was more looking for any recommendations from people who have been before.

There is a guy called Jon Trevena who works out of Virgin Active in Hamilton who is a sport injury specialist. I have gone to him 3 times and every time he has been able to get me up and running again. He used to work out of Achilles Heel in the west end a couple of days a week as well that why I mentioned it. Hope this helps.

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Definately start taking some water on board - chances are you are just a bit dehydrated or body is starting to use the stuff it doesnt want to use. I dont like the sports drinks so usually do long runs with a wee pack of jelly babies and eat 3 or 4 every 4 miles or 25 minutes (whichever is longer). The sugar gives you a quick fix.

Thanks - I've used the Jelly Babies (or Haribo's, wine gums etc) thing for teams I've been coaching during basketball games, so I can see the sense in that. Just need to get my head round running, breathing AND chewing, all at once :lol: !

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Are you taking fluids with you or something to eat/sports drink?

If you drink about 1-1.5 litres for water 2 hours before you run then drink 500ml 20-15 mins before you run you should be ok till the water stations.

If possible eat a high carb meal 3-4 hours before a long run then sports bar (although I prefer Nature Valley bars) 20 mins before the start it should see you through. I also eat a couple of squares for chocolate before the water 20-15 mins before I start.

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If you drink about 1-1.5 litres for water 2 hours before you run then drink 500ml 20-15 mins before you run you should be ok till the water stations.

If possible eat a high carb meal 3-4 hours before a long run then sports bar (although I prefer Nature Valley bars) 20 mins before the start it should see you through. I also eat a couple of squares for chocolate before the water 20-15 mins before I start.

I assume this is directed to Ranter rather than me - that does seem like an excessive amount of fluid in my opinion but I understand you have some coaching badges so fill yer boots

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I did a 9 km run last night in around 51 minutes or so last night (wasn't keeping an accurate time and I had to stop near the end to wait for the rest of the group as we didn't know the way!) which I am fairly happy with as it was a hilly run. Got the park run tomorrow as well, but if my legs feel anywhere near as rough tomorrow as they do now I think I may give it a miss!

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Done the parkrun today in 24.03. So pleased with that, knocked over two minutes off my PB from last week. Also bumped into a Clyde fan coming out (Jack Burton on here perhaps?)

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Forfar 10k tommorrow,it's going to be a hot one if it is anything like today.I always find this a hard one,i've never had a sub 40 here and will probabily be 41-42ish tommorrow.Most of the posters on here are from the central area but is anyone else doing it by chance?

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5,6 and 7 k done this week whilst on holiday in Tenerife. Just ticking over between sangria and tapas. Running in this heat though is something else. Can't imagine doing anything more than an hour in this heat.

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After playing 5s last night I realised how ridiculously unfit I've become. The days of 44 minute 10ks and 21 minute 5ks seem like years ago. Back into it tonight though with a 10km run planned for this evening when the sun goes down. Will be happy with anything under an hour.

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Done the parkrun today in 24.03. So pleased with that, knocked over two minutes off my PB from last week. Also bumped into a Clyde fan coming out (Jack Burton on here perhaps?)

Aye, that was me. Nice to meet a couple of fellow Clyde fans.

Got a new PB as well 30.40 would have finally have got under the elusive 30 mins had it not been for a poor 4th k which took me 6.37 and left me too much to do on the last k.

Am volunteering at the parkrun next week then off on Honeymoon for 2 weeks so won't get another shot at beaten it until mid September.

Was my 25th run so half way to getting the parkrun tshirt.

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Aye, that was me. Nice to meet a couple of fellow Clyde fans.

Got a new PB as well 30.40 would have finally have got under the elusive 30 mins had it not been for a poor 4th k which took me 6.37 and left me too much to do on the last k.

Am volunteering at the parkrun next week then off on Honeymoon for 2 weeks so won't get another shot at beaten it until mid September.

Was my 25th run so half way to getting the parkrun tshirt.

Likewise. I thought it probably was you, given that you had posted earlier on in the week saying that you went most weeks, but I didn't want to be the guy that asked "Do you post on P&B?" to a total stranger.

On my way to Alloa today I got my time emailed to me and it came through at 23.53. I'm over the moon at that, but I was seriously blowing out of my arse for the last 800 metres and it was only the guy next to me that was keeping me going. Genuinely don't think I'll be beating that time anytime soon, but it's good fun to try.

Congrats on the 25th run, that's dedication seeing as you only started going last September!

Feel quite bad as I don't really want to volunteer. I know that the Parkrun depends on people helping out, but I'd rather go and run every week! I'll probably give it a shot once I've ran 10+ races.

Edited by Adam
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Likewise. I thought it probably was you, given that you had posted earlier on in the week saying that you went most weeks, but I didn't want to be the guy that asked "Do you post on P&B?" to a total stranger.

On my way to Alloa today I got my time emailed to me and it came through at 23.53. I'm over the moon at that, but I was seriously blowing out of my arse for the last 800 metres and it was only the guy next to me that was keeping me going. Genuinely don't think I'll be beating that time anytime soon, but it's good fun to try.

Congrats on the 25th run, that's dedication seeing as you only started going last September!

Feel quite bad as I don't really want to volunteer. I know that the Parkrun depends on people helping out, but I'd rather go and run every week! I'll probably give it a shot once I've ran 10+ races.

Is it the Strathclyde Park run you are on about? If it isn't just say no and I'll go away.

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Likewise. I thought it probably was you, given that you had posted earlier on in the week saying that you went most weeks, but I didn't want to be the guy that asked "Do you post on P&B?" to a total stranger.

On my way to Alloa today I got my time emailed to me and it came through at 23.53. I'm over the moon at that, but I was seriously blowing out of my arse for the last 800 metres and it was only the guy next to me that was keeping me going. Genuinely don't think I'll be beating that time anytime soon, but it's good fun to try.

Congrats on the 25th run, that's dedication seeing as you only started going last September!

Feel quite bad as I don't really want to volunteer. I know that the Parkrun depends on people helping out, but I'd rather go and run every week! I'll probably give it a shot once I've ran 10+ races.

Next Sat will only be the 3rd time I volunteered so its not too bad and I've just been a Marshall which doesn't involve much. You do get 100 points for volunteering which is equivalent to finishing first not that I've got any chances of winning the points table with my times.

You can sign up to receive your time by text as well as a normally don't get a great signal to check my emails when at the Clyde games.

It's well seeing the Olympic effect is in full force as that was my best time but worst finishing position. There was 200 runners there this morning.

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