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I'll be attempting to. Mainly going for the pasta party and quite weekend now. Lack of any long runs since Edinburgh marathon will likely mean a extremely tough second half to the race, but looking forward to it and the mental/physical challenge that will bring.

Are you running?

Sounds tough but like you're going in with the right attitude! Yes, I'm 'only' running the 10k though. It's one of my favourites! This is the last in a series of events I've been doing for charity (every Sunday in September, I've done some kind of challenge - Great North Run on the 7th, 26 mile Kiltwalk on the 14th, 45 mile cycle 21st and now this on the 28th) and I've raised over £1300 for a small local charity so I'm chuffed to bits! Looking forward to a weekend off :-)

Good luck to you and morrison!

Fanny, I'm really sorry to hear that :-(

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Sounds tough but like you're going in with the right attitude! Yes, I'm 'only' running the 10k though. It's one of my favourites! This is the last in a series of events I've been doing for charity (every Sunday in September, I've done some kind of challenge - Great North Run on the 7th, 26 mile Kiltwalk on the 14th, 45 mile cycle 21st and now this on the 28th) and I've raised over £1300 for a small local charity so I'm chuffed to bits! Looking forward to a weekend off :-)

Good luck to you and morrison!

Fanny, I'm really sorry to hear that :-(

Great effort on the charidee work, well done.

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Have you set yourself any goals timewise?

I'd like to think I could challenge last years time of 3:19:37, but it's unlikely. Will be preparing myself for the long hill at 20/21 miles this time, that defeated me big time last year.

I'm looking for somewhere in the 3:20 - 3:30 range, so I expect you'll be up the road somewhere! This is my first marathon, so anything past 20.5 miles is going to be new to me, including that hill.

Sounds tough but like you're going in with the right attitude! Yes, I'm 'only' running the 10k though. It's one of my favourites! This is the last in a series of events I've been doing for charity (every Sunday in September, I've done some kind of challenge - Great North Run on the 7th, 26 mile Kiltwalk on the 14th, 45 mile cycle 21st and now this on the 28th) and I've raised over £1300 for a small local charity so I'm chuffed to bits! Looking forward to a weekend off :-)

Good luck to you and morrison!

Fanny, I'm really sorry to hear that :-(

That's some effort Reina, a massive well done! Enjoy the 10k; knowing it's the last in the series might help. And thanks!

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I'm running Loch Ness and like a few others it's my first marathon. Have no idea what to expect. Hope to do it in under 4 hours, but no idea what pace will be like on the day. Could be anywhere from 3:40 ish to 4:30!!

Already ran Inverness to Dores and back a few weeks ago to check out the infamous hill. Really is nothing to worry about - if your running a 3:20 marathon frankly you could crawl up it and still set a good time. That said its 500m of fairly steep gradient followed by 1km slight uphill and a final 300-400m slightly steeper section again. Hardly a nightmare, but appreciate after 20 miles anything uphill is an extra challenge!

Enjoy the run!

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When you say defeated do you mean you packed up your bags and went home, or do you mean you slowed down a bit and were puffed out? :)

I'm planning on running to East Kilbride tomorrow morning. If anything's going to defeat me, it's that hill at Castlemilk.

When I started 'the hill' I was pretty much spent, it was basically a walk and pain-filled forced run for the remainder of the race. Said after the race last year I'd nail it next time, but I've not trained properly for it.

I'm not familiar with that Castlemilk hill. I regularly run EK, Carmunnock, Eaglesham, etc., for hills running up to Bonnyton Golf Course is 'fun', not sure if you'll be familiar with that.

I'm looking for somewhere in the 3:20 - 3:30 range, so I expect you'll be up the road somewhere! This is my first marathon, so anything past 20.5 miles is going to be new to me, including that hill.

If things go as planned we'll likely be near each other. Feel free to encourage or abuse me, I'll be in a green Marie Curie t-shirt with 'Kenzie' on it.

Loch Ness was my first marathon last year (ran Lochaber and Edinburgh this year), biggest bit of advice I can give is keep to your planned pace in the first half, and probably up until the before mentioned hill, then empty the tank after then.

Already ran Inverness to Dores and back a few weeks ago to check out the infamous hill. Really is nothing to worry about - if your running a 3:20 marathon frankly you could crawl up it and still set a good time. That said its 500m of fairly steep gradient followed by 1km slight uphill and a final 300-400m slightly steeper section again. Hardly a nightmare, but appreciate after 20 miles anything uphill is an extra challenge!

Enjoy the run!

Reading that back it sounds even worse than I remember! :lol: Certainly the last thing you want after 20 miles. Bring it on!

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Sounds tough but like you're going in with the right attitude! Yes, I'm 'only' running the 10k though. It's one of my favourites! This is the last in a series of events I've been doing for charity (every Sunday in September, I've done some kind of challenge - Great North Run on the 7th, 26 mile Kiltwalk on the 14th, 45 mile cycle 21st and now this on the 28th) and I've raised over £1300 for a small local charity so I'm chuffed to bits! Looking forward to a weekend off :-)

Good luck to you and morrison!

Amazing effort, and cheers. :thumsup2

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When I started 'the hill' I was pretty much spent, it was basically a walk and pain-filled forced run for the remainder of the race. Said after the race last year I'd nail it next time, but I've not trained properly for it.

I'm not familiar with that Castlemilk hill. I regularly run EK, Carmunnock, Eaglesham, etc., for hills running up to Bonnyton Golf Course is 'fun', not sure if you'll be familiar with that.

It's basically Carmunnock Road (coming from Hampden), past Kings Park, then through Castlemilk up to Carmunnock. Had a look at Bonnyton Golf Course... looks like a nice place for a run ... defo wouldn't describe it as "fun" though!

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Already ran Inverness to Dores and back a few weeks ago to check out the infamous hill. Really is nothing to worry about - if your running a 3:20 marathon frankly you could crawl up it and still set a good time. That said its 500m of fairly steep gradient followed by 1km slight uphill and a final 300-400m slightly steeper section again. Hardly a nightmare, but appreciate after 20 miles anything uphill is an extra challenge!

Enjoy the run!

Thanks Munter, have a good one yourself! After you said that I had a look at the gradient - it's not as steep as Arthurs Seat here, and that 'break' in the middle makes it that bit more manageable. Easy to say that now, though, especially with Kenzie's shudder at that reminder :lol:

If things go as planned we'll likely be near each other. Feel free to encourage or abuse me, I'll be in a green Marie Curie t-shirt with 'Kenzie' on it.

Loch Ness was my first marathon last year (ran Lochaber and Edinburgh this year), biggest bit of advice I can give is keep to your planned pace in the first half, and probably up until the before mentioned hill, then empty the tank after then.

Cheers, I'll keep an eye out for you. I'll be in a light blue Helsinki HM t-shirt so you're welcome to do likewise - no name printed on it, mind! I'll be trying to resist the temptation to motor off down the slope at the start. More than that, I'll try enjoying it - a PB's guaranteed after all!

Went out for an undulating 10k tonight as the last 'proper' run at marathon pace. As ready as I'll ever be, now.

Edited by morrison
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Upped the distance a little last night, going from 9km to 11km. 1:01 was the time. Need to see if I can add another 5 or 6 km in the next couple of weeks before deciding late on if I'll do the Luzern HM.

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It's basically Carmunnock Road (coming from Hampden), past Kings Park, then through Castlemilk up to Carmunnock. Had a look at Bonnyton Golf Course... looks like a nice place for a run ... defo wouldn't describe it as "fun" though!

I know where you mean now, never actually ran that way, the Southside6 race kind of does the Kings Park/Castlemilk bit but then goes through Linn Park. I'll likely do it at some point in the future as I'm struggling to keep runs different in my local area.

Cheers, I'll keep an eye out for you. I'll be in a light blue Helsinki HM t-shirt so you're welcome to do likewise - no name printed on it, mind! I'll be trying to resist the temptation to motor off down the slope at the start. More than that, I'll try enjoying it - a PB's guaranteed after all!

I'll look out for you also. The start is very scenic, I'll aim to enjoy that and keep my pace under control as it's very easy to set off too fast.

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Anyone doing Mens Health Survival of the Fittest in Edinburgh in a few weeks?

I signed up for it after taking a look at last year's obstacles etc and it didn't look too hard, now they've added in a bloody climb up Arthur's Seat as well as god knows what else :huh:

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Anyone doing Mens Health Survival of the Fittest in Edinburgh in a few weeks?

I signed up for it after taking a look at last year's obstacles etc and it didn't look too hard, now they've added in a bloody climb up Arthur's Seat as well as god knows what else :huh:

I was thinking about that, but I need to rest my buggered foot for a while after the GSR Half Marathon. Will just be doing 5ks and run club for a while I think.

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I've got out the way of running last few weeks. Need to restructure my week as well. Used to long run on a Sunday with 5k's 2-3 times a week. But I'm on my own with kids so can only really go out wed-sunday and need be back in house by 9am on a sunday, suggestions?

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I attended my first Nike running club yesterday Rowan. We did some interval hill training which was pretty brutal (my friend and I were the slowest). But there is also the option of going for a normal 5k run, and everybody there was very encouraging and friendly. I wouldn't recommend it if you were "starting from couch", but as long as you're half fit you'll be fine.

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Thought if run club scares me! I'm not exactly very good!

It is nothing to be scared of. The ability levels vary greatly so you will always have someone at your level or better/worse.

I attended my first Nike running club yesterday Rowan. We did some interval hill training which was pretty brutal (my friend and I were the slowest). But there is also the option of going for a normal 5k run, and everybody there was very encouraging and friendly. I wouldn't recommend it if you were "starting from couch", but as long as you're half fit you'll be fine.

That hill sprint session is by far the toughest we have done. It was brutal as you say. In general most of the stronger runners do the sprints and a mixture do the 5k. That is why I would always advise a new member who was a bit concerned about their ability to start of doing the 5k and build up to the sprints.

I echo your comments about the group - always very encouraging and supportive of each other.

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I'm just a bit of a freak when it comes to new social settings but it would do me good.

Have you got a parkrun near you? There's a few in Glasgow but I don't know how easy they are for you to get to on a Saturday morning from where you are. I know the Tollcross Park one is as social as you want it to be. You turn up, run 5K and you can bugger off home again after or join everyone else for a coffee in the sports centre. They're all really friendly and everyone there runs at whatever speed is comfortable for them. The hills are an absolute b*****d though!

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