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I struggled with rest days for a while. A good alternative is to run a couple of miles at a very easy pace. These are the only runs where I would use an iPod.

Thats probably a good idea. I have to listen to music however far I run though.

Rather than rest completely, could you do something else? Like go for a cycle/swim? Bit of cross training?

I'm only really running until pre-season football training starts in the middle of june, so it won't be a problem then. I'l just need to curb the urge to get out everynight until then.

Edited by Cyber_soccer
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Cheers Reina. Only 4 seconds off the quickest time last night.

Aye runners are a friendly bunch and it's a great feeling giving out and recieving praise because no matter what your level is everybody knows the same pain.

Most runners arent running to win the race or to beat others (most of the time) but they are running against themselves either aiming for a quicker time or a longer distance. When everyone is trying to achieve the same thing it helps that camaraderie.

BTW impressive mile pace there. I havent doen mile intervals before might give it a bash over the next couple of weeks if the weather is nice.

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Thats probably a good idea. I have to listen to music however far I run though.

I used to think the same, until my ipod was out of commission for a wee while. When I did go out with no music, and just the sound of slapping feet, struggling lungs & my own suffering, my per km times got better! Think I was more focussed.

Like you, I get edgy if I haven't been out for a couple of days. Does anyone else get to the stage that if you drive past runners when you haven't been out yourself (especially if you've been laid up with injury/illness) you get so insanely jealous that you imagine yourself smacking them one? Or is it just me that takes that too far?

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Interesting theories regarding the ipods. I've only recently started using one after always dismissing the idea, and I've found that it can really help when a high tempo song comes on if you're struggling! Too early in my running career to tell which way is quicker though.

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I run better without music, I guess I can concentrate better on my breathing and the like when I don't have my iPod.

I have tried running with with music a couple of times but i didn't like it at all, i also just couldn't concentrate fully on my running,but there are plenty runners who do enjoy it judging by the amount of runners you see with their ipods.

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If I do listen to my iPod, it's usually a podcast rather than music - something like Women's Hour from R4. It's really interesting most of the time and stops boredom on a long run.

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Not been running in ages, had been a year since my last race - but was doing a 5km on Friday night. Delighted to get round the course in 23 mins dead. Been doing other fitness stuff but I'm going to get myself back out on the road more often so that when the next one comes round next month that I beat that time.

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Not posted for a while so here it goes.....

1st Track and Field meeting on may 5th-

400 hurdles - 84 secs (gave up at 200m as I was saving myself for the 3000m s/c)

Long jump - 4:05m

3000m Steeplechase - 13mins 18secs (PB)

Tripple Jump - 9:33m (PB)

may 7th -

5 mile MT race I got off to a stormer and kept up with the front runners, but dropped off the pace after a mile on the sand. Finished up with a time of 35:01.

May 26th -

2nd Track and Field meeting -

Long Jump - 4:24 (PB)

400hurdles - 88 secs (without trying)

Triple Jump - 9:38 (PB)

May 27th -

Edinburgh Half Marathon. Stayed at Falkirk and got to Edinburgh for 7:35 and could not find a parking space. Got the last space on the side of a road. Got there and could walk in to a pen with no hassle.

To the race and I went off steady and did not check my watch till the 3rd mile. I thought I was doing crap as people were going past me with ease. I looked at the watch at 3 miles and it was sub-21 mins. Went through 10K at 45 mins dead. I was OK until the 11th mile and I wanted to stop, but battled on and the last 2 miles felt like 4 miles. I ended up finishing in 1hour 39mins 49secs. I was chuffed with the time. The course was great. Probably as I was not familiar with it and was taking in everything. Would propably do it again - if I had any inclination to run that distance again!

I have a mile race a week on Tuesday which I hope to PB at again.

The next T & F meeting is July 1st. So plenty of time to train for that.

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I've signed up to do the Edinburgh marathon next year. Basically means i've got a year from doing very little running to doing a marathon. Will start with a morning run tomorrow of about 3 miles before work before increasing training over the next few days and weeks. I really need to get into the habit of running before starting the specific training needed for the marathon.

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The ipod debate - I tend to pace myself better when I am not listening to music and I tend to vary my pace with the music. On the otherhand uptempo music is fantastic for powering up hills.

Favourite running tracks at the moment include Fire by Kasabian, Stellify by Ian Brown, Bonkers by Dizzee Rascal and anything by the beastie boys

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No music for me usually unless I'm doing over 10 miles where steady pace is easier to maintain. If it's a race or a tempo run where I'm going for it then no music as it helps me focus and push myself.

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I'm looking to take up running but I'm far to self conscious to do it.

I would recommned this for any new runner - this is where I started and easy way to get you up and running (if you pardon the pun)


This is where I started about 5 years ago I have now run a 3hrs 31min marathon and my PB for the 5k is down at 19mins 24sec and I am gunning for a new PB here this weekend.

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I need music for a long run, but not fussed if it is just a wee short one. Also like to know what is going on round about me, especially running along a busy road sometimes!

Stuart, I always thought I would be too self conscious to run, but signing up for a charity race got me over myself as running for sponsorship was excellent motivation. I started off with something similar to couch25k as well. I'm certainly no speedy gonzalez but I just imagine I look like Jessica Ennis when I'm running and off I go, reality is a bit more rotund, sweaty and beetroot coloured!

Anyway, chuffed this morning, ran an unexpected 5k pb today. 5.11 in 34.45, including a 10 min mile according to mapmyrun..very surprised and pleased!

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I'm looking to take up running but I'm far to self conscious to do it.

I was in my local athletic club till about 15, then spent nearly 30 years involved in basketball, and have gone back to running now that I don't ball any more, to try to delay the onset of middle-age spread.

As a teenager I was horrifically self conscious, I used to hate the non-track season when you got sent out for road runs, so I know what you mean.

Now however, it's a lot easier, though my first few times out saw me regress mentally to that 80's haired teenager's hangups. Not now though. I have myself of the mindset that yes, my running style probably isn't going to mimic any gazelles, and I'm sure there are people who drive past me in all weathers scoffing at me. However, I take solace in the fact that most of those drivers are probably overweight, unfit, low-immune system social inadequates, whose opinion of me doesn't matter a flying f**k.

Once you've been out a few times the self-consciousness fades and is replaced by pride in the improvements you see in yourself. And it's an area where I felt an iPod helped me. Immerse yourself in your favourite tunes, and you soon don't notice anyone else.

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I'm looking to take up running but I'm far to self conscious to do it.

I usually go running in the morning before work. therefore the only other people I see are other runners, dog walkers and cyclists (the odd gawker stares from a bus)

That might be an option to start you off if you are really worried

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I usually go running in the morning before work. therefore the only other people I see are other runners, dog walkers and cyclists (the odd gawker stares from a bus)

That might be an option to start you off if you are really worried

Also, you'll feel like Will Smith in I am Legend. The streets will be your own.


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Also, you'll feel like Will Smith in I am Legend. The streets will be your own.


And no-one notices when you put in the odd dance move!

ETA - or when you punch the air or roar in delight when you hit reach a PB

Edited by diamonds2002
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