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Will do once I work out what one you are! Should be a few tollcross peeps making the trip down for a wee bit of parkrun tourism. you'll be able to tell its us by our healthy east end glow. :thumsup2


There is a distinct chance that the NYD run at Eglinton may be cancelled. At present the part of the course that runs alongside the river is knee deep in water.

An inspection will take place at 8am on Wednesday before a final decision is made. So check the facebook page before setting off.

Edited by Ziggy
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Was at hairdresser and then ran home, well it ended up to asda as I need to dye my hair now its cut!

Anyway I did the 3km in 21mins!

I've also now raised £305 for SAMH, not to mention it being my alternative coping mechanisim to the self harming I was doing.

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There is a distinct chance that the NYD run at Eglinton may be cancelled. At present the part of the course that runs alongside the river is knee deep in water.

An inspection will take place at 8am on Wednesday before a final decision is made. So check the facebook page before setting off.

Cheers Ziggy, I see that from the FB page. Now thats a flood!

we're planning on setting off about 8:20 anyway so will keep an eye on it. It still looks like a fair bit of rain is due, so I think our contingency is Strathclyde, which is a bit rubbish as we've all done that one loads of times!

We'll probably decide tomorrow evening.

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Cheers Ziggy, I see that from the FB page. Now thats a flood!

we're planning on setting off about 8:20 anyway so will keep an eye on it. It still looks like a fair bit of rain is due, so I think our contingency is Strathclyde, which is a bit rubbish as we've all done that one loads of times!

We'll probably decide tomorrow evening.

A real pity if you've not run Eglinton before, as I think it is by far the best track I've done at Parkrun. The most fun anyway.

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Was at hairdresser and then ran home, well it ended up to asda as I need to dye my hair now its cut!

Anyway I did the 3km in 21mins!

I've also now raised £305 for SAMH, not to mention it being my alternative coping mechanisim to the self harming I was doing.

Keep at it Rowan.

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Was at hairdresser and then ran home, well it ended up to asda as I need to dye my hair now its cut! 

Anyway I did the 3km in 21mins! 


I've also now raised £305 for SAMH, not to mention it being my alternative coping mechanisim to the self harming I was doing. 

Good work.....keep it going mate :)

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2013 Roundup/2014 Aims

I've run a disappointing 110 miles this year approx. Although in fairness, I had a baby at the end of February... I did only one race (Glack Attack) and found it a real struggle to get out and run. I've learned a lot about running this year through reading others' experiences and from starting again from scratch post c-section, and I think it has kept me injury free recently.

As for 2014, I have already entered Baxters 10k and am planning Moray Half Marathon at the beginning of September. I would like to PB at both, getting under 2 hours in the half and squeezing my 10k time down to 53:xx - I'm a 9:xx min/mile runner at the moment so it's going to take a bit of work. There are a couple of local 10k races over the coming months that I might enter to give nee an idea of what needs to be done - the first is end of Jan/beginning of Feb and I'd be very surprised if I did get under the hour. Touching on what I've learned this year, I'm going to incorporate a strength session into my training once a week as my core is pretty much non-existent and I'm going to do a lot more trail running in the he woods to help protect my joints. Ideally I'd like to get back to club running, but the timing of it (6:30pm) is not good at the moment with the kids' bedtime. In terms of milage, I'd like to hit he 600 mile mark, which I should do easily if I stay injury free...

What about you?

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2013 Roundup/2014 Aims

I only ran the Great Scottish Run in October. My training start off fantastic but with 8 weeks to go I injured my right knee. Of course, the injury came just as the sponsor money started rolling in. I was faced with letting everyone down or running. I scrapped my training programme and in the 4 weeks leading up must have ran only about 7 times.


I ran on the day without my iPod or a watch as to stop myself from clockwatching. My aim was to get round safely without pushing myself. What a revelation. I had my name of my charity vest for the first time and the Glasgow crowd were spectacular. The encouragement and noise was second to none. Whether this is down to the great route that makes it easy to spectate I'm not sure. It certainly blows any Edinburgh based run out of the water in terms of atmosphere. Because of this (and probably due to my very careful preparation) I felt no pain on the day. The first I was aware of my time was as I entered the final straight and could see the finishing clock. I crossed the line exactly 5 minutes slower than my 1/2 marathon PB, which I was overjoyed at. Either my base fitness was far better than I had anticipated or my previous (2011) training had been utter shit. Regardless, it was the biggest running buzz that I'd ever experienced, and that includes 2 full marathons. I've kept my running to the gym since and it's been sporadic to say the least.

I've got myself a new sensor for my Nike+ which will help in the coming year. I've tinkered with Endomondo etc and I know the Nike+ has it's limitations but it does the job for me in terms of being a motivational tool. My early plans are to hit the gym hard in January to loss a bit of weight and increase my outdoor runs in Feb. The Grangemouth Roon Ye Houses and The BUPA Great Edinburgh 10 miler in April are early targets. In all honesty I can see me entering the Great Scottish Runa again (especially as I'm doing the Family Run on the Saturday with my kids (they'll be 7 and 4) and hopefully my Mum (who'll be 65). If I don't enter that one it will be another race around Sept/Oct.

Whatever I do, I'll try to keep PB's out of my mind. I'm really enjoying my running more whilst not worrying about splits and pacing.

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2013 Roundup/2014 Aims

I've run a disappointing 110 miles this year approx. Although in fairness, I had a baby at the end of February... I did only one race (Glack Attack) and found it a real struggle to get out and run. I've learned a lot about running this year through reading others' experiences and from starting again from scratch post c-section, and I think it has kept me injury free recently.

As for 2014, I have already entered Baxters 10k and am planning Moray Half Marathon at the beginning of September. I would like to PB at both, getting under 2 hours in the half and squeezing my 10k time down to 53:xx - I'm a 9:xx min/mile runner at the moment so it's going to take a bit of work. There are a couple of local 10k races over the coming months that I might enter to give nee an idea of what needs to be done - the first is end of Jan/beginning of Feb and I'd be very surprised if I did get under the hour. Touching on what I've learned this year, I'm going to incorporate a strength session into my training once a week as my core is pretty much non-existent and I'm going to do a lot more trail running in the he woods to help protect my joints. Ideally I'd like to get back to club running, but the timing of it (6:30pm) is not good at the moment with the kids' bedtime. In terms of milage, I'd like to hit he 600 mile mark, which I should do easily if I stay injury free...

What about you?

I scunnered myself so much doing the miles for the 2012 Glasgow HM that I barely ran any distance over the rest of that year. I found it really hard to get back into it in 2013, and eventually set the target of being ready for the Glasgow HM again when I got my arse properly in gear. However I prepared wrongly in hindsight, far too much focus on longer slower runs to try to get my distance back up. I've found this year that my per mile pace has dropped from my 2012 average of just under 8:10 to the 9 minute mark. I ended up making the decision not to enter the HM in disgust at myself in September, just as well as I got a horrific chest infection mid-September which stopped me doing ANY exercise for nearly 3 weeks.

Since coming back I've been more focussing on shorter, faster runs, and can average about 8:30 now. I've also used the treadmill at the gym (I know it's easier) to help raise my pace. I set a pace and don't allow myself to reduce it during my run, something I'm not so good at when out running the road. I'm also trying to get a better mix of short/fast and long/slow.

I'd ideally like to do the Glasgow HM again in 2014, but Mrs Ranter has caught the running bug too now, and is building up to 10k level. We have done some runs together, and think it would be kind of cool to do the 10k there together (not hand in hand :P ).

I've set myself a target of doing a 10k in the same minutes than I am years old (if you know what I mean) - a 47:xx would do me. I know some of you would rather die than do a 10k in 47 mins, but I am where I am. My best time is 48:29, which I set in Sep 11, and I hope to get back under that. The good thing for me is that the target evolves with my age, so when I turn 48 in May, as well as being a year more decrepit, my target also increases by a minute too.

Good luck to all of you in whatever you want to do, I enjoy reading all the different posts in this thread, and wishing I could run the way some of you do, but ultimately as long as I enjoy it, and it keeps me fit, that's what I want most.

Happy 2014!

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I had my name of my charity vest for the first time and the Glasgow crowd were spectacular. The encouragement and noise was second to none. Whether this is down to the great route that makes it easy to spectate I'm not sure.

This, so much this.

We also might do the family run, me, Mrs Ranter and 3 wee yins, who'll be 8, 7 and 5 by that time.

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2013 summary - really mixed. Started the year strongly with a few 10k races as buildup to the Edinburgh HM, which went pretty much bang on plan. I did about 650k in the first 5 months of the year.

But I did less than 350k in the rest of the year. Work went mental, then I was on holiday, and then not well, and between those three I didn't run at all for three months. Lost all stamina and pace that I'd built up. Worked my way back up to 10k fitness for the Mo Run but been really patchy in getting out.

2014 goals - a few 10ks in spring, and ideally the Great North Run in autumn if I can get a place. In general, get a routine back in place and get more stamina. I'd never been fitter in my life than I was in May, it felt quite good!

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First run for myself this morning in about 8 weeks due to a bloody sore foot (which I think might have been plantar fasciitis) and I've got to say that I was quite chuffed with my 5.76 miles in 44 mins flat. I've been going to a lot of spin classes in the last couple of months to try and keep myself in shape but there certainly is no substitute for pounding the streets. Nice conditions for it as well with very little wind and it being nice and cool. I'll give my legs a rest tomorrow and hopefully i'll get out on the 2nd and try to run 10km or thereabouts.

I've only started running in the last few months so my main goal for 2014 is just to keep at it. I might try and enter a half marathon (I entered the Lochaber half a few weeks back but had to pull out) to give myself a target but as long as I keep running away and seeing improvements i'll be happy enough. I'd like to start doing a bit more hill running next year so hopefully i'll get myself entered in a trail race.

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