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12 hours ago, ++Ammo - Airdrie++ said:

At the very bottom of the garden, me and the teenage daughter decided to set a wee space aside, make sure soil was right, planted a plum tree and an apple tree and I've got some plum slate stones there to put on top of soil, keep the weeds down. She wanted the space for a wee memorial for the wee staffy Keira we had for 12 years. Great idea and hopefully (literally) bears fruit in a few years


What did yer wee boy have to say about it??? 😂😂

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My folks have mares tail in their garden and its turned into an absolute obsession for my old Da. He's out every day weeding it. Can't sit in the garden without talking about it and he has to get it out as soon as he sees it. 

It seems to have a waxy texture and the roots are massive and it snaps when you pull it. Tried all sorts or pesticides but nothing seems to eradicate it. 

He's was on about soaking the place in diesel the last time he went on his weekly rant about it! 

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15 hours ago, Nkomo-A-Gogo said:

I think the roots go quite deep on that stuff. 

As an aside Mr concrete, any idea how this happened? The whole square of path just lifted up. 


Quick question - why do you have a pedestrian crossing in your garden?

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On 23/07/2021 at 08:25, invergowrie arab said:

Feeding the lawn

Amazon is full of reviews of people burning their lawns to f**k with things like 4 in 1 miracle grow and the like.

Is it genuinely a hard thing to get right or are they idiots?

I always tell folk to put half as much as directed down but twice as often.

So usually its 35 grams per square meter, ie a handful. So cut the grass, water it, put the feed down then water it again. Repeat the next week. The watering is the bit folk miss out and thats usually why the grass burns.

On 23/07/2021 at 14:56, MP_MFC said:

Any idea what I can do to keep moss out of the flower beds, it’s apparently a type of moss, looks more like a small firtree leaf when it starts and then just ends up all wild and takes over the place. I’m out every week having to try and clear it but it just keeps coming back.


On 23/07/2021 at 14:59, Melanius Mullarkey said:


On 23/07/2021 at 17:19, Big Rider said:

It’s an absolute b*****d to get rid of. Ours has come in from the neighbours garden and has creeped across our front garden now. I’ve tried pesticide but I don’t use it anymore. I’ve burned it as it comes through but it’s still very persistent. I just keep snapping it through the season now.

My advice, other than getting a JCB in and digging down 3 meters, is to briuse it to break the waxy coating then spray the strongest weed killer at double or treble dose on it. To bruise it I usually trample it to f**k then spray immediately. You'll have to do it at least a few times over the course of the growing season and probably over a few years as it regenerates but eventually you should get on top of it. Nothing else works as well. Unless you do fancy sinking a few gallons of diesel into it but you'll f**k the ground and the areas about it for years and years.

Edited by mishtergrolsch
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1 hour ago, Robin.Hood said:

Kind of tree is this? Dog is eating the stuff from it, is it poisonous? 


Its Berberis darwinii. A p***kly fucker but its harmless to dogs (unless munched in large quantities like anything would be, i guess!)

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