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The main thing with grass, if you want a great lawn, is to cut it regularly, at least twice a week. Grass is encouraged to grow by cutting it, cutting it, and cutting the b*****d again.

If you let it grow too much it goes to seed, and after that it's a slippery slope to back garden oblivion.

You also need to apply feed and weed regularly, and water the fucker a lot too.

I know this because a gardener chap told me when he laid my new lawn three years ago. I ignored his advice and my grass is now compeltely fucked as a result.

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The war with the slugs has kicked off. The Gray Ghost is fed up of being pushed around. The Gray Ghost has buried 5 jam jars full of beer around my garden, with just the top sticking out. Its good quality Stella too, apparently slugs love booze. The Gray Ghost is going to drown them all and send them screaming into the darkest pits of slug hell! The Gray Ghost will not have his nice flowerbeds destroyed.

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The war with the slugs has kicked off. The Gray Ghost is fed up of being pushed around. The Gray Ghost has buried 5 jam jars full of beer around my garden, with just the top sticking out. Its good quality Stella too, apparently slugs love booze. The Gray Ghost is going to drown them all and send them screaming into the darkest pits of slug hell! The Gray Ghost will not have his nice flowerbeds destroyed.

I wonder if the slugs will stay alive long enough to get wrecked?

I just cut my grass last week and the bloody stuff is needing another trim already.

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I wonder if the slugs will stay alive long enough to get wrecked?

I just cut my grass last week and the bloody stuff is needing another trim already.

The Gray Ghost reseeded some chunks of his garden a couple weeks ago in an effort to get rid of the enormous bits of wasteland. Until we put logroll borders in, you literally couldn't tell where the "lawn" ended and where the "flowerbeds" began, but it has really come up looking fantastic. So fantastic that the existing parts of the lawn garden (which were in horrible nick anyway) looked absolutely awful. The Gray Ghost trimmed it all today, dug out all the weeds in the existing lawn, and has reseeded some more of it to try and get the lawn looking thicker and more uniform.

Lawns need to be kept trimmed and properly looked after, otherwise they really can look awful. :(

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The Gray Ghost reseeded some chunks of his garden a couple weeks ago in an effort to get rid of the enormous bits of wasteland. Until we put logroll borders in, you literally couldn't tell where the "lawn" ended and where the "flowerbeds" began, but it has really come up looking fantastic. So fantastic that the existing parts of the lawn garden (which were in horrible nick anyway) looked absolutely awful. The Gray Ghost trimmed it all today, dug out all the weeds in the existing lawn, and has reseeded some more of it to try and get the lawn looking thicker and more uniform.

Lawns need to be kept trimmed and properly looked after, otherwise they really can look awful. :(

I usually cut it once a month and it looks alright just now but I think I may start cutting it a bit more frequently.

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Grass cut and weeding carried out yesterday.

Got 3 cauliflowers too. Made soup and cauliflower cheese.

Sun Flowers are coming along nicely and all the veg looks healthy :)

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  • 5 weeks later...

Where to start?

There wasnt a proper pavement in front of the house when we bought it and one was put in last month.

The driveway didnt match up (height wise) with the new pavement so Ive spent the last week ripping up monoblocks, raising the driveway and relaying it. Had to use stillsaws, whacker plates etc etc. Was good experience though as Id never done it before. Looks ok too :)

Ive also set it up to make the front garden a little more private.

Instead of being able to fit 2 cars in (side by side) to the entrance of my driveway Ive halved the front and created space for conifers to go in the front and down the side.

It hasnt made much difference to the capacity, as Ill still be able to put 4 or 5 cars in there, its just the entrance to the drive thats smaller with the entire front garden being 'walled off' by conifers.

Privacy is good. Id have barbed wire and sniper towers if the council would let me ;)

Also had to remove a bit of 'garden' and convert it to part of the driveway too, so I can get the right effect and coverage with the conifers.

Spent £360 on conifers to put in, but theyre being held at the garden center just now as its not a good time to move them. Might have to wait till September to plant them.

I also saw a really nice Acer that Id like for the front garden too. I might see about getting that next month.

I painted/varnished the front fence this morning which makes it look much nicer and Ive cut the grass and carried out some weeding.

Bloody shattered now :P

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I've picked 2 cucumbers off one of my plants in greenhouse already. Tomatoes coming on nicely although some have been scorchd with the sun (even tho I put up shading!) :( Fruits still forming though :)

Lifted early potatoes at the weekend and these are in hessian bagas in garage. The garlic is being lifted as we need it and the salads are lovely!

Growing well are leeks, turnips, peas and beans.

The garden looks great just now with all the colour and everything pretty much flowering - except the lillies! :unsure:

I'm going to take some pictures and will post them up. :)

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I also saw a really nice Acer that Id like for the front garden too. I might see about getting that next month.

I love Acers. I want one. I'm half tempted to buy a wee one for the balcony actually. My Mum's had a couple, but they always died off. She's been experimenting a bit though and has mastered the art of growing them. If you have alkaline soil, keep them in a planter in ericacious soil and water with rain water. Keep them out of the wind and they should thrive.

I am happy because I have just bought myself a Peace Lily from Co-Op for the sum of £1.50.

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just pave over any remaining grass (this saves you ever having to cut it again) and buy your kids an xbox who the f**k wants to go out and play when they can play fifa 09?

Actually i think i will get a sheep. It does not matter what the weather is like,and when the lawn is to my liking i can eat it.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Spent £360 on conifers for the front garden.

Im picking them up at the end of August because if I plant them now, theyll die.

Should give us a bit more privacy from the nosey neighbours ;)

Also, picked some of the veg we've been growing. Making dinner with them now :D


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Gave my mum, sister and brother a veggie box each at the weekend with all my produce!!! (which included potatoes, beetroot, spring onions, garlic and shallots) :D

I've also had peas myself this week. Garlic and shallots are stored in garage. Turnips nearly ready and leeks coming on great.

Tomatoes died off when I was away although my Dad was supposed to be watering them :(

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