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Guest The Phoenix
Chopping down a tree this afternoon that's been annoying me for a while. Enjoyed it, not sure what's I'm going to do with the tree now

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But what I'll do is take a couple photos tomorrow and show you what I mean.

So here's the situation with my front garden


In the centre I have the tree where it was previously dug out but is now grown over with grass. Same with a circle in the top left and top right of the garden. As well as that, there is the circle in the bottom that I have started to fill with a half bag of soil I had in the shed. Don't think it would take anymore than a couple bags.

My issue is the edging, which you can see running up the side of the garden in the above photo and the top of the garden in the photo below.


Would I really need a ton of top soil?

Edited by The_Craig
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Well it's to smooth out the areas that are dug out and grown over with grass to level the whole thing off.

You'll be surprised how quickly you'd eat into a tonne, but without seeing it in person or knowing the dimensions it's hard to say.

It looks to me like you've got about a 300mm (12") strip needing done there. No idea how deep you need it, but for 100mm (4") you'd get about 20 meters out of a tonne.

Assuming your posts are at 1.5m intervals, your perimeter looks to be in the region of 25-30 meters. So it all really depends on the depth you need.

Once you add in your circles, a tonne would probably do in the region of just under 75mm (3") onto all these bits.

Edited by Spain
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Do you really want grass right up to the fence rather than a border you can fill with some flowers and stuff? It's a bugger to mow along fence posts.

I'm trying to get rid of the dips and bumps as we have a 1 and a half year toddler who enjoys being out in the garden but is forever falling down and tripping over all the uneven bits. And the easiest, safest and cheapest option is to level it off. And I enjoy mowing the lawn.

Problem is that our back garden is a mess (which we inherited from the previous tenant) so looking to have a fairly simple front garden before tackling the back...

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I'll re-describe the first bit. After I've finished cutting the grass, there's only half an inch of difference (if that) between the grass length of the lawn and the edges of the lawn along the fence, chuckies etc. A few weeks on, the length difference is a good few inches, not the original half an inch.

Mystery solved. My other half tells me that when we moved in a year ago, there was a strip of soil around the edge of the lawn which I've obviously just let overgrow, hence the difference must be between 'lawn grass' and wild grass I guess.

However... the latest mystery after I finally got rid of all the dandelion quite successfully - random wee clumps of bright green grass appearing across the lawn which I've never seen before. Only appeared in the last month or so.

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Mystery solved. My other half tells me that when we moved in a year ago, there was a strip of soil around the edge of the lawn which I've obviously just let overgrow, hence the difference must be between 'lawn grass' and wild grass I guess.

However... the latest mystery after I finally got rid of all the dandelion quite successfully - random wee clumps of bright green grass appearing across the lawn which I've never seen before. Only appeared in the last month or so.

Couch grass, probably. Is it thicker and faster growing than the normal grass? Only way to deal with it is dig the stuff out or just not bother and leave it alone.

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