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Official P&b Cycling Thread

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Having originally thought I set off at 9am, it turns out it was 9.30 (goodness knows why I was half an hour out...possibly because it was the time we reached Glasgow Green). So in reality, I took 5 hours, and with about 20 minutes of stops that makes a total cycling time of 4hrs40'.

Mark Cavendish was said to be on TV earlier concerned you were joining the tour :lol: . Only joking Master, my earlier post was the serious one!!

Aye, there was some pretty dodgy riding right enough - surprisingly from the ones on carbon fibre bikes & wearing skintight racing colours (like SKY). These guys would barge past groups stopped at lights to get to the front, barely pause to see if anything was coming and cross anyway. Or the ones that took the wrong lane entirely to jump the lights leading onto Alexandria Parade. It's people like them that give cyclists a bad name and cause road rage.

Just an aside but I tend to find the ones wearing "all the gear" aren't the ones who give you a nod & a smile when you pass them on the road.

I have to say I don't always exchange pleasantries with riff raff..



It's not really a handlebar bag, it's about the size of a mobile phone


Not big enough to get a flask & sandwiches in, sorry. wink.gif

Jesus christ at least get one that hides under your saddle, it will keep yout tampons safer.:lol:

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I Done the P4S challenge route yesterday, I can't give an acurate time but it was around 2hours 20mins cycling (i think) if I have added my times from my cycling computer which kept resetting itself when I stopped to wait on my pal to catch up with me. I really enjoyed my day and managed to cycle at abour 23/24 mph on the flats between airdri and the bridge in at linlithgow thanks to a tail wind! I was pleasant to all on my way past making sure they knew I was about to pass and giving all the wee ones encouragement. One thing I noticed is how many people can't cycle in a straight line and also people who don't check over there shoulder before pulling out to pass slower cyclists. I wish I had done the sportive ride I felt I had some left in when I finished. I would definetly be up for a P&B sportive ride next year, I think Foska do a bovril top aswell

Edit- had a look on the foska website and no bovril cycling tops :(

Although they do custom make jerseys

Edited by JohnJohn
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I Done the P4S challenge route yesterday, I can't give an acurate time but it was around 2hours 20mins cycling (i think) if I have added my times from my cycling computer which kept resetting itself when I stopped to wait on my pal to catch up with me. I really enjoyed my day and managed to cycle at abour 23/24 mph on the flats between airdri and the bridge in at linlithgow thanks to a tail wind! I was pleasant to all on my way past making sure they knew I was about to pass and giving all the wee ones encouragement. One thing I noticed is how many people can't cycle in a straight line and also people who don't check over there shoulder before pulling out to pass slower cyclists. I wish I had done the sportive ride I felt I had some left in when I finished. I would definetly be up for a P&B sportive ride next year, I think Foska do a bovril top aswell

Edit- had a look on the foska website and no bovril cycling tops :(

Although they do custom make jerseys

There's no way I could keep up with that pace I don't think, although a "Pie & Bovril" team would be kinda cool.

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You've got a year to train ;) haha i'm just getting started as UTN will tell you I couldn't keep up with him on the 2 bridges the first time I done it. Like I said it was thanks to a tail wind i got my speed up.I'm normally about 17-18mph on my commute to work comfortable.

A P&B social cycling team would be good, any budding kit designers out there? a few rides I want to try next year, the E-tap caladonia and the highland perth 100 both look very good!

I noticed lots of Johnson wheelers were there yesterday and a fair few guys with tunnocks tea cake jerseys on!

One of my mates said there was a lassies on the lithgie cobbles "sparked out!" I hope she is ok he thinks there were teeth missing.

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I Done the P4S challenge route yesterday, I can't give an acurate time but it was around 2hours 20mins cycling (i think) if I have added my times from my cycling computer which kept resetting itself when I stopped to wait on my pal to catch up with me. I really enjoyed my day and managed to cycle at abour 23/24 mph on the flats between airdri and the bridge in at linlithgow thanks to a tail wind! I was pleasant to all on my way past making sure they knew I was about to pass and giving all the wee ones encouragement. One thing I noticed is how many people can't cycle in a straight line and also people who don't check over there shoulder before pulling out to pass slower cyclists. I wish I had done the sportive ride I felt I had some left in when I finished. I would definetly be up for a P&B sportive ride next year, I think Foska do a bovril top aswell

Edit- had a look on the foska website and no bovril cycling tops :(

Although they do custom make jerseys

2hours 20mins, that is fast.

Actually, I was about the quickest I've ever been between Airdrie and Linlithgow but I found the hill out of Linlithgow a bit of a struggle.

Did have one guy come past me saying passing on the right clearly as he flew down the hill from Avonbridge, which was good- but I share your point in cycling straight- that was what caused me to pass someone a bit close and she moaned. Indeed I found some folk really poor towards cars too- I tried to help the drivers out, waving them past but some people just didn't try to help at all and caused issues.

But true that some of the riding was appallingly bad though and yes it was mostly the kitted up guys who should have known better sadly. Probably too focused on setting times rather than enjoying it.

I thought it would be more social but wasn't really- some folk were alright, had a chat with a bloke in a New Zealand top between Airdrie and Caldercruix and he said hi as he passed me again before Murrayfield.

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Did he have a bright yellow jacket on a yellow black and white giant? I tried my best to tell people when I was passing. I didn't have many cars stuck behind me one at Linlithgow and I was waving him past for about 50meters he never passed me I suppose it was because there was a big group and a bus infront of me he just sat back. I did have a moment on my clipless pedals at a set of lights went to unclip never happened and the unsuspecting guy infront of me got a gear lever in the hoop :oops . I appologiesed and he was fine with that but about a mile up the road he nearly caused a pileup by cutting across a group which I was at the otherside of forcing me to go round the wrong side of a traffic island.

I think some of the kitted out guys are just used to passing close and think nothing of it, I had to pass a few people closer than I would have liked due to the fact they were taking up most of the road! 3 and even 4 abrest

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I had intended stopping at Linlithgow, but I had a tractor right behind me when I reached the steward and I couldn't hear what he said or make out his waving arms so I kept going. It made the bit between Linlithgow & Kirkliston really slow as my legs had gone. A 5 minute stop and a bar of choc at Kirkliston really made a difference though.

It's all part of the learning process I suppose.

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Just got The Sun and my time was officially 6hrs 15mins and 53secs which made me 165th out of 900 which I am well chuffed with. :D

What I also found bizarre was that one guy doing the Challenge Ride trying to fly through the crowds coming off CN1 onto the main road into Murrayfield as he obviously wanted to do a quick time. He nearly took out a group of 50 or so riders!! If you are looking to do times do the Sportive Route ya clown.

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Just got The Sun and my time was officially 6hrs 15mins and 53secs which made me 165th out of 900 which I am well chuffed with. :D

What I also found bizarre was that one guy doing the Challenge Ride trying to fly through the crowds coming off CN1 onto the main road into Murrayfield as he obviously wanted to do a quick time. He nearly took out a group of 50 or so riders!! If you are looking to do times do the Sportive Route ya clown.


I take it just the Sportive riders are listed?

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I take it just the Sportive riders are listed?

Everyone is listed, but only the Sportive riders have times.

Since we're talking about people we passed, I did the ride in last season's Dundee home top, number 2456, if anyone saw me! And did anyone else see the guy with the massive flag saying something about treating your fellow man with respect? That must have been a nightmare in the wind :lol:

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There's no way I could keep up with that pace I don't think, although a "Pie & Bovril" team would be kinda cool.

I'd be up for it, but can't be arsed with the whole competitive bit, TBH.

If it was a social thing, and was inclusive in terms of all ages, experience, and ability, then I can see it being enjoyable. Folk will always group up with others of similar ability, and I've no issue with that, but it is also important not to freeze people out.

If the 'team' could be organised in such a way as to ensure that there were folk in each general category of experience, fitness, ability etc. then it would be well worth doing. There is no harm in aiming to improve your riding, and this should be encouraged. Having a goal is a positive training aid, in my experience, but it would be a shame to put folk off on the basis that they might not feel up to the grade.

I reckon the best thing to do is identify a sportive next spring/summer as a notional target, and keep in touch with how we are progressing with our preparations. We could then arrange an ice-breaking training ride in advance, and this would assist in gauging how we might slot into relevant categories to ensure that no-one is isolated on the day etc.

Any thoughts on this suggestion?

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I Done the P4S challenge route yesterday, I can't give an acurate time but it was around 2hours 20mins cycling (i think) Edit- had a look on the foska website and no bovril cycling tops

Bloody hell John,thats an average speed of 21.85 miles per hour!!!!........Time you came back out with me so I can slow you down a wee bit

Just got The Sun and my time was officially 6hrs 15mins and 53secs which made me 165th out of 900 which I am well chuffed with. :D

Excellent achievement MB,you do realise,If I'd entered you would have been 166th :lol:

I'd be up for it, but can't be arsed with the whole competitive bit, TBH.

If it was a social thing, and was inclusive in terms of all ages, experience, and ability, then I can see it being enjoyable. Folk will always group up with others of similar ability, and I've no issue with that, but it is also important not to freeze people out.

If the 'team' could be organised in such a way as to ensure that there were folk in each general category of experience, fitness, ability etc. then it would be well worth doing. There is no harm in aiming to improve your riding, and this should be encouraged. Having a goal is a positive training aid, in my experience, but it would be a shame to put folk off on the basis that they might not feel up to the grade.

I reckon the best thing to do is identify a sportive next spring/summer as a notional target, and keep in touch with how we are progressing with our preparations. We could then arrange an ice-breaking training ride in advance, and this would assist in gauging how we might slot into relevant categories to ensure that no-one is isolated on the day etc.

Any thoughts on this suggestion?

Good suggestion and you're absolutely right about involving and encouraging cyclists with varying abitities.

Here's a wee idea.

Instead,or as well as competing in one of the national events,we could organise a P&B charity ride

Would obviously have to be backed by the website owners to approve using the name for the event etc,but food for thought.

Depending on how many people wanted to participate though,I dont know if you have to inform the police etc if you're planning to stage such a thing

Edited by Unleash The Nade
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I'm going to try and get along on thursday UTN, Just ordered a cyclocross for the winter months and for the wee canal jaunts with the GF in the summer. :wub:


Just to let you know,its the last Thursday training night of the season.

Two laps of the APR circuit,instead of the usual 3,then everyone heads down to the pub at 8 for a few wee presentations,drinks,buffet and some good banter.

Plenty guys coming through from Denny area,so lots of company for the cycle back home.

Hopefully see you there

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After the last two days of attrocious weather, it has now settled down through here and I should have been enjoying slinging a leg over the bike to commute to work this morning....

Instead, I have an enforced lay-off due to having sliced a finger open on a can lid on Monday night. It hurt (and bled) like buggery, and I had to get it patched up at the minor injury unit yesterday morning. As a result, my right hand is pretty much out of commission for the next few days at least, so no riding for me :(

I'm gutted, and that just goes to show what a pull this riding malarky has.

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I'm gutted, and that just goes to show what a pull this riding malarky has.

Couldn't agree more.

I've gone from an occassional ,social hybrid cyclist,to a totally addicted road bike enthusiast in just over 4 months and loving every minute of it.

I feel ,as a result I've benefitted in every way (except financially !!),as lost 2 stones in just over 3 months ,feeling much healthier and fitter.

Was quite content to go out every now and again for 10-15 mile jaunts,but now doing regular 30,40,50 mile runs without any problem of concern.

The only pisser is with the nights drawing in and weather worsening,I'm not going to be able to get out as much as I would like

However,determined to get out as much as I can and providing its not dangerous, not going to let bad weather give me an excuse not to cycle.

Have just bought an Endura Stealth jacket for winter use as meant to give great protection against the elements

M'oan the cyclists :lol:

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