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Official P&b Cycling Thread

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Number arrived yesterday for Pedal For Scotland.

Mine arrived last week but I only opened the envelope to confirm what it was.

Just had a look at the booklet now. The challenge ride has had a route change between Avonbridge and Linlithgow to allow for more closed roads and at the same time taking it just over 50 miles. Hopefully the change cuts out that b*****d hill just after you leave Avonbridge :lol:

And taking it up to 50 miles is good as well. Having it at 47 played havoc with my minor OCD tendencies!

Looking forward to it again, although I'm always slightly nervous about the start section between Glasgow and Drumpellier because it's where the pack is the biggest. Once you get onto the road to Airdrie, though, it's much better.

Edited by The Master
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I had intended to do just a wee 7-8 mile jaunt yesterday but ended up doing 20-mile tour of Dundee :lol: I also managed to climb to 12th in the all-time table on a KOM segment on Strava which I'm delighted with. Only 2 seconds outside the top 10 as well, so something to aim for.

My bike's in the shop now getting a standard service. I can do wee bits of maintenance myself (brakes etc.) but I like the professionals to take a look once a year.

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Cycling home from work tonight and noticed a big black cloud on the horizon. 2 miles from home the heavens opened and the volume of water on the road was totally nuts. The people in the cars that overtook me at this stage were indeed entitled to a smile..

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Decided to try something a wee bit different, so as I was off yesterday, drove down to Glentress to try out some of the mountain bike trails.

Thoroughly enjoyed it,scared myself shitless a few times, but brilliant fun and great facilities.

I know I'm stating the bleeding obvious, but its totally different to road cycling as I was absolutely burst after cycling around 20 miles as using different muscles, especially on the upper body.

Worst part was coming down a steep straight descent at speed and a bee flew into my helmet,(titter), got stuck and stung me on the right temple.

Needless to say the bee population is one less today

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That's me not long finished PFS.

Whoever decided the new route is a complete and utter sadist :lol: some hellish climbs with matching hairy descents.

Come back hill before Drumpellier, all is forgiven!

Having said that, I thoroughly enjoyed it again this year. Great way to spend a Sunday morning.

But I think they lied to us - Strava says I went 56 miles.

Edited by The Master
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A few other thoughts on today now that I have a real keyboard.

First, the not-so-good points: while claiming the route is "completely traffic-free" is a good selling point, 1) it wasn't (sections were still shared with buses); and 2) the condition of some of the roads left a lot to be desired. Which makes sense, because it's only minor B and unclassified roads they're able to close completely. I was finding some bits slightly hairy on 28C tyres, so I dread to think how some of the road riders felt.

Which brings me to the next problem - still far too many "Wiggo wannabes" weaving in and out treating it as a race. But short of employing more marshals, I'm not sure what can be done about them.

But the good points (which do outweigh the bad). The condition of the roads aside, I did enjoy the new route - even if I didn't at the time :lol: The sustained hills make it more of a challenge. And Airdrie was completely bypassed, which is always a huge plus point.

Getting away was a lot easier as well. I was meant to be in the 8.30-9 wave, but Glasgow Green was practically empty when I arrived at around 8.10 so was waved straight through and started at 8.15 or thereabouts.

And a hat-tip to the guy on the penny farthing. There's just no words for that!

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A few other thoughts on today now that I have a real keyboard.

First, the not-so-good points: while claiming the route is "completely traffic-free" is a good selling point, 1) it wasn't (sections were still shared with buses); and 2) the condition of some of the roads left a lot to be desired. Which makes sense, because it's only minor B and unclassified roads they're able to close completely. I was finding some bits slightly hairy on 28C tyres, so I dread to think how some of the road riders felt.

Which brings me to the next problem - still far too many "Wiggo wannabes" weaving in and out treating it as a race. But short of employing more marshals, I'm not sure what can be done about them.

But the good points (which do outweigh the bad). The condition of the roads aside, I did enjoy the new route - even if I didn't at the time :lol: The sustained hills make it more of a challenge. And Airdrie was completely bypassed, which is always a huge plus point.

Getting away was a lot easier as well. I was meant to be in the 8.30-9 wave, but Glasgow Green was practically empty when I arrived at around 8.10 so was waved straight through and started at 8.15 or thereabouts.

And a hat-tip to the guy on the penny farthing. There's just no words for that!

Moving house so skipped it this year as my bike mileage is virtually zero.

Had a gander at the new route- disappointed they've cut the big downhill at Caldercruix, liked that one and the challenge of the short steep hill at Avonbridge- although maybe too many people struggled with that one. Good to see they've ditched the cycle track at Edinburgh- too narrow and dangerous.

How did they deal with Linlithgow and 'traffic free'. Airdrie wasn't bad because most riders were through before 12pm, so the roads were quiet, but Linlithgow was a 11-3pm bit and was much busier. That was where I had most difficulty with traffic.

The getaway was largely sorted by introducing the leaving times a couple of years ago after everyone seemed to arrive at 9am one year and it was suggested to be a 45min+ wait in a queue for the start- I started on the road that year.

The Wiggo wannabees do annoy me on PFS. I don't mind if they start at 7am, first out and blast round. Fine, but the ones that leave with the kids and families at 9-10am should realise there are 7 and 8 year olds trying their hardest and moderate it- not blast though shouting "passing on the left" like it is a sportive. I've oft suggested the challenge ride should be the 'family ride' and a 60/70 mile 'challenge ride' be introduced for the Wiggo wannabees.

Edited by flyingscot
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So this year, went around with a bunch of guys from work instead of on my own. A combination of other people and really not having been out on my bike much this year added almost an hour and a half on to my time :)

Just about everyone seems to have measured the "50" mile course at around 55 - 56 miles and the consensus seemed to be that all the additional miles were uphill. Sore and sunburned today. Disappointed that there were no medals this year, plus not sure why they bothered with the "goody bags" as they weren't that good.

Edited by Count Mongo del Fantastico
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Moving house so skipped it this year as my bike mileage is virtually zero.

Had a gander at the new route- disappointed they've cut the big downhill at Caldercruix, liked that one and the challenge of the short steep hill at Avonbridge- although maybe too many people struggled with that one. Good to see they've ditched the cycle track at Edinburgh- too narrow and dangerous.

The Avonbridge hill was replaced with a few sustained climbs, though. Plenty of people getting off and pushing. But like I said, even though at the time I wasn't a fan, on balance I preferred the new climbs to the short sharp ones in the previous route.

The cycle track in Edinburgh was still there, which confused me because that was seemingly their justification for a different finish at Murrayfield. But the stretch from Kirkliston to Roseburn Avenue was unchanged. It was at that point we turned right instead of left, onto the cycle path round Roseburn Park and behind the West Stand.

And as you say, the Edinburgh paths were still too narrow and dangerous and shared with the general public (including people who had finished and were cycling the route in reverse).

How did they deal with Linlithgow and 'traffic free'. Airdrie wasn't bad because most riders were through before 12pm, so the roads were quiet, but Linlithgow was a 11-3pm bit and was much busier. That was where I had most difficulty with traffic.

We came into Linlithgow from a slightly different direction. From Avonbridge, we turned right and went via Westfield and the A706, before turning into Mill Road and joining Main Street just before Sainsbury's. Main Street/High Street were closed eastbound until the roundabout, then it was shared with buses from under the bridge to Winchburgh.

The Wiggo wannabees do annoy me on PFS. I don't mind if they start at 7am, first out and blast round. Fine, but the ones that leave with the kids and families at 9-10am should realise there are 7 and 8 year olds trying their hardest and moderate it- not blast though shouting "passing on the left" like it is a sportive. I've oft suggested the challenge ride should be the 'family ride' and a 60/70 mile 'challenge ride' be introduced for the Wiggo wannabees.

The "passing on the left/right" stuff also irritated me. If you yell that at someone on a Tesco mountain bike, they haven't got a clue what's happening. Ring your bell - it's the universal signal for "excuse me please".

I think it's difficult enough securing one route, but two would be almost impossible (I don't count the 110 mile route because I guess there's few if any road/lane closures for that).

I think the best they can do is educate. Enforce the message that it's not a race, there's cyclists of mixed ability and (as crappy as it might sound) encourage people to report the numbers of those that don't seem to understand that.

Edit to add: Here's the elevation profiles from last year and this year. I'm hopeless at interpreting what these mean, but there was an extra 500ft of gain this year.





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I've since found out that the route in Edinburgh did originally miss out the cycle paths as planned, but it was changed at 1pm because it was causing traffic chaos in Cramond.

That makes sense...a guy at work who lives up that part of town was raging at the PfS today; poor lambs. Think the guide mentioned the change too.

This was my first go at it & I really enjoyed it. Went with a friend & we were pretty relaxed with pace. I can't compare with previous years obviously, but I was okay with the hills. Some of the roads were a bit crap and the cycle sections were a on the narrow side in places, but a good experience. Also got 55ish miles.

As a medal hoarder, was a wee bit gutted to go away empty handed. The day's given me a taste for these kind of events though, so can only be a good thing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cycling into work this morning, a car turned right across me into a parking space. A blast of the Airzounds and the driver signalled some kind of apology. I was stopped anyway so thought I'd have a wee chat.

Out he came, apologised...then proceeded to shoot himself in the foot.

"I didn't see you"

This is where he was (as if taken from his perspective) and was turning into the space with the light blue car in it: https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@56.4624764,-2.9604119,3a,75y,66.26h,78.27t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1swhRRWZVSwqAKLFUGcAezYQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en

I was about in line with the lamppost on the right as he started the turn.

And he didn't see me.

If he'd said he'd misjudged my speed, fine - we've all done it. If he sad he'd misjudged how far away I was, fine - we've all done it. But to admit to not seeing an oncoming vehicle that's 50 yards or so away on a long, straight road on a dull but otherwise clear day...

Rant over! :lol:

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I took the MTB to work today for a change. It has road tyres on it to help and it was a nice change but I much prefer the road bike.

Anyway, I have been cycling much more to work recently and there are 'regular' cars that overtake and mostly they are fairly sensible. Most of my commute is on rural roads some of which are fairly busy. This morning one of these 'regulars' decided to squeeze past as a car from the other direction was passing by. How I wasn't clipped is more to luck than my cycle skills.

Cue serious hand gestures and swear words..

That's my rant over too.. :lol:

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I commuted from Battlefield to George Square for 6 months last year and i dont think i seen one arsehole driver, seen plenty of arsehole cyclists though.

There's a fucking c**t of a woman drives a Merc SUV nearly took me out at the Battlefield Rest. She then threatened to call the filth on me due to my foul and abusive language and when I told her to go right ahead she shat it and fucked off. When I moaned about it that day to one of the boys in my work (he stayed in Netherlee) he reckoned he'd had a couple of run-ins with her too. This was 3 years ago, right enough so maybe she's moved or died. Edited by carpetmonster
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I can never understand cyclists who insist on cycling on dual carriageways,risking life and limb with vehicles hurtling past them at 70mph+ on the Dundee to Arbroath A92 when their is a perfectly good and largely empty cycle path running adjacent to the road the whole way,bonkers.

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