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People need to think more clearly about the who was involved, what they stood to gain and what their family connections were....

^^^^This^^^^ Bushes and Bin Ladens business associates from way back. But unsurprising as the Bushes and the Nazi party were chums at the plums during the 20's and 30's.

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I seem to remember I was sitting in my primary 6. The head teacher came in and we were all questioned if we had relatives in New York at that moment.

Didn't think anything of it until I seen the news when I got home.

Remember being annoyed at my mum for keeping the news on and not letting me watch dragonball z as well.

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Its fucking obvious something dodgy went on here, you would need the IQ of a sheep otherwise.

You'd need to have an IQ of a sheep to believe that a conspiracy of that level could be covered up with the volume of people needed to be involved.

I love those that believe conspiracy theorists their level of thought process usually operates above moron levels but because they surround themselves in daily life with morons they believe their minds to operate at the level of academics...

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Not everyone who contributed to the catalogue of events that went on needed to be in on the conspiracy though.

Everyone in authority is still there to follow orders from someone above so the chain of events could still have been dictated from a very few people at the very top who had a lot to gain. Also the dirty work could have been carried out by foreign mercenaries as well as CIA funded Islam nutters who wanted it all to happen anyway.

I thought the thing on channel 5 was alright, not once have i heard a theory about how the molten aluminium from the plane contributing to the buildings collapse. NIST went right back on their word on their report after CH5 interviewed them which wouldn't be the first time for them, the b*****ds.


Some terrorists crashed planes into buildings.

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Steel is hard, why did it break? How is this possible? Invisible Jewish possible loominarty involvement? I heard things exploding. How did the other tower collapse? Nobody has ever collapsed a building before? How can this happen? Look deeper. Eat the poo poo.

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Im not one for the controlled demolition theory for reasons i stated earlier in this thread about the devices being severed by the damage caused by the plane.

Both sides of the argument annoy me - those who believe it to be an inside job saying "Never have steel framed buildings collapsed due to fire" seem to leave out the devastating effect a plane full of fuel crashing into them at 600 mph would have.

Those who deny it as sheer nonsense with the claims that so many people would have to be involved or that the American government wouldn't be capable of doing this to their own people are a bit off considering what has happened in the past and since then.

Most likely thing is that the official explanation is bollocks and hundreds of people made an almighty c**t of things before hand and in the investigation and for millions of people to be signing petitions and making online videos and discussions about it for ever more is a mere flea bite as to how much trouble they should be in.

What part of the official story do you disagree with?

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