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Would have liked Van Gerwen to win but fair play to Taylor for coming back from 2 sets down twice to win 7-4. I doubt many if any others could have withstood what Van Gerwen produced at times. Will be amazed if MvG doesnt win the World in the next few years.

Edited to add that the commentators should just get it over with and suck taylor off or assume the position for entry as their love in is horrid to listen to. :angry: :angry:

Edited by meanmistermustard
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Fair play, as a performance, that was superb. He IS the greatest player of the game ever.

However, and it is a BIG however...

He is a complete an utter cockwomble of biblical proportions.

I despise him. I utterly, utterly despise him. He can make any moment of pathos (his "apology" yesterday still managed to make Van Barneveld out to be a c**t, his signing the board after the match etc) to be all about him, and the way the various commentators on Sky feed off him, is embarrassing.

As darts technicians go, he is incredible. To still have the ability to perform at that level, when down in a final, at his age, is incredible. And I know that's what it should really be about. But there is something inherently dislikeable about the guy, and I long for the day he fucks off.

Edited by mozam76
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All game you just had the feeling taylor would win,MVG was getting by on the last dart at the double and the bull.That set where he went 6-4 he outscored mvg.Taylor is the most competitive player in any game/sport.Headshakers and players that give up like anderson,barney and hammer could learn a thing or two.No shame for mvg he was brilliant all tournament but he was just beaten by the best.

A great tournament imo.I dont think we will ever see 17 perfect darts again like mvg hit.I was on my feet when he hit the 9 darter and then almost on the floor as he missed double 12 for the second !.Amazing.Cant forget deano's 9 darter and celebration.Great matches like anderson v bowles and mvg v lewis will be remembered.

Lakeside starts on saturday,i fancy harms to win it.

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No doubt about it, love him or loathe him Phil Taylor is simply the best the sport has ever seen, it is unfortunate that he has the tendency to be a complete bellend.

16 Word titles is an incredible feat, wouldn't put it past him to make it 17 next year.

Looking forward to the 2nd division at the Lakeside on Saturday...................................................

.............................LETS PLAY DARTS !!!!

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It is truly sickening how a convicted beast can be afforded such adulation. Fair enough he can play darts, but he is a scum bag of the highest order and a court of law has proven him to be so.

Sky are doing themselves no favours by portraying him as some kind of modern lager swilling deity. However, given the values that corporation holds i'm not surprised in the slightest.

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Nothing like as thick drunk cockney to forget what's going on, give them a song they recognize and they're happy. Thought Taylor played us all like a fiddle, so well done ya fat wanka. He slowed the game down brilliantly after the first two sets and got the thick crowd back on side.

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