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Rugby Union


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1 hour ago, ChrisMFCfan1886 said:

Scotland have probably been the unluckiest rugby nation in terms of injuries since the world cup, the injury lists for Glasgow, Edinburgh and the national team are ridiculously long.

i think it will be out 4th choice tighthead and 6th choice losehead props at the start of the six nations 

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The way things are going I'd be asking Bobo Balde, once a tank at the back of the Celtic defence if he'd fancy a game of rugby.   Failing that, it could well be that we'll be getting props made on Blue Peter from cardboard and sticky tape to help make up the Scottish front row. 

As for Glasgow, having Callum Gibbins and Scott Cummings out for that length of time is very disappointing too.  Just my luck that I booked the Ulster away game at the start of March then we get this news.  I was hoping that Gibbins being on form that night could see us beat Ulster on their own patch. 

The positive news is that we have the likes of Kiran McDonald, Matt Smith and Matt Fagerson coming through and Adam Ashe back from injury.  This gives them the chance to make their mark and make it difficult for the likes of Gibbins and Cummings to just walk back into the team when they've recovered.

As for tomorrow it's a massive game.  Ulster and Connacht have both lost over in Parma this season and last season they made us work hard to hold on to the lead at the end.  A major banana skin so we'll have to be careful. 

Edited by come on shire
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5 minutes ago, come on shire said:

Also, it's just been announced that Peter Murchie's retired with immediate effect.

he has been a coach with Stade Niçois (as part of the SRU performance pathway) since he left Glasgow in the summer

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Scotsman carried new details of SRU's 'Super 6' plan at the weekend.

Applications are due by March, decision in April, with announcement in May ("presuming they have enough candidates" it adds somewhat ominously).


Each 'franchise' must have a 5-man board: 3 chosen by themself, 1 chosen by SRU, plus the coach (over whom Scott Johnson has power of veto).

Season is now only 10 league games (5H 5A) not 15, with unspecified playoffs and B&I matches to make 20 games overall.

SRU will pay £75k for coach wages and £62.5k for players wages to be matched by the clubs giving total player wage bill of £150k.

Coaches can decide who to sign but only if they "keep the confidence" of Scott Johnson.

They have to contract 35 players and not pay more than £12k to any player, so players will have to combine part-time rugby with part-time outside employment. If my maths is right - unless clubs exceed their £62.5k contribution the average wage will be only £4,300.

Coach can terminate contracts of players who get injured and would miss more than 1/3 of season.

Pro-team players can be made available to Super 6 clubs. Due to new strict amateurism rules there will be an outright ban on Super 6 players being available to league clubs.
There was a sentence in that article that to me, suggests they may not get 6 applications. Is there much interest by the club's to make it a successful league.
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From previous reports it sounds like provincial sides - Ayr, Currie, Aberdeen, maybe Stirling - but how will they raise the £.

It'll be a bold Border or Edinburgh side to leave all their neighbours.

Edinburgh already has a pro rugby side so it’s doubtful that there’s a market for a semi pro side in Edinburgh proper.

I’m not even sure it could make sense in Currie

People who aren’t drawn away from Meggatland or Goldenacre by Edinburgh vs Leinster aren’t going to be tempted to cross the bypass for Currie vs. Ayr

The semi pro league only makes sense in local markets that are significant but not quite big enough to support a pro team

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