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10 peroni then few nips of 10 year old whisky and several pints of ale.

Taking it easy then?

I've had a bottle of champagne, couple of morgan's with coke and now on the budweiser. This'll totally, absolutely, definitely end well...

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Spent New Year in Germany and drove back with a few choice beers, mostly pilsener.





Stuttgarter Hofbrau

Konig Pilsener

as well as Schofferhofer Hefeweizen. Never tried a hefeweizen, will crack it open tonight.

God, I love Germany. Top, top country.

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I've just discovered Kraken rum. I may become an official alcoholic. Preceded by Punk IPA, 5am Saint & Jarl.

Eta: Corncrake Ale on tap was particularly fine on the Orkney ferry at the weekend too. Nothing better to deal with a choppy crossing.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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Oreo hot chocolate from a tassimo. It's not nearly as good as I expected it to be, but it'll do for now.

I've never been much of a fan of Hot Chocolate, but then I was given this 'hotel chocolat' stuff for Christmas...and I was still underwhelmed. However I changed my process (I put a small amount -literally two tablespoons worth - of hot water into the chocolate powder, stirred furiously then added that mixture to the warm milk, reheated the mixture after that whilst stirring), now I think I might be a convert.

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