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Innis and Gunn Blonde, followed by Innis and Gunn highland cask.

Rather good they are as well, so cheers Monster ;)

No problem mate, I knew you'd enjoy.

I'm on the Belhaven Best this evening in preparation for a few pints of the same tomorrow. :D

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No problem mate, I knew you'd enjoy.

I'm on the Belhaven Best this evening in preparation for a few pints of the same tomorrow. :D

heading down to the three sisters to watch the fitba with an italian mate, so I don't know if I should start drinking peroni, or carling.

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heading down to the three sisters to watch the fitba with an italian mate, so I don't know if I should start drinking peroni, or carling.

Pints of Peroni and you'll be burst! Stick to the Belhaven, or if the three sisters is a decent enough boozer maybe they'll have Deuchars IPA.

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Actually, the last drop down the grassmarket's got a rather decent wee collection of whisky, wonder if they have a telly....

Now hitting William's alcoholic ginger beer. Thought I would give it a go rather than Crabbies, will post if it's any good, but the guy at the fine wine shop down Porty recommended it.

it's shite.

Edited by kiwififer
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