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Don't worry. We can always rely on Phil to sort this out. You do not take on the Mitchell family.

I literally have no idea as to who killed Lucy Beale. They'll make everyone in Albert Square look guilty right up until the reveal probably.

Seeing as this is going to be dragged out for a while there better be a bloody reason as to why this person killed Lucy. Although, I am open to Les Coker killing folk off to create business for himself! :lol:

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The only place in the world that no matter who says something in secret there will always be somebody else walk in the door at the exact moment they speak and ask "what did you just say?" Usually the beast formerly known as Sharon.

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I'm sorta hoping this big reveal in February is just a ploy and we unexpectedly find out in a couple of weeks, hard to see how their going to keep it going with all the flat evidence getting revealed now.

wonder if it was written originally for 10 months but rushed through after the initial reaction to it

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I find that Les killing people to be nonsense, If he has enough money to take on a new employee (Billy) then he's hardly struggling for business, although something tells me he's got something to do with it with Nick Cotton... f**k it I've changed my mind in the space of a few hours, fucking buzzing for it. Forgetting they'll probably drag the Jake court case a month as well.

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Dear Eastenders producers, no one gives a f**k about Patrick feeling dizzy or Ian pumping some crackwhore, Give us Nasty Nick returning and pumping Whitney, Lauren, Nancy, Denise, Lola and through in Shabnam as well for a laugh.

Get it sorted for what the viewers want to see.

And kill off Dennis, boy should learn to take a skelpin' from his maw for fucking about in her room.

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The difference with sharron with and without make up on is extraordinary, she is still a fucking munter either way mind, shite episode tonight, the hash brownies thing was just stupid.

I'm thinking that Stan will end up giving Cora a right good ride, give her one from me too old chap.

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