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Ah right, thanks.

What happened to the mad doctor May?

Hmm, you could probably count it as suicide actually. She was the one that left the gas on and then lit the cigarette, so I'd say she did it herself.

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Hmm, you could probably count it as suicide actually. She was the one that left the gas on and then lit the cigarette, so I'd say she did it herself.

That was around the time I kind of fell away from watching it. I knew she had died in suspicious circumstances but wasn't sure what had went down

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That was around the time I kind of fell away from watching it. I knew she had died in suspicious circumstances but wasn't sure what had went down

She'd been trying to take Summer from the house, but when it was obvious she'd failed, she sat in the Miller's kitchen, switched the gas on and lit herself a cigarette. It was just as Dawn, the baby and Mickey had been safely moved from the house, it all went "boom". Just in the nick of time!

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Good so seing as there is precadent - is it possible Heather could be heading that way?

The actress is due to be leaving, so you could be on to something there. It'd be interesting to see a suicide storyline done well, to see the spiral that leads to it, rather than just a big climactic ending.

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Oddly enough I was just told of a suicide when I opened this thread.

Ben would go nuts if she did kill herself.

Also, should Carol go on the attempts list or did she not take any if them pills after Billy snuffed it?

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Oddly enough I was just told of a suicide when I opened this thread.

Ben would go nuts if she did kill herself.

Also, should Carol go on the attempts list or did she not take any if them pills after Billy snuffed it?

I'd forgotten about her. Did Connor not interrupt (and then pump) her?

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Thank fck Heather is leaving.

She is a pain in the tits.Infact everyone at that party apart from Billy and Phil can piss off as far as i'm concerned.

I cant believe Ben owning up got a doof doof.That has got to be the worse one in history.

Shocking state of affairs

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Right, having a further delve, Leo (father to teenage mother, Demi's daughter) killed himself by herion overdose.

Attempted suicides have been: Janine, Kat, Lauren and of course, Angie Watts.

Why did Leo kill himself? I had only really started watching at this point and don't really remember. Why did he do it if he had a young family at the time? And why did Janine and Kat try to end it, and was Lauren Max's daughter, the one we have now or the previous Lauren?

I thought Phil was hillarious after Ben revealed the secret. On Tuesday night I was dying for him to go back on the booze as he's a right old laugh, and we got it even when sober!

"Come on, it is a little funny". Whilst having a good old laugh to himself. Yass well done Phil. :lol:

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Janine decided to drink a load of alcohol and take some tablets when the square turned on her and decided they wanted her out.

Kat slashed her wrists when the truth was discovered about Zoe being her daughter and the result of the rape by her uncle Harry.

Leo killed himself when he, Demi and the baby were homeless and he found himself eating chips out of a bin. When I was looking into it, I found out that the episode is on YouTube, so you can look it up if you want to.

I don't know what happened with Lauren to be honest. I read something about her having a suicide attempt when I was searching for other suicide storylines. It was from a forum and was posted in 2008, so it would have been the old Lauren I think. Perhaps it was over the trying to kill her dad business.

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I liked the scene in the pub with the three 'young' couples.

If Fatboy, Mercey, Tamwar, Afia, Darren & Jodie are the future then it's bright.

Indeed it is, Jodie really is as thick as mince

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