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O'Sullivan is a strange boy sometimes.


Ronnie O'Sullivan turned down the chance of a maximum 147 break at the Welsh Open because the £10,000 prize money was "too cheap".

The five-time world champion had potted 14 reds and 13 blacks, but opted for an easier pink as he made a 146 to beat Barry Pinches 4-1 in round one.

O'Sullivan, 40, told BBC Sport: "I knew it was £10,000. If it had been more, I'd have gone for the 147."

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Sure before he had potted about three reds, asked the ref if there was a prize for a 147 and when the ref said no he made 140 and put his cue on the table. He eventually potted the black after a bit of encouragement.

Just searched for it and you're right. I say good on him.

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Because he's a p***k and he always has been. Fucking weirdo as well. A prodigious talent like no other but he's not right in the head and episodes like that are why I'll never wish him any success. Hopefully someone else wins the rolling prize long before the c**t ever considers it worthy of his efforts.

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He should also be fined for bringing the game into disrepute. Never mind that people paying to watch him would have loved to see it, imagine you had a sly 5er in match betting on a maximum only to find out he deliberately fucked it?

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Just watched it. Commentator said that on the previous occasion (when he eventually did pot the black after some persuasion from the referee) he ended up giving the money to charity. That reflects well on him.

However, it makes him even more of a cock this time as, if the money doesn't matter to him, why not give it to charity again?

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There's rumours a guys fleeced him of 125K as well so I'm sure 10K might have been a wee bit helpful to him just now

He was tweeting about it the other day, guy he lent money to is a serial conman.

Paddy Power paid out on the 147 yesterday, both in terms of during that match and during the tournament.

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