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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran)


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Correct I am. I'm sick of do gooder c***s taking sides in something they have little or no knowledge about. Reading a propaganda website/ newspaper then quoting it as fact and trying there level best to seem as if they have a well informed and educated opinion.

These p***ks read and believe one side of the story and if someone doesn't agree with the piece of nonsense they have just quoted they write them off. These people in Palestine I feel sorry for but it yet again is controlling p***ks sending and punishing the wee man for there small minded ideals.

Do you think for a second that if the Palestinians were the strong nation and Israel was a province that there would be one Jew left in the Middle East? Would there f**k. So before you c***s start waving your fucking flags get your fucking story straight.

Organised religion was caused by the ruling classes to give justification to every shitey big bully boy idea ever. Highest form of evil ironically

Do you think that if you were forced to live under the conditions the palestinians are, you might want to fight back against the people responsible?

There are plenty of people in Palestine who literally want to wipe Israel off the map. The vast majority have been motivated into this way of thinking by Israel themselves, not Hamas or the PLO or anyone else. Israel breeds all its own terrorism.

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Do you think that if you were forced to live under the conditions the palestinians are, you might want to fight back against the people responsible?

There are plenty of people in Palestine who literally want to wipe Israel off the map. The vast majority have been motivated into this way of thinking by Israel themselves, not Hamas or the PLO or anyone else. Israel breeds all its own terrorism.

True, Look at Ferguson USA , 1 person is shot and there has been a week long riot with the police and national guard being "petrol bombed" and "coming under heavy fire" with the black community fighting back saying they won't be treated like this anymore,,,,wonder what the response would be if the US started bombing their houses?

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The capture , torture and crowds watching the alleged informers deaths .

This is where I feel for the Palestinian people.....on one side they have the Israeli's bombi g fcuk out of them trying to get at Hamas whilst they have cnuts like Hamas supposedly "representing" them!

Catch 22!

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Report says the firing point of the rocket that killed the 4 year old Israeli child was situated beside a school.

Oh well good excuse to blow another school up then..just like this tower block killing 16 people because a rocket was fired near by


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Over 2100Palestinians slaughtered, of which 1600 at least are innocent women and children.

67 Israelis killed, a grand total of 2 being civilians.

I'm struggling to define which group are the terrorists here!!!!

Haven't noticed the Israelis setting fire to Israelis and towing them behind motorbikes in front of cheering crowds.

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Haven't noticed the Israelis setting fire to Israelis and towing them behind motorbikes in front of cheering crowds.

Well here you go , Israelis burning Israelis to death ....

But back in Jerusalem, where sixteen-year-oldMuhammad Abu Khudair was burned alive by Jewish vigilantes in a “revenge killing” incited by Israeli politicians early this month, right-wing lynch mobs continue to roam the streets in search of Arabs to attack.

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Except, Khudair was a Palestinian and three Israelis have been charged with his murder and await trial.

Except he lived in Shuafat Jerusalem in a refugee camp which means he would have and Israeli ID card , and regardless of where he lived and who was charged , are you telling us that kidnaping a 16 year old civilian torturing him and burning him alive ,,isn't an act of terrorism?

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Over 2100Palestinians slaughtered, of which 1600 at least are innocent women and children.

67 Israelis killed, a grand total of 2 being civilians.

I'm struggling to define which group are the terrorists here!!!!

It's not too difficult.

Haven't noticed the Israelis setting fire to Israelis and towing them behind motorbikes in front of cheering crowds.

You really need to change your P&B avatar to something more appropriate. Bush, Thatcher, Netanyahu.

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How many Palestinians are being prosecuted for executing Palestinians? f**k all because it's the authorities in Gaza who are doing the executing. The Palestinian was murdered by a gang in Jerusalem and they're being brought to justice for it.

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It's fair to say Israel has the patina of a democratic society where they appear to abide by social norms that they present to the wider world. It fools the simple minded into thinking its a genuinely democratic and law abiding country.

Their is no such veneer in places like Gaza. Probably when you live in desperation, fear and poverty trying to offer such a face to the world is not a high priority.

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How many Palestinians are being prosecuted for executing Palestinians? f**k all because it's the authorities in Gaza who are doing the executing. The Palestinian was murdered by a gang in Jerusalem and they're being brought to justice for it.

Israeli justice for Palestinians? .....

An Israeli army officer who fired the entire magazine of his automatic rifle into a 13-year-old Palestinian girl and then said he would have done the same even if she had been three years old was acquitted on all charges by a military court yesterday.

The soldier, who has only been identified as "Captain R", was charged with relatively minor offences for the killing of Iman al-Hams who was shot 17 times as she ventured near an Israeli army post near Rafah refugee camp in Gaza a year ago.

The manner of Iman's killing, and the revelation of a tape recording in which the captain is warned that she was just a child who was "scared to death", made the shooting one of the most controversial since the Palestinian intifada erupted five years ago even though hundreds of other children have also died.

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Whataboutery, all designed to deflect from the Palestinian authorities, the "elected government" torturing and executing it's own citizens before dragging them behind motorbikes through streets filled with cheering crowds.

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