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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran/Lebanon)


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5 hours ago, TxRover said:

In the post 1948 war environment, only Jordan effectively accepted and integrated some Palestinian refugees. Since then, further Palestinians have been ghettoized in Jordan with significantly fewer rights.


IIRC from long ago, the PLO when they were in Jordan, began to destabilise the country. Eventually the late King Hussain had to send his own army against them.

Presumably that history is part of the rights thing.

Also, I remember reading something, a biography/autobiography, about Hussein.  He said that he had spent half of of his reign on board planes,

flying to and from this capital and that capital..., trying to keep things from kicking off more than they did.

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On 07/11/2023 at 17:35, Shadow Play said:

I’m far from knowledgeable on this subject so it may be a stupid question but why doesn’t Egypt open the crossing to allow people wishing to flee Gaza the opportunity to do so in a controlled manner?  

Never  to return

Edited by Ewanandmoreagain
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19 hours ago, Freedom Farter said:

Jordan's queen was born in Kuwait to Palestinian refugee parents. Here she is giving her tuppence worth:

Once voted the world's most beautiful woman, when when she was plain ol' Princess Raina I think. She always speaks very well and obviously has skin in the game. It's been heartening to hear some of the more moderate voices being heard, as well as Israelis and non Israeli Jews who are rightly pissed off at Netanyahu and the IDF. If it means less of the fringe elements being rammed down our throats, the better. 

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29 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

I wonder if there is any history of folk being chased out of the Israel/Palestine region into exile in Egypt?

Didn't end well for the Egyptians. 

Can understand why they might not want to do that again.

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1 hour ago, sparky88 said:

If the IDF is targeting Hamas, why do ordinary civilians in Gaza need 4 hour breaks every day from the IDF?

Hard work running around all day finding terrorists to shield, nice of the IDF to give them a bit of R&R for a shower and Netflix. 

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On 06/11/2023 at 08:21, Zetterlund said:

Has either side released an estimate of how many 'Hamas fighters' have been taken out so far?

You'd expect a few must've been accidentally caught in the crossfire of all these civilian airstrikes.

Tens of fighters is the only quoted figure I've seen

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It couldn't be more obvious at this point that Netanyahu/the IDF have absolutely no interest in saving the lives of any hostages. Given the choice between obliterating the entire strip with bombs and burying every Israeli hostage under rubble with it, or a ceasefire and getting Israelis back alive, they want the former because the latter will remove their pretext for ethnic cleansing. In Netanyahu's mind 200+ dead Israelis is a price worth paying for far more dead Palestinians.

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11 hours ago, TxRover said:

Awwwwww, bless….VT was feeling constipated and got a red dot out…

If you've got an issue with people red-dotting you, then you should stop contributing utter dogshit posts. 

Or if it's easier for you - just stop posting altogether. Absolutely nothing of value will be missed. 

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