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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran/Lebanon)


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1 hour ago, virginton said:

If you've got an issue with people red-dotting you, then you should stop contributing utter dogshit posts. 

Or if it's easier for you - just stop posting altogether. Absolutely nothing of value will be missed. 

I just find it telling that you are so easily amused by attempting to act as the arbitrator of the quality of posts. Very few posters on here feel the need to red dot, or even green dot, at anything near the rate you do…much as very few posters here fail to realize that this is a discussion board, not a rest home for p***kly old bas***ds to yell at people in.

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2 minutes ago, GHF-23 said:

Who had "The Jewish Chronicle have published a piece by now fully mask-off fascist Douglas Murray in which he performs holocaust revisionism" in the sweepstake?

Owned by Robbie Gibb, who Emily Maitlis describes as "an active agent for the Conservative party". He was previously an editorial advisor to GB News and was a member of a Russian nationalist organisation in his youth:



Here's the current editor, who talks of a blood libel against Jews yet tweets this:



Stephen Pollard is the former editor and still deeply involved. He wants the NHS fully privatised. He supported George Osborne's child benefits cap and has praised Rupert Murdoch as a champion of democracy. He's also a signatory founder of the Henry Jackson Society:


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5 minutes ago, Freedom Farter said:

Something about Douglas Murray's Nazi rehabilitation, I suspect its deliberate. It's bait to create outrage and thus distract. Increasingly extreme attempts like that are being made to avert public focus away from events in Gaza.

There might be something in that, but at the same time, Murray does mean it. 

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8 hours ago, TxRover said:

I just find it telling that you are so easily amused by attempting to act as the arbitrator of the quality of posts. Very few posters on here feel the need to red dot, or even green dot, at anything near the rate you do…much as very few posters here fail to realize that this is a discussion board, not a rest home for p***kly old bas***ds to yell at people in.

^^^ word salad 

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If those trying to manufacture outrage about anything other than a two minute silence taking place on 11th November in an attempt to discredit Palestinian solidarity marches actually cared about either antisemitism or respecting Britain's war dead, you'd think they'd have something to say about a regular contributor to the Telegraph, Times & Daily Mail and associate editor of the Spectator, who is openly a white supremacist and makes fewer and fewer attempts to conceal his attachment to fascism as time goes on, taking to the pages of the Jewish Chronicle to say "the Nazis were actually sound lads who really hated what they felt they had to do to Jews, you can tell this because they always had a piss-up after a day's genocide, they weren't like these beastly Muslims who enjoy it."

Yet this overt Nazi apologism and holocaust denial receives little condemnation from the sensible centrist media figures who happily trot along to the Spectator's garden party every year alongside members of the cabinet & shadow cabinet. In a sane country that article would render Murray unemployable in the mainstream media, as would his openly racist speech about Humza Yousaf earlier this week added to dozens of other incidents throughout his career, but he'll probably be doing the rounds of BBC politics shows in a month with no comment being passed on any of this.

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19 minutes ago, Dunning1874 said:

If those trying to manufacture outrage about anything other than a two minute silence taking place on 11th November in an attempt to discredit Palestinian solidarity marches actually cared about either antisemitism or respecting Britain's war dead, you'd think they'd have something to say about a regular contributor to the Telegraph, Times & Daily Mail and associate editor of the Spectator, who is openly a white supremacist and makes fewer and fewer attempts to conceal his attachment to fascism as time goes on, taking to the pages of the Jewish Chronicle to say "the Nazis were actually sound lads who really hated what they felt they had to do to Jews, you can tell this because they always had a piss-up after a day's genocide, they weren't like these beastly Muslims who enjoy it."

Yet this overt Nazi apologism and holocaust denial receives little condemnation from the sensible centrist media figures who happily trot along to the Spectator's garden party every year alongside members of the cabinet & shadow cabinet. In a sane country that article would render Murray unemployable in the mainstream media, as would his openly racist speech about Humza Yousaf earlier this week added to dozens of other incidents throughout his career, but he'll probably be doing the rounds of BBC politics shows in a month with no comment being passed on any of this.

He's full of shit and referring to a number of accounts and studies that have been released recently about the Nazi killing squads. In it you find the officers commanding these units complaining because locals and soldiers not involved used to turn up at the execution sites with picnics to enjoy the entertainment. The response from their superiors was to do the executons at night and far from the towns and cities - but stll coach loads turned up. A fire brigade marching band from Hamburg (?) were sent to the front to entertain the troops. When they found out there were Jews being executed, they went along to watch then borrowed rifles to join in, posing for photographs like big game hunters. 


There's a book called "Soldaten"



It shows the German soldiers enjoyed killing and didn't think twice about shooting civilians. A machine gunner on a German bomber describes how, after bombing the main target in Britain, the pilots would fly low to let the gunners shoot at anything they wanted. One gunner described chasing a woman with a stream of bullets as she ran up a street pushing a pram. 


f**k the Nazis and f**k this idea that the "ordinary" Germans didn't know. They knew and either didn't care or gave their approval. 

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Until about a week go I'd thankfully got through life completely unaware of Douglas Murray, until Twitter/X did what it does and started showing his every post on my feed. What an utter scumbag.

The frightening thing is how many people in the replies are agreeing with every word. 

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