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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran/Lebanon)


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My only one was in Poland. I observed a number of overgrown Jewish cemeteries and challenged family members about this. For Catholics, remembering the dead is very important. 

Apparently this does not extend to non-Christians. I was frankly disappointed in their response. 

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"Jew" was an insult when I was a wee boy Darn Sarf - the other kids would call you a dirty Jew if anyone saw you pick up a coin off the floor. Absolutely none of us knew what a "Jew" was, so I presume the kids were just parroting what they heard from their parents. I figured it was just an insult like "moron", "idiot", or "Jock" until I was much older. I don't remember seeing anti-semitism in person since then, but the internet is absolutely hoaching with it, helped by the fact that a lot of people assume it's a joke. It's probably a coincidence that many of the Channers who originally spread anti-semitic memes have turned out to be genuine, full-bore, unapologetic racists as they've aged.

The first Mrs BFTD was an American Jew, and when she started school her family told her never to pick money up off the floor in case people started thinking she was Jewish and would treat her accordingly - pretty grim to hear when you're five years old. They'd also have to regularly repair their mailboxes, as there were racists who'd drive through nice middle-class suburban neighbourhoods looking for the telltale mezuzah outside the front door, and would knock them down. They had a Klan parade go through their street once, and the neighbours came out to watch and applaud, which must have been lovely. Her older family members said they used to be regular events.

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2 hours ago, Cosmic Joe said:

Has anyone actually witnessed anti-semitism either in person, or on social media? 

I'm not saying it doesn't exist, but compared to islamophobia (which seems to be rife), it seems to be a miniscule problem here. 

There’s been some pretty explicit anti-semitism on here in the past - I’m sure there was a St Mirren fan (wisbit?) who was flirting with Holocaust denial for a bit a while ago.

Edit: ‘Jew’ and ‘Jewbag’ were also used as generic insults when I was at school, this is only maybe 12–13 years ago.

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Just now, oneteaminglasgow said:

There’s been some pretty explicit anti-semitism on here in the past - I’m sure there was a St Mirren fan (wisbit?) who was flirting with Holocaust denial for a bit a while ago. 

That was Wisbit (@Munoz now, I believe), and he got his arse felt pretty sharpish for referring to the execution of 6 million Jews as the "HoloHoax".

It was all fun and games when he was denying that gravity existed, but how quickly the laughter turns to tears.

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22 hours ago, ClydeTon said:

Ladies and Gentlemen,

They did the meme.


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P.S. - Gay Marriage is illegal in Israel. 

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Gay rights are cool and all but come on to f**k. The tweet and message it sends are horrific, are bound to stir homophobia, and suggests that gay lives matter more than All lives in Gaza?

Also: siding with a country otherwise considered backwards in LGBT rights? Odd behaviour.


Eta: Huge Hypocrite. (Perfect Zionist, then.)20231113_200251.thumb.jpg.e3a42131a47e898ca429af3878541fcd.jpg

He's guilty not of homophobia but using the same strategies as corporate organisations.

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5 hours ago, LongTimeLurker said:

About 20% of Israel's citizens are Palestinian Arab and their treatment overall is actually quite reasonable. A big part of the problem is the West (mainly the Americans) allowing Israel to get away for so long with what happens in Gaza and the West Bank so they get to have a de facto one state solution that suits them without extending the overall fairly reasonable treatment of Israeli Arabs to all of what used to be Palestine pre-1948 because that would threaten the Jewish electoral majority.

There needs to be a serious plan from the West to enforce an equitable two state solution by implementing the sort of sanctions on Israel that Russia is currently under so Israel reverts back to its 1967 borders or what we are seeing now is only the foothills of what is to come. Problem is a sizable portion of the US electorate sincerely believes that something something all the Jews must return to Israel something something Battle of Armageddon something something Rapture.

Oslo 1 & 2 was the death of the 2-state solution.

They compounded the settlers issue because of the one-sided nature of the security arrangements.  They were hailed at the time as precursors to a 2 state solution but the fact is that both Oslo accords failed to deal with the core issues that collectively define the Israeli-Palestinian conflict such as borders, Palestinian refugees, and the status of Jerusalem.

It hasn't created a single Palestinian state but the Gaza Strip and multiple disconnected Palestinian settlements where access is controlled by 600 plus Israeli Defence Force checkpoints.

Edited by DeeTillEhDeh
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3 hours ago, Cosmic Joe said:

Has anyone actually witnessed anti-semitism either in person, or on social media? 

I'm not saying it doesn't exist, but compared to islamophobia (which seems to be rife), it seems to be a miniscule problem here. 



One poster banned from here was an antisemite - and criticised as such by anti-zionists on this forum.

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10 minutes ago, HeartsOfficialMoaner said:

There used to be a children's song called Archibald king of the jews... sold his wife for a pair of shoes.

Can remember a joke from primary school about how you fit six million Jews into an Austin Mini. Won't provide the punchline because it was extremely crass.

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52 minutes ago, BFTD said:

That was Wisbit (@Munoz now, I believe), and he got his arse felt pretty sharpish for referring to the execution of 6 million Jews as the "HoloHoax".

It was all fun and games when he was denying that gravity existed, but how quickly the laughter turns to tears.

Not me.

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26 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Oslo 1 & 2 was the death of the 2-state solution.

They compounded the settlers issue because of the one-sided nature of the security arrangements.  They were hailed at the time as precursors to a 2 state solution but the fact is that both Oslo accords failed to deal with the core issues that collectively define the Israeli-Palestinian conflict such as borders, Palestinian refugees, and the status of Jerusalem.

It hasn't created a single Palestinian state but the Gaza Strip and multiple disconnected Palestinian settlements where access is controlled by 600 plus Israeli Defence Force checkpoints.

To add to that, an often overlooked part of the Oslo Accords was the economic aspect. The Paris Protocol was supposed to ease the trade restrictions on the occupied Palestinians, to guarantee the free movement of goods and workers between Gaza and West Bank. That didn't happen and never at any point did Israel ease up on its economic stranglehold.

Israel's blockade of Gaza was actually began to prevent Gazans profiting from their natural gas reserves:


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3 hours ago, Cosmic Joe said:

Has anyone actually witnessed anti-semitism either in person, or on social media? 

I'm not saying it doesn't exist, but compared to islamophobia (which seems to be rife), it seems to be a miniscule problem here. 



I've heard plenty of anti semitic remarks over the years... along with ignorant shite like trying to justify the holocaust because of the  Arab/Israeli conflict.

I've never actually witnessed an anti -semitic attack on a Jewish person, possibly because there are so few in Scotland.

I have witnessed direct verbal attacks on Asian people though.

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4 hours ago, Cosmic Joe said:

Has anyone actually witnessed anti-semitism either in person, or on social media? 

I'm not saying it doesn't exist, but compared to islamophobia (which seems to be rife), it seems to be a miniscule problem here. 



My wife is from a Jewish family (although neither her or her parents identity as such) and had a typical 'jewish' surname before we married.

She  experienced comments and so on, but never anything explicitly threatening or violent. 

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6 minutes ago, tongue_tied_danny said:

I've heard plenty of anti semitic remarks over the years... along with ignorant shite like trying to justify the holocaust because of the  Arab/Israeli conflict.

I've never actually witnessed an anti -semitic attack on a Jewish person, possibly because there are so few in Scotland.

I have witnessed direct verbal attacks on Asian people though.

I've always had the impression that people from South Asia have it worst in the UK - I saw plenty of casual physical and verbal abuse of people considered "Pakis" when I was growing up, and the stuff regularly said about them in private was horrific. Either that changed when I moved permanently to Scotland, or it's nothing like as bad here.

It's definitely getting worse, though. I've seen a few open displays of racism recently, including a couple of hammered jakes who tried to follow me a few days ago because I was a Paki and I needed to go home, which was bizarre.

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A Jewish guy had a Star of David scratched onto the door of his car a couple of days ago, here in Colorado. It was in Boulder, where many inhabitants lean to the left, politically. Perhaps not too surprising then, that the general consensus among the Facebook Brain Trust commenters was that it MUST have been one of those terrorist loving liberals wot done it.

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France has a recent history of deadly antisemitism. I always remember the case of Ilan Halimi. A young man who was abducted, tortured and eventually murdered in 2006 by a gang who'd originally planned to extort him. They'd targeted him due to their belief that all Jews are wealthy. Like most French Jews, Halimi was sephardi. When they moved to France, sephardi Jews lived in the banlieues among their fellow Maghrebis (Muslim Arabs and Berbers) as well as West Africans and Afro-Caribbeans. The 1995 film La Haine shows the solidarity among these immigrant groups at the time (the Jewish protagonist in that film is actually ashkenazi Polish not sephardi). Things then changed at the turn of the century. Global geopolitical events contributed to some French Muslims taking up an Islamic chauvinist identity which came complete with antisemitism. Although in Ilan Halimi's case, the belief he must've been wealthy came from traditional Christian European antisemitic stereotypes. French Sephardi Jews who've been victims (there's more besides Halimi) actually had the same humble origins as their attackers and it was that shared socio-economic background which made them accessible.

The "wealthy Jew" stereotype in Europe was a particularly inaccurate one. You got some wealthy Jews who happened to be working in money lending right as capitalism took off so hit the jackpot. For most Jews, though, they were poorer than your average European. Preceding the Holocaust era, Jews were the second poorest ethnic group in Europe, ahead of only the Roma (now there's a coincidence). This was especially true in central and eastern Europe, where pogroms and enforced ghettoisation had impoverished them.

Going back to France, a Jewish woman in Lyon was stabbed earlier this month after answering her front door. A swastika was found carved on the door, presumably by her attacker. So certainly an antisemitic attempted murder. The perpetrator hasn't been caught yet. 

Edited by Freedom Farter
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