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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran/Lebanon)


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1 minute ago, Granny Danger said:

If the invite was coming from Biden there would be an outside chance of that, but it’s coming from Schumer and Johnson and their Senate/Congress counterparts.

I know GD, I know. Given my  previous stance with regards to that part of the world before what is unfolding right now, you would hope that somebody of substance might just say, well hang on a minute here......

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12 minutes ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

Today Pro-Hamas protestors blocked the Pride Parade in Philadelphia. 
It was difficult to tell which side was which as both sides had Queers for Palestine signs and deep-seated anti-Semitism.


Hamas will not approve of Queers for Palestine. As a matter of simple fact they will execute them although they will heartily agree with the antisemitism. In other news Netanyahu & Senior IDF Commanders are War Criminals & should be treated like the Nazis they are. The two facts are not mutually exclusive.

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14 hours ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

Today Pro-Hamas protestors blocked the Pride Parade in Philadelphia. 
It was difficult to tell which side was which as both sides had Queers for Palestine signs and deep-seated anti-Semitism.


I quite enjoy your obviously parody posts of the melted ice cream brains of the the Twitter pro Isreal lobby.

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14 hours ago, Moomintroll said:

Hamas will not approve of Queers for Palestine. As a matter of simple fact they will execute them

There's no evidence of Hamas ever having executed anyone for being homosexual. 

The only claim is this one by the New York Times:


The New York Times is infamously unreliable in its reporting on Israel. It was recently forced to retract its claims about sexual violence during the massacres in southern Israel last October. The main writer, Anat Schwartz - a former IDF Intelligence member, had been citing the organisation Zaka. Israeli publication Haaretz uncovered how Zaka is ran by an extremist Orthodox sect who'd fabricated their claims, which Schwartz had then repeated in her NYT output (https://archive.ph/17K6H).


Hamas are a viciously homophobic organisation but they have not been killing homosexual Gazans. Israeli bombs have, of course.

The comment you replied to above mentions Pride parades. In 2016 in Israel, a Pride parade participant was murdered by a homophobic Haredi settler and five other participants were wounded by him. The same man had previously stabbed Pride parade participants in 2005 (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-36634148). Pride parades can only take place in Israel under heavy police protection (https://www.timesofisrael.com/police-on-high-alert-ahead-of-jerusalem-pride-parade-threatened-by-violence/).


Finally, this is probably a concept folk should be aware of:


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5 hours ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:


Well this is awkward.

I think they chucked the poor fella off a rooftop. But to be fair to the pro-Hamas contingent on here they did say they wouldn't throw lgbtq off buildings anymore.

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There are no tall buildings left.


Maybe they thew him off a low building several times to get a similar effect.

I like how they keep records though, a sign that Hamas Civil Service is still functioning.

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7 hours ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:


Well this is awkward.

I think they chucked the poor fella off a rooftop. But to be fair to the pro-Hamas contingent on here they did say they wouldn't throw lgbtq off buildings anymore.

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There are no tall buildings left.


I was aware of that from Haaretz but didn't include it because the source was the IDF, not an independent NGO or journalist. The IDF in recent months have regularly made ridiculous and easily disproven claims. With this specific case, we're to believe that a Hamas member being held captive and tortured was given a pen and paper in his cell so he could write a diary. We're to believe that in this diary, he wrote completely irrelevant details to his predicament, details which help reinforce Israel's narrative for what its currently doing in Gaza. We're told he wrote that the Hamas tunnels weren't damaged by the 2014 Israeli bombardment and were still intact. Well destroying the tunnels is one of the "military objectives" Israel has claimed justifies its current actions.

Even if we do accept the information as authentic, it claims the murdered Hamas member had multiple accusations against him by the leadership. Supposedly he was accused of stealing money, stealing weapons, attending swingers parties with his wife, as well having sex with a male neighbour. Then the claimed primary accusation against him was that he was collaborating with Israel. So that doesn't even confirm he was murdered due to his being gay.

Regardless, the original suggestion I replied to above was that Hamas murder random gay civilians in Gaza. This man wasn't a random civilian, he was high up in the militant wing of Hamas.

The stuff you put about LGBT people being murdered by being thrown from rooftops. That was done by ISIS in Iraq and Syria. If you struggle with the concept of different peoples and places then just focus on the names and notice that they differ, that might help you.

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Loving the idea that Israeli journalists are currently dodging air strikes against schools, hospitals and refugee camps in enemy territory to *checks notes* clarify whether Hamas committed a homophobic murder years ago.

Apply even one fucking ounce of critical thinking please. 🤡 

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Israel's largest selling liberal newspaper is anti-semitic shite, seems like something a massive crank would say.


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17 hours ago, MazzyStar said:

200 Palestinians murdered by the IDF at the same time. 

274.  But that’s less than 70 Palestinians for each Israeli, way below the current exchange rate.


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Having just read an article on the BBC website it would appear there were  “intense gun battles” during the operation to free the hostages.

Do the more knowledgeable posters on here think Israel can realistically achieve its aim of militarily destroying Hamas as a fighting force or will there ultimately need to be some sort of negotiated settlement?  

In short how is this all likely to play out?


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Posted (edited)
56 minutes ago, Shadow Play said:

Having just read an article on the BBC website it would appear there were  “intense gun battles” during the operation to free the hostages.

Do the more knowledgeable posters on here think Israel can realistically achieve its aim of militarily destroying Hamas as a fighting force or will there ultimately need to be some sort of negotiated settlement?  

In short how is this all likely to play out?


There will be peace in the Middle East when two of the world's major religions come to their senses.

Given that, and all other things being equal, the fighting will stop in approximately 7.59 billion years when the sun expands and destroys the Earth.

Edited by Salt n Vinegar
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1 hour ago, Shadow Play said:

Having just read an article on the BBC website it would appear there were  “intense gun battles” during the operation to free the hostages.

Do the more knowledgeable posters on here think Israel can realistically achieve its aim of militarily destroying Hamas as a fighting force or will there ultimately need to be some sort of negotiated settlement?  

In short how is this all likely to play out?


No. The current IDF action is simply ensuring another cycle of violence by effectively recruiting the next generation of Hamas.

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