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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran/Lebanon)


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Saw this linkfrom a friend on Facebook which is rather interesting / shocking.

I wouldn't recommend viewing if you're not a fan of the old severed head etc though. :unsure:

Somes it up perfectly, gives me the boak anytime I see an Israeli spokesman on the news , its like watching someone from the SS, according to the UN Laws of war Civillians personal saftey AND property must be protected and only Military targets can be attacked.....

GAZA ....6 UN safe schools bomed, Hospitals Bomed , the only power plant bomed and HALF A MILLION peoples homes destroyed....but according to some IDF mouthpice Israel have went to extraordinary lengths to protect civilians.

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I can see why u r called sixteen in her, u basically are a helmet.

King shut it, sick of ur fucking royal decree... If u like the sound of ur own voice sing in the mirror. Then I don't have tae read it

Could you repeat that in English please? I gather you're angry, so I'm intrigued to see exactly what you have to say.

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I can see why u r called sixteen in her, u basically are a helmet.

King shut it, sick of ur fucking royal decree... If u like the sound of ur own voice sing in the mirror. Then I don't have tae read it

Too many eccies more like

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More anti semitic bigots............

Over 300 Jewish Holocaust survivors and their descendants have signed an open letter unequivocally condemning the “massacre of Palestinians in Gaza” and the “ongoing occupation and colonization of historic Palestine” by Israel.

The letter also criticises the advert placed last week by Elie Wiesel in the Guardian, New York Times and other papers, accusing it of “abusing” their history “to promote blatant falsehoods used to justify the unjustifiable: Israel’s wholesale effort to destroy Gaza and the murder of nearly 2,000 Palestinians, including many hundreds of children.”

“Nothing can justify bombing UN shelters, homes, hospitals and universities,” it continued.

Published on the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network’swebsite, the letter currently has 313 signatories from across Europe, the US and Israel.

“We are alarmed by the extreme, racist dehumanisation of Palestinians in Israeli society, which has reached a fever-pitch,” the letter reads. It goes on to denounce “the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people” while calling for an “immediate end to the blockade of Gaza” and “a full economic, cultural and academic boycott of Israel.”

“’Never again’ must mean never again for anyone,” it concludes.

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Could you repeat that in English please? I gather you're angry, so I'm intrigued to see exactly what you have to say.

Correct I am. I'm sick of do gooder c***s taking sides in something they have little or no knowledge about. Reading a propaganda website/ newspaper then quoting it as fact and trying there level best to seem as if they have a well informed and educated opinion.

These p***ks read and believe one side of the story and if someone doesn't agree with the piece of nonsense they have just quoted they write them off. These people in Palestine I feel sorry for but it yet again is controlling p***ks sending and punishing the wee man for there small minded ideals.

Do you think for a second that if the Palestinians were the strong nation and Israel was a province that there would be one Jew left in the Middle East? Would there f**k. So before you c***s start waving your fucking flags get your fucking story straight.

Organised religion was caused by the ruling classes to give justification to every shitey big bully boy idea ever. Highest form of evil ironically

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Do you think for a second that if the Palestinians were the strong nation and Israel was a province that there would be one Jew left in the Middle East? Would there f**k. So before you c***s start waving your fucking flags get your fucking story straight.

Take some deep breaths, you'll calm down eventually.

As for c***s and flag waving, I've no idea what you're slevering in about. I, amongst many others condemn the actions of Israel towards the Palestinians. Keeping them in a cage for bombing practise, under the guise of defence. The actions of the Israelis are unjustifiable.

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Correct I am. I'm sick of do gooder c***s taking sides in something they have little or no knowledge about. Reading a propaganda website/ newspaper then quoting it as fact and trying there level best to seem as if they have a well informed and educated opinion.

These p***ks read and believe one side of the story and if someone doesn't agree with the piece of nonsense they have just quoted they write them off. These people in Palestine I feel sorry for but it yet again is controlling p***ks sending and punishing the wee man for there small minded ideals.

Do you think for a second that if the Palestinians were the strong nation and Israel was a province that there would be one Jew left in the Middle East? Would there f**k. So before you c***s start waving your fucking flags get your fucking story straight.

Organised religion was caused by the ruling classes to give justification to every shitey big bully boy idea ever. Highest form of evil ironically

Do you think that if you were forced to live under the conditions the palestinians are, you might want to fight back against the people responsible?

There are plenty of people in Palestine who literally want to wipe Israel off the map. The vast majority have been motivated into this way of thinking by Israel themselves, not Hamas or the PLO or anyone else. Israel breeds all its own terrorism.

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Do you think that if you were forced to live under the conditions the palestinians are, you might want to fight back against the people responsible?

There are plenty of people in Palestine who literally want to wipe Israel off the map. The vast majority have been motivated into this way of thinking by Israel themselves, not Hamas or the PLO or anyone else. Israel breeds all its own terrorism.

True, Look at Ferguson USA , 1 person is shot and there has been a week long riot with the police and national guard being "petrol bombed" and "coming under heavy fire" with the black community fighting back saying they won't be treated like this anymore,,,,wonder what the response would be if the US started bombing their houses?

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