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Everything posted by mozam76

  1. Watched the Amazon film this afternoon. Seemed a genuinely nice, humble guy. I knew little of his early accomplishments, but had no idea just how successful he was. What wasn’t refreshing to watch was the bilious, xenophobic commentary of the English press and former professionals, both when he was appointed and when his private life “mysteriously” became public. Absolute f**king vermin.
  2. Gauld being named in a Scotland squad (a Steve Clarke squad no less), the same day as Oasis announced their comeback, proves we are well and truly through the looking glass.
  3. It’s not just you, no. For me it never really felt like Oasis after McGuigan and Arthurs left, despite their replacements being more competent musicians. By the time Live 25 comes round they’ll be more like Triggers broom.
  4. Irvine Beach is a wish I was there for me. Reflecting today I saw them in Aberdeen, Finsbury Park, Murrayfield, SECC, and Balloch. Most memorably though was the first time, which was Ingliston in Jan 1996. An incredible experience. None of their other gigs were as magical for me.
  5. I mentioned this on the forum the other day. His performance that day exceptional. His third in particular was a peach, and led to me being berated by one of the mouth breathers in our support as I had the nerve to applaud him. Said supporter was told to Foxtrot Oscar. May was head and shoulders above anyone else that day. Hope it works out for all parties, and am very keen to see where he’s told to play.
  6. I'm very jealous. Mrs Mozam and I were in Copenhagen in June for our anniversary. Three days wasn't nearly enough. Wonderful place. Hope your boys put on a show.
  7. As a member of the grammar/formatting polis, my eyes are bleeding at that. As a member of the folically challenged, a round of applause for DeBruyne's hair.
  8. I’ll caveat this with “it’s only Leicester”, but Spurs are an absolute joy to watch.
  9. It shouldn’t matter what Celtic think. The Rangers board surely know more about the work at their own stadium than anyone else. Did their most recent propaganda piece nit say that they were aiming to be in for October? This whole ticket nonsense looks more and more like a Trojan horse hiding the fact that the stadium won’t be ready until into January, and why any Rangers supporter would accept that state of affairs is absolutely beyond me.
  10. If the nets are to go up, and indeed stay up, then surely they can go up just now? It’s the other end that’s a building site.
  11. Is that because they can’t guarantee they’ll be playing at Ibrox by then? Or am I missing something?
  12. Copenhagen is a wonderful city. People are the most laid back you’ll ever meet. You’ll need to donate a vital organ to fund the trip, but enjoy the beauty whilst you’re there. Oh aye, ride them rotten as well.
  13. Absolutely f**king brilliant. Gaun yersel Killie.
  14. Blocked by something called "evergreen". Will the conspiracy ever end? Onto ICT - always enjoy my trips up to you. Hopefully Savage can clear things up behind the scenes for you. He may have to watch what he says about Gardiner though. Go too far and that supercilious git could end up thinking about a libel action.
  15. I'll be honest, when you appointed him I thought "there's a proper football manager". I would say of the last four managers, Clement included, only Van Bronckhorst appeared to have more managerial gravitas than him. Gerrard was the Hollywood appointment with little tactical acumen to back it up as shown by his posts since Rangers, and the least said about Beale the better. It would appear they've given massive financial backing to the least qualified to spend it, leaving the experienced managers with not a pot to piss in.
  16. Stadium announcer playing Dire Straits after the game. Absolutely wonderful.
  17. Eleven or ten, they were hopeless either way. So profligate up front. Always shaky at the back. Kyiv always looked like a threat. All of which will be lost of course in the midst of such a blatant papist conspiracy.
  18. Indeed. Certainly not in this league. If anyone thinks that any team is going to run away with it, I’ve a bridge to sell them.
  19. How will you do? Top half play offs. What was the best moment of last season? When it finished. What was the worst moment of last season? When it started. What was the one act by the club or any individual that most affected how you did last season? A season like that does not come down to the actions of one person. A lot of very good people were done over by the actions of a lot less. If you had to come up with a new piece of merchandise to sell at your club shop, what would it be? A hard wearing, top quality, black and amber polo shirt commemorating 30 years at Almondvale.
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