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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. Usually the way it works. I’m sure a lot of Pars fans have sore memories of Allan Walker’s looping header dropping into the far post at EEP at about 5:15pm.
  2. Craig Wilson, ex-par, scoring a 94th minute own goal in front of a packed McDermid Stand for Dunfermline to win 1-2 whilst fireworks exploded above was a bit of a b*****d, too.
  3. Neil McCann for Dundee at Dens in what felt like the 106th minute. Place fucking erupted.
  4. We definitely tried to sign Dowds but Falkirk stumped up more wages.
  5. Would also recommend listening to the interviews via in-ear earphones if you’re struggling for volume.
  6. I thought McGlynn was a wee bit ‘beat around the bush-y’ with his answers about Robbie Thomson. Hard to see MacDonald not being #1.
  7. You’d think John McGlynn would’ve earned a bit of respect for his work since he’s come back. Trust him.
  8. I ended up playing against Craig O’Reilly in a Sunday league in Edinburgh about 7/8 years ago. He was a fucking cock.
  9. Also, I’m absolutely fucking done with this whole saga. Just get the football back ASAP. This entire thing is so fucking tedious now.
  10. Absolutely bizarre statement from a no mark shithouse club. Next.
  11. I’m quite sure we didn’t top up the extra 20% from furlough payments to staff. It was spoken about, but I don’t think it happened.
  12. You’re comparing apples and oranges. This isn’t a throwaway ‘joke’ made in everyday conversation. It’s a thought out comment, saying that all women have no place in working within the senior management of football clubs. Do you not understand how backwards and outdated that is? Also, if you’re hanging about with folk who are making female driver jokes, I’d advise you get some pals without tragic patter.
  13. It’s just completely outdated and deserves to be called out. Nae place in society for attitudes like that. Standing by whilst folk say stuff like that is wrong.
  14. You’re being a sexist idiot. Explain to everyone why women shouldn’t be involved in upper level management at football clubs.
  15. You’ve been in the Hearts thread sounding off about how women shouldn’t be anywhere near the head of football clubs so perhaps you should your neck in a little.
  16. I’m sure you can’t loan players cross borders who are under the age of 18.
  17. Boycotting away games is peak toys out the the pram, Rangers behaviours. Should be expected from them, tbh.
  18. We sold a player for £150k, with the money hitting our bank account today. We have also raised over £100k as fans. Looks like our demise hastening will need to wait. Hard luck.
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