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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. Absolutely shocked that we’ve strolled to a simple home win and same boring hoors are on here claiming we’ve been lucky in some way. Have a week off.
  2. Can’t believe we have Forfar a goal, there. Rarely seen as a one sided game. Davo, Bene and Munro were excellent, too. Some of the support need to get a hold of themselves. What do you want? Boy behind me stood up and screamed, “this is fucking disgraceful” as we were passing the ball between us. Same fucking plum shouted, “aw f**k off mcglynn” when Armstrong went off for Baird. Funnily enough he was quiet the rest of the game. Eight more of those will do me.
  3. Cue us struggling to a 0-1 loss and the Forfar fans on here fawning over a heroic away performance from their team. Seen it a hundred times. 3-0 Rovers, please. I’d like us to win and the last 15 minutes to not be a fucking nerve wracking mess. Surely not a lot to ask.
  4. Some great chances to win the game for both sides in the second half. That 3 second period where we first hit the post then the bar, along with Matthews shot from the cross and Benedictus’ header were all great opportunities. When Mutch dropped the cross at the feet of McLean probably isn’t a great chance, but something we should’ve done better with. For Falkirk you’ve got the obvious chance that Miller spooned over the bar as well as Doyle’s header. MacDonald is so stupid to give away foul for the Falkirk goal, then Munro needs to be so much stronger at the cross. Piss poor. Munro, having looked fine earlier in the season, has totally gone to shit of late. Could really do without him costing us goals in the run in. Up front I thought McLean did well whilst Bowie was quiet. The former is a great addition to our team. One of the first names on the team sheet. Tait’s a better option than Spencer just now so I’d have him in the team next week. The final game at Falkirk is going to be the decider, I think. Can feel it in my pish.
  5. This photo really doesn’t look favourably on Munro, does it? McManus gets a hard time from the Rovers support so its natural he’s going to give a bit back. Hard to forget that he was an absolute and utter shitebag for us in one of the worst Rovers sides I’ve ever seen; one that was relegated with him up front for the majority of the season.
  6. A point each was fair. What happened at the Falkirk goal? I forgot my glasses and had no idea what was going on anywhere past the half way line. This is going to go to the wire.
  7. Armstrong I thought. McManus seemingly getting unlimited fouls tonight. Had about 6, plus a dive.
  8. Somehow got another corner from the miss too. f**k knows what the ref’s seen.
  9. This feels massive, doesn’t it? We’re strong at home so fancy us to win but BTTS. Shiteing it.
  10. 3100 tickets available to us - initially - and folk are moaning that the way they’ve done it isn’t fair. Someone in the Facebook page said it was “disgusting” [emoji23]
  11. The “trying too hard to be funny” argument is a strange one. Should it be read like a news broadcast instead? How else should they present a light hearted look at life in Scottish football?
  12. That set up on the opening day was a riot. The only way to the away end was for the entirety of the Rovers support to shuffle along a row of seats which already had people sat in them! Total tin pot behaviour.
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