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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. Folk love bashing AVFTT. Seems to be the cool thing to do. Rather than just appreciating that there’s something on BBC prime time that’s about lower league Scottish football.
  2. Jack Smith going out on loan to Dundonald. I thought he’s looked pretty good when he’s played. EoS is a really poor level.
  3. His twitter account says he’s from Kirkcaldy. Edit: He’s just been followed by Matthew elder.
  4. Referee in the Dortmund game has been terrific. One of the best performances I’ve seen.
  5. Listening to some of the Open Goal podcasts but I cannot fucking stand Paul Slane. Why does he say “Si” at the end of almost every sentence? Makes it near unlistenable. Is that a west coast thing; saying someone’s name at the end of sentences repeatedly?
  6. We are on the cusp on another bit of silverware and are leading the league with 12 games to go with a great squad and management team. Can we no just fucking get along? Jesus Christ.
  7. Either name your sources or acknowledge the fact that you’re a wee attention seeking VL.
  8. Were you not the boy who claimed he was going to Falkirk and had had his picture taken at TFS with the strip? And were then told that you were talking a lot of shite by someone who works at the stadium?
  9. Boys, I think you’re excellent. I’ve stood with you at loads of away games, been on the same trains and walks to the ground. It’s been a total breath of fresh air and it’s the most I’ve enjoyed going to the games in a decade. Just stop breaking seats?
  10. It’s daft that when folk are called out for vandalism there are those who automatically say, “well do you want to go back to sitting on your hands with no atmosphere?”. Those aren’t the only two options available, here. I’ve absolutely loved the singing at the games and the atmosphere returning, but that doesn’t automatically mean you need to accept smashing seats. There is a, very obvious, far better and more acceptable middle ground.
  11. Caley winning is the best scenario. We can have a real final, despite it being in Perth with barely a stand worth of folk.
  12. This squad, man. Been a long, long time since I’ve loved a team as much as I love this one.
  13. Needs work. Wind is pretty wild in Edinburgh. Anything like that in Scotland’s second city and the game will be a lottery.
  14. Tend to find when clubs like that get their big day out it attracts the absolute vermin from the town. See the Broxburn jakey performing a one man pitch invasion at St Mirren for a perfect example.
  15. Me, too. I ended up with a ticket in that section without actually asking for one, so was fair looking forward to it. Hopefully everyone who wants to be involved can just congregate in the one area and they can crack on.
  16. We’ve been moved stand. Rendering the purchase of allocated tickets utterly pointless. Solid organisation from Thistle, here.
  17. We’ve sold 500 tickets already. For a Friday night game which is on the tv that’s excellent.
  18. ...we still wouldn’t drink Carlsberg. Looks like the weather will play a big part in most games again this weekend.
  19. Spot on. He once called us Falkirk for the entire first half of a televised game against Celtic.
  20. Disappointed Barjonas won’t be playing.
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