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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. 3-0 at home and I absolutely at no point felt like the game was won. I know every club must feel like their club does that but f**k me we are dreadful for it.
  2. Got one last week, too. I think reports of Dingwall’s demise are vastly over-egged. Offers plenty.
  3. If I had 100 guesses to say what “ride the pine” meant, I don’t think I’d ever get round to the way it’s just been used there.
  4. What a goal by Nisbet - b*****d. We’d be fucking romping the league if we’d held onto him.
  5. Sounds a lot like you’ve bounced Tidser out the door and immediately spent the money on McManus. Perhaps not the worst decision, all things considered.
  6. Excellent on his day, I wanted to keep him. Has the quality but couldn’t string any sort of run of form together. Will run games in his own at times, be invisible others. Good signing overall, I’d say.
  7. Not sure there’ll be anyone in the championship after Miller.
  8. 100% a penalty. Edouard also misses a completely open goal.
  9. Where have folk read about possible bids for Bowie? Is it just from the scouts having been to watch him earlier in the season?
  10. Baird has got it in him. He's proven it over however many years that he can sore goals. He's looking fitter each week and has scored I the last couple. I wouldn't bet against him getting 10 or so in the final 15.
  11. Young boys have posted on twitter that the Nando song won’t be sung anymore. A wise choice. Let’s all move on and get everyone together behind the team for the run in.
  12. Feel like these next few games are really important. Three of the next four league games after this are away from home. For me, we need to be looking at a win v Montrose, then 6 points as a minimum from those. Falkirk seem to be getting their shit together week on week and are still unbeaten under their new management. Who we are able to get in this month will have a huge bearing on the destination of the league trophy, you’d think. Spencer being out would have been a big blow a few months ago but Tait has been a more than adequate replacement; indeed it would be a difficult choice to choose between them should they both be fit. I do think Matthews needs to play, we are far too soft in the middle without him. Montrose rightly felt aggrieved to have lost all three points last time out and we’ll need to be better than then to get a result. Interesting few weeks coming up.
  13. OK. So some people think it’s racist and everyone should stop it. Others think it’s fine and should continue. But what about Kick It Out? Here’s what they said about the Romelu Lukaku song sung by Man Utd fans a few years ago: "Kick It Out is aware of footage of alleged racist chanting by supporters of Manchester United that emerged on Wednesday evening," a spokesman told The Times. "The lyrics used in the chant are offensive and discriminatory. "Racist stereotypes are never acceptable in football or wider society, irrespective of any intention to show support for a player. "We have contacted Manchester United regarding the issues and will be working closely with them and the FA to ensure that it is addressed swiftly. "If we received any reports relating to the discriminatory chant, those well be passed to the governing body and the perpetrators can expect to face punishment."
  14. But it’s not sung about them, is it? That’s the whole point.
  15. Calling someone a “snowflake” is a sure fire sign that you’re a fucking idiot, btw.
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